Gladiator Fan Reviews
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Jan 11
The first wonderful epic done by Riddley Scott in years. 'Gladiator' was a stunning film filled to the brim with state of the art special effects, costumes, and scenery. in the film you do not only see gorgeous costumes, breath taking scenery, amazing landscaping, and over the top CGI shots it is also full of amazing talent by the actors. Russell Crowe is the film, seeing that he is the gladiator. the story revolves around Maximus (Russell) going from a general, to a slave, to a gladiator. and he does a wonderful job at it, but there are also amazing supporting actors in the film which from time to time do steel the show from Russell. one of these is a distinguished young actor named Joaquin Phoenix who plays the eccentric and spoiled Commodus the young and foolish emperor, who tries to kill Maximus. you can even see from the first time he comes on screen he exudes a menacing darkness that is seen through his lightly color eyes and dark eye makeup. another actor in the film is a new face to many is named Connie Nielson who definitely holds her own around such masculine costars such as Russell and Joaquin. she plays Commodus' sister who is in love with Maximus and is trying to hold together her brother from going insane and destroying everything that her father worked so hard for to build. and then there is Richard Harris the Irish actor that we all know and love who plays the last great emperor and also the last one of pax Romana, Marcus Araleus the fragile emperor is torn between doing was is best for his empire and his ignored and spoiled son. Throughout the film you also see other great actors and little side stories to hold your interest, which it does a great job of. despite all these wonderful and amazing things there is a lot of gore and bloodshed to been seen, but if you don't like it just turn your head. though i would not recommend you not to see this film just because of the gore. it is a film for everyone who is sick of those stupid sword and sandal epics. it is different and that is what makes it great. To prove to you that it is a great film it has been nominated for several golden globe nominations including best actor, Russell Crowe, best supporting actor, Joaquin Phoenix, and best picture. It has also stirred up a lot of oscar buzz and I expect to see plenty nominations for them as well.
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