My village
My village is quite small but it's good to live here, it's quiet and the landscape is very beautyful !
I live in H�r�mence, a small village in the Val d'H�rens, in the middle of Valais.
It's a nice and very quiet place.
The houses are in wood. There are in the village about 1000 inhabitans. I like to live here but there are gossipings it's the only disadvantage...

This is a nice but very sloping street, as far as I can remember the people who live there have always decorated their balconies with colourful flowers. We use to go through the village to reach the playground  where we swung for hours.
When I was child we used to play together with my friends and my sisters. We hid us under the wood lumps and we frightend the passers-by. Long time ago people pressed graps here.
The characteristic of the village is the church, it is gigantic and all is in concrete, it?s a modern architecture. My grandfather was a part of the worken this large church. Every day I walk near it.
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