1) On Jensen and S-convexity
2) Short note on s1-convexity
3) HH and S-convexity
4) Curvature - Fixed
5) 6 degree theory and Starants - Upgrade of Starants 2
6) Raelism - update
7) Bubble: inequalities development
8) HH and S convexity last version
9) Sorites Paradox and Translations (finally updated!)
10) Generators for S-convex functions (polynomial)
11) Second article on the Solution to the Sorites problem
12) Introduction to the Sorites for Teens (finally fixed)
13) Ultimate examples for S-convexity (second type)
14) Note on Liar Paradox
Patent) Lock for Handles
15) Godel and Arithmetic minuses
16) Hull?
17) Down with Infinity
18) Our studies (invited chapter, networks)
19) Ethics, Treatise
20) Lazhar's and S-convexity
21) Mercer, sequences, and S-convexity
22) Analysis, moduli for S-convexity, extension
23) Trigonometry and examples of S-convexity as well discussion over past results
24) S1-convexity, general shame on old claim and others
25) S1-convexity, HH inequality, special remarks and varieties
26) S-convexity and derivatives, as well as geometric definition
27) Introduction to the Sorites for Teens (latest version)
28) Note on s2-convexity
29) Brains violators
30) On second type of S-convexity
31) Play changed into article
32) I am suffering torture, brain washing, slavery, genital mutilation, intellectual and material theft of massive order, deprivation of all my lines of communication with the World and people, and a tonelade of other crimes since end of 2001, apparently all over me having solved the Sorites Paradox but, for some reason, being rejected as a possible 'winner' of the prize on the solution. Please forgive me for any atrocities in my papers during the period, am still suffering all this, all was external to my body from 2001 to 2003 and since 2003 I hold a criminal biotech inside of me. May write if you wish to help, use the e-mail or my mobile number, located at Some proofs are found at I have also fixed Watts' supposedly accurate mathematical theory and solved the puzzle regarding s-convexity, as well as others, such as the bubble problem. Apparently, males still prefer killing and destroying, mutilating and slaving, to pretend they are ahead of women, or are better, than simply having to be fair and treat them with equality and more than earned rights to infinite respect from them. If you are human, and I do no think this World has got a single human being apart from myself since 2001, pls rush to help. Next victim of Australia might be you (see other preprints at
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