The Pride
This is my Mom. Her name is Polly, and she is going to give me hell for putting up the picture of her with her finger crammed up her nose. It's her fault for sending it to me. She just got a computer so I suppose Iwill have to change this eventually!
Here we have my Dad, his name is Michael. He is incredibly smart. As you see he did not give me a picture of him with his finger up his nose. Never fear I will get a silly photo of him somehow!
This is my Gramma and Aunt Nada.
It's Gramma's birthday, they even act like this when it's not a holiday. Crazy Norwegian women.
My Gramma is the one in the grey shirt.
This is Steve and Penny, they are an uncle and aunt too. They are theater people. Need I say more?
This is my Uncle  Dan and Aunt Chrissie. they just had a baby. He is further down the page.
This is another set of aunt and uncle. Tony and Shelly. They belong to Nah and Tess. Also somewhere down the page a bit
This is Renee and Mike. They are yet another aunt and uncle. It's all her fault I like cats so much.
These are my cousins Becky and Jess.  They inherited all the legs in the family. They must have come from their dad's side. They are quite possibly the closest sisters I have ever met.
These cuties are Noah and Tess. They are cousins too. These  are the ones that lay claim to Tony and Shelly. 
This is my cousin Luke he belonds to Dan and Christine. He is generally very smily, I think he may have been caught off gaurd by the flash.
This is just the grandkids. I think this is the only picture of all 6 of us.
We are cute, what can I say?
This is esentially the whole Kinney  clan. Are Norweigens a Clan?? What are they??Hmmmm...
The only people missing are my Mom and my Aunt Penny.
This is Aunt Ann( in the middle ) with her daughters (Jennifer and Theresa, from left to right). Ann is my Mom's sister.
This is Jennifer and her family. From Left to Right we have Todd, Katherine, Jennifer and Zack.
I wish I had a better picture!
This is Zack and his sister Katherine. They are my cousin Jennifer's kids. I don't see them very often but I think that will change soon!
This is Katherine. Is she cute or what?? Shortly after this was taken the poor unsuspecting kitty joined her in the tub.
This was taken while my uncle Mark, aunt Elenor, counsin Christopher and my Mom were waiting to get into a taping of the Today Show.
I don't have pictures of my youngest cousin Emily or my cousins Eric and Jason.I am trying to rectify this. It isn't easy. I may have to steal pictures from my Aunt Ann!
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