

Another story I found while rummaginfg through my files. I had completely forgotten this one, but hope to get it going again.



~Chapter 1~

By looking at Donavann Mitchell you wouldn�t guess that the black haired blue-eyed girl was a runaway. She wore tight low-rise black jeans and a black halter-top with a little rhinestone Chinese symbol for �fighter�. Over that she wore a black zip up sweatshirt with the logo of her favorite band. She had zipped her jacket to protect herself from the chilly breeze that was blowing.
Donavann was sixteen-years old and the week before had found out that her drug addict parents had drained her college fund and savings account to buy their drugs; this pushed her over the edge, so she packed up a few clothes and personal belongings then left, taking her black cat, Meemo with her.
She swore to herself that she would never let them drive her to do what her brother had done. The year before her twin brother, Dominick had been unable to stand the situation and had committed suicide. Donavann had found Dom in the tub, his wrists sliced. The water had been so thick with blood it was like paint, she had wrapped a towel around his wrist to stop the bleeding, but there was no blood to stop from escaping. As her mind settled on this memory she felt a great swell of hatred towards her parents rise in her, she calmed the feeling and continued cruising through her memories. When she had left her parents house, her long time friend Camden Wright offered to let her stay in the guest room in his loft apartment. Camden was a tall blonde haired blue-eyed nineteen years old. He worked as an elementary school counselor at the school a few blocks away from his apartment. Donavann was sitting on a bench in the park across the street from Camden�s Apartment building. She went there to think and read. She had sat there for hours, her mind going through her most recent situation. Her stomach grumbled, shaking her from her thoughts.
�Come on,� Donavann said, standing. �I just fed you.� She gripped at her stomach as it rumbled again. She began walking down the street. Her stomach called for food and her mind said cheeseburger with bacon. Her feet took her in the direction of the nearest diner. As she walked she pulled a cell phone out of her pocket. She dialed the number of Camden's phone. It rang five times before he answered in a sleepy voice.
�Hello?� he grunted.
�Hey, did I wake you up?� Donavann asked.
�What was your first clue, Vann?� he answered sarcastically.
�I�m going to grab some food,� Vann replied. �You want anything before you go to work?� She asked.
�This is my first day off in three weeks. Tomorrow I have to go over the file of a suicidal ten-year-old. So I plan to spend today sleeping, thank you very much.� He mumbled and hung up. Vann smiled and put the phone back in her pocket. She looked up and waited for the sign at the crosswalk to change, and then she stepped into the street. Halfway across a horn sounded and Vann turned in time to see the little blue sedan before it hit her, throwing her body onto the hood and into the windshield. The driver slammed on the brakes and Vann slid off the hood and hit the road. She felt a stab of pain in her side before she blacked out.
~ * ~

She woke, her head and side ached; she forced her head to move, so she could look around. She lay in a small hospital room; there was a police officer dozing in a chair next to the door. She pushed herself up carefully; she felt a twinge of pain in her side and shrieked.
�Huh-what?� the police officer was startled awake, he looked around and noticed the girl sitting up looking quizzically at him. �She lives.� He said smiling as he stood and wandered over to her.
A nurse came in and checked Vann's vitals on the monitors, and changed the bandages on her side, where she had a wicked case of road rash and a small cut from the windshield, then smiled and left. The police officer had left while the nurse was there, once the nurse left he returned, pulling out a pad of paper and a pen he spoke gently.
�All right, Hun. My names officer Grant, I have some question for you.� he said. �Can you tell me your name?� after a moment of silence he looked up at her, surprised to see tears in the young girls eyes.
�I-I don�t know.� She said quietly. Her mind wheeled trying to remember, but came up with nothing. Her stomach heaved and she bent over the side of bed and vomited. She felt a hand on her back, and another on her shoulder. Once she regained control over herself she sat back and saw Grant looking concerned
�You okay, Hun?� He asked. Vann couldn�t answer. It only took them an hour to get a psyche consultant. Officer Grant sat and held Vann's hand while she waited, reassuring her that everything would be fine. When the door opened a woman walked in and introduced her self.
�Hello dear.� She said. She was a short woman, just about Vann's height. Her hair was light brown and her eyes were light blue. She was wearing a maroon pants suit and carrying a brown leather bag. �My name is Charlotte Smith,� she rustled around in her bag and pulled out a notepad and pen. �you can call me Char.� She smiled politely at her.
�Okay.� Vann said quietly. Char asked every question she could think of to bring any memory to the young girls mind.
�Well, I don�t know what to tell you.� Char said, reviewing the notes she had written. �I�ve never-� she cut off when the door opened and a man in a white lab coat called her out. Watching through the window she saw what looked like an argument from her bed. When Char opened the door to re-enter the room Vann heard a small portion of their argument.
�You are not sending a teenage girl with amnesia to the psyche ward!� she shouted. Char turned to Vann and shook her head. �You�ll be coming home with me.� She said. �Until you can regain your memories.� It took three and half long hours for Char to get permission to take the girl home with her. While she did so, Vann pulled on her clothes. Her jeans and top were mostly undamaged, but her jacket was ruined. Her side ached but she peeled the bandages off and looked at the scrapes and cut. She ran her hand over them gently.
�Oh, I�m sorry.� Char said when she opened the door.
�It�s okay.� Vann said pulling her shirt back down over her torso.
�Ready to go, Raven?� Char asked. Vann looked at her.
��Raven�?� Vann asked. Char looked at her.
�If you don�t like it, we can think of something else.� She said. �I just thought of your hair, you know?� Vann shook her head and smiled a little.
�I like it.� Vann said, Char smiled, glad to have gotten the girl to smile. As they walked out the doors of the hospital and packed into Char�s small yellow beetle. As they drove out of the hospital parking lot Vann stared out the window, feeling hopeless and lost.
�It�ll all be okay.� Char said suddenly. She stared at the road ahead. �I promise I�ll help you get back to your life.� Vann continued to stare out the window. But uttered a small thank you and then, fell silent again.

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