

This is a story I acctually started because I was tired of hearing about the elves and decided to write a story about a dark elf just because I wanted to hear one.


~Shadow's Light~

~Chapter 1~

Drows are dark and mysterious creatures, also commonly known as Dark Elves. They wander the woods from the day they are turned to the day they die. You see, Drows are turned, not born. Only a Drow can turn an elf. So elves hunt Drows mercilessly. But once, an elf woman gave birth to a black-skinned, red-eyed, white-haired Drow child. It was decided by the other elves that the child had been born as a cursed child, from the womb of a woman cursed by the Gods. Fearful for her child�s safety, the woman fled into the woods. There, in the Breeth Forest, she raised her child, whom she named Shadow. When Shadow was thirteen, her mother passed away, leaving her alone. With her mother gone the darkness took her, and she began to wander the forest, turning any elf she came across. Soon the elves avoided the forest, saying that it was cursed. But after killing an elf child she had deemed to young too turn, Shadow became the target of a large elf hunting party. They flowed into the woods, bows loaded and swords unsheathed. Shadow saw the hunting party and smiled, excited about the new prey that had entered her forest.
�This should be entertaining,� Shadow whispered to herself as she sat on a limb high in a tree, where she had been stalking a deer. She strapped her bow to her back and swung out of the tree, landing lightly on her feet. Shadow walked quietly, black leather stretched tightly over her arms, legs and feet. Her chain mail chinked quietly over her torso; it fell just above her knees. Her red eyes scanned the surrounding trees; wisps of her long white hair occasionally blowing into her line of vision. When she caught sight of an elf, clad in gold mail and a scarlet cape, passing between the trees, she loaded her bow silently and aimed, watching her target. Her opportunity came and Shadow let the bowstring snap. The elf let out a small scream and fell. Shadow waited to see if his shriek would attract others, but none came. She walked over to him and stared down into his frightened eyes. She knelt and looked at the wound; her arrow had pierced his left lung from the front, but had not gone all the way through.
�Well, that�s no good,� she said, taking the shaft in her hand. �Lets get that out of there, shall we?� clamping a hand over his mouth, she pulled hard and an evil smile spread over her face as he screamed into her hand. Tears fell from his eyes as blood poured from the wound.
�So, elf. Shall I turn you?� she said. A flash of fear crossed the elf�s face. �Or shall I leave you to die?� her hand still covered his mouth. �Answer if you will.� Shadow took her hand from his mouth.
�I�d rather lie here and die, than become what you are.� he spat. She leaned forward until her nose was only inches away from his.
�Very well, master elf,� she said, laying her hand on his head and leaning in close to him. Her nose was centimeters away from his. She could see the fear in his eyes. �A Drow you shall be!� she added loudly, forcing herself into his mind. She searched through his memories until she found what she was looking for. A single bad memory, which would be the base for the hate she planted in him. With her work done, she pulled back, snapping out of his mind and back into the forest. She stood and watched the elf writhe and convulse, his skin turning dark and his hair turning white; his eyes were the last to change from deep blue to blood red. Then he lay still. Suddenly the sound of approaching elves rang in Shadow�s ears. She jumped and climbed as high as the tree would allow; turning back to look at her work she saw a group of three elves standing around the newly turned Drow. One unsheathed his sword, and, without any hesitation, took one swing downward, decapitating the Drow. Shadow shook her head and waited for the elves to leave. Once they had gone, she dropped down next to the body.
�What a waste.� she snarled; then, without looking back, she strode off into the woods, again taking refuge in the foliage.


It had been a week since her last encounter with an elf. She was again out in the woods, hunting. The deer stood grazing quietly; Shadow crouched in the bushes nearby, loading her bow. She stood without making a sound and took aim at the beast. Suddenly a spearhead sprouted from the deer�s neck. Shadow crouched again, watching. A small figure came out from the bushes opposite her and pulled the spear from the beast�s neck. Shadow watched to find that the figure was a small boy. Not an elf, his ears told her that. He must be a mortal, she thought to herself. She stepped from the bushes and stood, her arms folded across her chest. With his back turned, the boy did not notice her. This annoyed Shadow, as she was not used to being ignored.
�What right have you to take that deer, boy?� she asked. The boy froze, and looked back at her slowly. His eyes widened at the sight of her. �Gods.� He said, standing. �What are you?� Shadow looked him over. He looked as if he was no older than twelve; he had pale, creamy skin and sandy brown hair. He wore short breeches, no shoes, and a loose cotton shirt that looked to be much too big for him.
�Answer my question, and I may answer yours. Now, I ask again. Why have you come to this place?� Shadow asked loudly. The boy opened his mouth to speak, but no sound emerged, so he closed it and swallowed hard. Then tried again. �I-I was sent here, b-by my master.� The boy stammered. Shadow stepped closer and strapped her bow again to her back. �Quit your shaking boy. I�ve no reason to harm you.� She snarled stepping around him. She pulled her dagger out and, kneeling, began slicing at the deer. �Why did your master send you, boy?� she asked as she cut at the meat.
�H-he wished me to b-bring him some f-food.� The boy watched as Shadow sliced portions from the best parts of the animal. �P-please, misses. I-I has to take him something. H-he�ll kill me if I don�t,� he pleaded.
�It�s not him you should fear, boy,� she said, turning slowly to face him. He looked at her, horrified. �Its me.� Then, taking her cuts of the meat, she wrapped them and stashed them in her pouch. She reached out and grabbed the boys arm. He screamed and tried to wrench his arm free, as Shadow�s magic burned a black handprint into the soft, pale flesh of his arm. She released him and snarled, �Take what you wish and get out of my forest.� Then she bent over and looked into the frightened child�s teary eyes. �Tell your master I�ll kill the next slave he sends into my woods.� She turned and walked out of the clearing. The boy looked after her, clutching the handprint on his arm. Then he took what was left of the meat, wrapped it, and carried it away in his arms.


Shadow came across the remains of the boy four days later. By the look of it, he had been attacked by a pack of wolves. His body was all but gone. The black handprint was untouched.
�Pity,� she said, crouching by the pile of bones. �Wolves should get more to eat than one scrawny little boy.� Standing, she heard the sound of approaching men, and again took to the trees. This time it was a group of mortals. Two large men stood around the body. Shadow caught some of their conversation despite how high up she was.
�Aye, that�ll be the one,� said one of the men in a gruff voice.
�Poor young lad. I suppose we ought to bury him.� Said another. They began digging and soon had a hole large enough and deep enough for the child�s bones.
�Marcus, look at this,� One of the men was pointing at the black handprint on the boy�s arm.
�This forest is cursed. Let us bury the lad and be done with it.� The other said. They went about the burial and soon had the task done. Shadow watched quietly, then an evil grin spread over her face. She dropped down behind the two men. They spun around to face her, both drawing their swords.
�What manner of creature is this?� one of them asked, he was short and had long black hair.
�Who cares what it is Jacob? Just kill it.� He said, throwing a dagger at Shadow. She caught it in her hands and threw it back at him, where it buried itself in his skull. The other man shouted.
�Marcus!� Jacob cried. He then turned to Shadow, and fell to his knee�s begging. �Please, don�t kill me. I�ll do anything you want, just don�t kill me.� His pleading was pitiful. Shadow held her sword to his throat and took his wrist. She did the same to him as she had done to the boy, leaving a black handprint around his wrist, then gave him a message to give to his master.
�Stay out of my woods. Or I�ll keep killing you people.� She said, and then sent the man on his way. He ran for all he was worth. Shadow did not know if her message was delivered, but no mortal entered her woods. It was long before she saw any creature at all that was not a deer. It was a horse. The large black horse was limping around the forest, an arrow embedded in its right shoulder. Shadow approached the animal carefully. It stopped and looked at her, when it did, Shadow saw why someone would try to kill such a fine beast. Its eyes were gone, burned out by the look of the scaring. Shadow frowned, thinking. She took a length of rope and tied the animal, then led it to her camp. Why would someone burn out the eyes of such a horse, she thought as she tied the horse to a tree. While her meal cooked she gathered some food and water for her new horse.
�I shall call you Nightmare.� Shadow said, laying the food and water before the animal. �A fitting name for the nightmare you must have gone through.� A thought struck her and she checked the sex of her companion. �A beautiful mare.� Shadow said, then went about her dinner. While she ate a thought came to Shadow. She had once heard that a certain breed of horse could be turned, she couldn�t remember which, and it wouldn�t have mattered if she could as she didn�t know the breed of Nightmare. She stood next to Nightmare and put her hand on the creatures back, she pushed inside with her magic and felt for the memories. There, she pulled at them and found what she had been looking for. The last memory Nightmare had before she lost her eyes. She saw it as clear as if she herself had been there. She was in a stall, the markings and architecture around her revealed that she had once belonged to an elf. Someone came towards her, a red hot rod in hand. Ropes were tied around her neck, preventing her from moving. Before the rod touched Shadow caught a glimpse of the attacker. He was an elf, with light blond hair and dark green eyes. Lines crossed his face, making him look old. He came closer and touched the rod to Nightmares eye. Shadow was thrown out of the memory. She recovered quickly and began to search for the burned tissue that had once been the animal�s eyes. She forced her magic out, into the tissue. It began to rebuild the burned flesh, repairing the eyes. Sweat formed on Shadows forehead, she ignored the annoyance and kept working. She was almost finished when her magic died; she reached inside her life force and drew from it. Determined to give this horse what had been taken from her. She finished and stepped away, swaying from side to side. She had drained to much from her life force and she knew it. She swore and fell to the earth in a dead faint.


Shadow rode Nightmare through the forest. After the healing, Nightmare and Shadow had grown close. Neither went anywhere without the other. They were out for a short ride; Shadow was absorbed in her thoughts. She had been thinking of her mother a lot lately, though she didn�t understand why. Her mother had had long brown hair, and dark creamy skin. Her eyes had been the most beautiful blue. Shadow looked down at her black hands and felt her white hair. Her red eyes focused on the road ahead. Why had she been born this way? Her mother never could answer that question, even she herself didn�t understand it. Shadow was shaken from her memories when an arrow struck her in the shoulder. She screamed and Nightmare bolted, taking Shadow with her. Shadow reached up and pulled the arrow from her shoulder, swearing. She looked back to see five elves riding white horses, all with bows and axes. Shadow urged Nightmare to go faster. But the horse was going as fast as its long legs would allow. Shadow pulled her own bow from her back and loaded it. She swung around on Nightmares back, so she could see her attackers. She let loose an arrow and it struck one of the five. He pulled back and the other four advanced. An arrow sailed at Nightmares back, Shadow reached up and grabbed it, then loaded it into her own bow and sent it back to its master. He was struck and fell from his horse. Shadow swung around again, to face front. She did not have enough arrows to kill all the elves, she would have to outrun them.
�Now�s your chance to prove yourself.� Shadow said to Nightmare. She sent a surge of energy into the horse. Nightmare ran as fast as she could, sweat rolling of her neck and flanks. The elves were still following, three now. The other two Shadow hoped were dead. She felt a stab of pain in her back, followed closely by another, and another. Shadow held on to Nightmares mane for dear life. Lifting her head, she saw the edge of the woods, and knew that the elves meant to kill her or chase her out. Nightmare burst from the woods, into an foggy clearing. Shadow pulled at the rope that served as reins and stopped Nightmare, she looked back at the woods. The elves had stopped; she looked at them, and then took one last look at her home, before she snapped the reins and disappeared into the fog.


They walked for days, keeping away from roads and towns. Shadow had not been able to remove the arrows from her back, as she could not reach them. They became infected, giving Shadow a high fever. It was all she could do to stay mounted on Nightmares back. They were walking on a small road one night when a snake slithered from some high weeds on the side of the trail, startling Nightmare, who reared, sending her rider flying. Shadow landed thankfully on her stomach, but did not have the strength to stand and chase the frightened animal. She lay there, on the dirt road. Her breathing shallow and her head burning, she could do nothing but lay there. Suddenly, something appeared in the road before her. It was a horse and cart. A man rode atop it, leading the large chestnut colored horse. The man stopped feet away from shadow. She heard him jump down from the buggy and walk towards her.
�Gods. It�s a woman.� He knelt and put a hand on one of the arrow shafts. Shadow gasped in pain. �Miss? Miss I�m sorry but I must move ye.� He said loudly. �Eh, Roland. Give me a hand will you?� He sounded young. They picked her up and hefted her into the back of the cart. Shadow lay there, still to weak to move. They began to move down the road. Shadow rolled over onto her side. She looked up at the two men, one sat on the edge leading the horse, and he was kind of a big guy and had black hair that fell to his ears. The other was sitting next to her, looking in the opposite direction. The cart hit a rock and jostled Shadow back first into the side of the cart. The ends of the arrows hit the side and Shadow gasped. The man in the back looked at her, he was a small skinny kid with dark brown hair and brown eyes. He reached over and touched her shoulder. She felt a flood of magic enter from the point of contact between her and the boy. She looked at him, her vision blurring.
�What manner of magic is this?� she asked, lying back down on her stomach. The boy smiled, a kind smile. Shadow could no longer keep her eyes open, she closed them and fell into a dreamless sleep.
~ Chapter 2 ~

Shadow woke in a small room, lying on the bed. Her back ached dully, she ignored it and sat up. Looking around she saw a table and chair, where her chain mail, sword, daggers and bow lay. A mirror hung above it, on the wall. A brightly colored rug was spread over the floor, covering the wood.
Shadow pulled herself off the bed and stepped over to the table then twisted around to see the holes in her back. Three thin red cuts were set in the black skin of her back. She turned around and picked up her mail and weapons, pulling the mail on and then belting her sword around her waist and strapping her bow to her back. Shadow heard a small knock on the door.
�Miss? Are you awake?� said a female voice. Shadow walked to the door and pulled it open, dagger in hand. A young girl stood there, her black hair was long and curly. She had deep green eyes that stared at Shadow with a frightened look. She wore a pale pink top and a brown leather corset. A white apron was tied around her waist and a full brown skirt reached to the floor, covering her feet.
�What is it, youngling?� Shadow demanded.
�My master wishes to speak with you, if you are well enough.� she said shakily.
�Lead on.� Shadow motioned for the girl to move. She nodded and led Shadow down a hall lined with doors. �My names Jacquelyn by the way, and this is the Tantoo Arena, it�s where warriors come to train and fight. It�s a fairly large place, when you walk in through those large wooden entrance doors,� they had emerged from the end of the hallway and into another. The servant girl pointed down the hall where the wooden doors stood. �You come into this hall. Down that way there are three hallways, one going left, one going right and one going straight.� They stood at this intersection, the girl calmly giving Shadow a detailed description of where every hallway lead to. They had just come from the hallway to the left. �We just came from the hall where guest rooms, the infirmary and recovery rooms are. Also, one of our prizefighters, Kale, he has a permanent room down that hallway as well as a door that leads to the stables. To the right is the weapons master. He�ll sharpen your blades, repair your armor and he has a way with bows.� Jacquelyn said. �Down that way is the arena and the common room. Which is where we�re going.� she led Shadow down that hallway and showed her inside the first door.
The commons was a large room with tables and raised levels in the floor that were covered in pillows. Jacquelyn led Shadow over to a table where three people sat. The one on the far right was the young boy who had used his magic on her, in the cart. He wore tan breaches and a deep green shirt, his eyes matched the pale green of the older man sitting next to him. The older man was tall and had silver gray hair; her wore robes of deep blue that were trimmed with gold. The other had short black hair that revealed his elfin ears.
Shadow�s hand drifted to her sword hilt at the sight of the elf. His eyes narrowed at the sight of her.
�Master? Please pardon the interruption, I�ve brought her.� Jacquelyn motioned at Shadow. �This is my master, Bilious,� She motioned at the gray haired man, who nodded in return. �His son, Nebrion,� The boy from the cart nodded. �And this is one of our prize fighters, Kale.� The elf spoke with a commanding nature. �Good day, madam Drow.�
�Sir elf.� Shadow replied. There was a tense silence, before Nebrion spoke; he seemed pale.
�Father, if I may retire? I do not feel well. To much ale I�m afraid.� Nebroin stood. �Good night all.�
�Give him a hand back to our room, Jacquelyn, he doesn�t look well..� Bilious instructed. Jacquelyn took Nebrion�s arm and led him out of the commons room door. Shadow noticed a bandage on his hand, but dismissed it.
�Sorry, what?� Shadow said realizing that Bilious had just asked her a question. He smiled and spoke again. �May I buy you a drink, Madam Drow?�
�No, thank you, Sir Bilious.� Shadow responded.
�Care to tell us your name, Madam Drow?� Kale spoke.
�I only give my name to the very privileged few, whom I trust, or the many whom I intend to kill in the near future.� Shadow turned to Kale and stared into his cold blue eyes. �You, sir elf, may call me Shadow.�
�Does this mean you trust me? Or do you intend to kill me?� Kale asked.
�You�ll find out in time, Kale.� Shadow said, sitting in the seat nearest to her. Bilious sipped the brown liquid in his glass.
�So, Shadow, Nebrion and Kale�s manservant Roland said they found you lying in the road with three arrows in your back.� Bilious took another swallow and continued. �Mind explaining, or is that only for the trusted few as well?�
�No, that is public knowledge. You can hear it if you wish.� Shadow said. Bilious nodded and she continued. �I was careless and elves took their opportunity to drive me from my home in the Breeth Forest.� Shadow�s eyes darted to Kales, he met her stare, but his eyes seemed to soften when he heard her tale, but the cold look returned within a moment.
�So, do you wish to stay or will you return to your home and seek revenge?� Kale asked.
�I�ve no reason, I�ll not return. I may stay here for a time.� She turned to Bilious. �But I will leave sometime. My life won�t be spent here.�
�I hope you enjoy your time here.� Bilious replied. �Madam Shadow, may I see your weapon?� He asked hopefully looking at Shadow.
�Whatever for?� Shadow asked.
�Curiosity. I�ve always had an interest in weaponry and I�ve yet to see a Drow blade.� Bilious shrugged. Shadow watched the elf as she unsheathed the blade and handed it to Bilious, handle first.
�Beware, don�t cut yourself on the blade. Or the poison will surely kill you before I can mix the antidote.� Shadow warned.
�Poison?� Bilious suddenly went pale.
�Aye.� Shadow replied. �All my weapons are tipped with it.� Bilious stood and rushed from the commons. Shadow watched him go, she felt someone lifting the sword from her hand. She turned to see Kale examining her blade.
�Very nice craftsman ship. Well made.� He handed it back. Shadow snatched it and stood. She sheathed the blade and turned from the table, walking out of the commons.
Shadow headed back down the hall and towards her room in the guest hall. She thought back to Kale and how he had looked at her. The coldness in his voice and the look of hatred in his eyes, he seemed so hateful towards her. She was used to people hating her before they actually met her. It hadn�t even mattered before but somehow the elf made her uneasy. Not fearfully, but every look made her heart jump and her mind whir. What could it be? Did she like the elf? Shadow almost laughed at the thought, as she turned a corner.
The tip of a sword was pointed at her chest. She looked up and glared at the owner to find a furious Bilious staring at her.
�Something wrong, Bilious?� Shadow asked innocently.
�Nebrion. He�s dead.� Bilious snarled.
�Is that my fault in some way?� Shadow said, raising her eyebrows.
�He cut his hand on your sword. Your poison killed him.� He said shakily. Shadow saw tears streaming down his face.
�I didn�t tell him to play with my weapons.� Shadow growled. �This is of no fault of mine.�
�I don�t care.� Bilious snarled. �I challenge you to a fight. To the death.�
�Very well. Name the time.� Shadow said.
�Dawn.� Bilious decided. Shadow nodded her agreement. Bilious glared at her one last time, sheathed his sword and stormed away.
Kale appeared at Shadows side. He spoke quietly. �He�s old and upset. Kill him quickly, as I�ve no doubt you will defeat him.� He walked away in the direction of Bilious.
~ * ~

Shadow woke early in the morning, she lay in bed for a moment before she sat up and pulled on her leather and chain mail. She stretched, then belted on her sword and strapped her bow to her back. She bit into an apple as someone knocked on her door. She pulled it open. Jacquelyn stood there.
�Its time, Madam Shadow.� Jacquelyn said. Shadow tossed the apple out the open window and stepped into the hall after the girl. When they reached the doors to the stadium, Jacquelyn pulled them open. The bright morning light blinded Shadow momentarily; she made a mental note to avoid the sun during the fight. The stadium was in the style of the ancient Romans. Beautiful paintings of warriors were hung high on the pillars that encircled the arena. The arena itself was roughly a mile in diameter.
�Enjoy them now.� Jacquelyn said, noticing what Shadow was looking at. �When the fight begins you won�t be looking at the pretty pictures.� Shadow smiled again, it was becoming a more and more common thing for her.
Bilious arrived a few minutes later, her wore a long red tunic and loose white breeches, with brown leather boots. He carried his sword and had a cold look on his face. Shadow returned the look, as she pulled her sword from its sheath. Bilious and Shadow stood in the center of the stadium, swords crossed.
Kale stood in next to them, a hand on either sword hilt. He looked at each fighter and after confirming that each was prepared.
�This is a no magic fight. Any magic will be cause for immediate forfeit and death. Begin!� He pulled his hands off the sword hilts, and backed away.
Shadow pulled her sword free of Bilious� and swung in a crescent moon attack, aiming at his side; the scars on her back pulled, threatening to break open. Bilious jumped back and then darted forward at Shadow�s chest. Shadow turned but not fast enough; the tip of Bilious� sword sliced Shadow�s shoulder and blood trickled down her arm.
Shadow swore and crouched, swinging her leg under Bilious� feet, knocking him to the ground. Shadow jumped at him. Bilious reacted faster than she had expected and he placed his feet on her stomach sending her flying about fifty feet. Shadow landed on her back and the air was knocked form her. Shadow gasped and stood shakily. She looked up and saw Bilious charging at her. Shadow jumped aside.
�I�ve had enough, old man!� Shadow yelled, as he charged past her. Throwing her sword aside and pulling her bow from her back, she placed an arrow in the string with remarkable speed and sent it at Bilious. He turned and charged again, a wild crazy look in his eyes. The arrow struck his shoulder; he staggered but continued his charge. Shadow jumped to the side and reloaded her bow, sending it into Bilious� back. He fell and stopped moving. Shadow stood and strapped her bow to her back
Jacquelyn rushed forward and looked at the deep cut on her shoulder and the various little scrapes and bruises. �You alright, Madam Shadow?�
�I�ll live.� Shadow brushed Jacquelyn aside and turned back to Bilious, to see him standing using his sword to support his weight. �Why do you persist, old man?� Shadow growled, picking up her sword as she strode toward the cowering figure.
�Nothing can defeat a parent who has lost a child.� Bilious snarled at her as she drew near. Shadow placed her fingers under Bilious� chin and lifted his head; staring into his pale green eyes ruthlessly.
�Something can defeat you, Bilious. A cold, ruthless, killer.� she smiled, showing her white teeth. �Lucky for you, I happen to fulfill all requirements.� She pulled the sword out from under him. He fell spread eagle on the ground face down.
�Join your son, Bilious.� Shadow whispered. She took Bilious� sword and spun it in her hand then drove it through his back, stabbing it into the ground. There were a few faint choking sounds before he lay still. Blood pooled around the body, staining the ground a deep red.
Shadow gathered her weaponry and left the stadium, Jacquelyn in tow. Shadow had never before felt regret after a kill. It was a new feeling, a feeling she found out she deeply disliked. She brushed it aside and thought of it no more.

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