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Warning: Enter only if you'd like to be rich, or to continue to be so.
My philosphy in money matters is simple. It is based on the ancient Chinese� philosopher of war,Sun Tzu. There are three ways to fight a war:

1. know thy enemy
2. know thy self
3. know thy enemy and thy self

The latter is the most fruitful and,of course, the most difficult.

It takes both time and wisdom to know the stock market. It helps to have some experience. The markets are an old game that have been played for centuries. It is constantly changing, but forever stays the same.

It also takes both time and wisdom to know thy self. It helps to have some experience as well. Failure is just a good of a teacher as success, so long as you take the experience to learn from. Every person has the opportunity to learn, it is how you learn and what you do with this that matters most.

The pages which follow will allow you to gain the tools to win the war of the purest form of Capitalism.

Market History/ Investing Knowledge/ Market Psychology/ Legends of the Markets/ Day Trading/ Options / Taxes

Self-Knowledge/ Self-Improvement/ Business Strategies
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