MST3K Slash

You, me, the loadpay bay in fifteen minutes?

Hello. Greetings. Welcome to MST3K Slash, the one and only archive dedicated to all things MST3K slash.

Yes, you read that right, MST3K slash.

If this happens to be your cup of tea, we've got everything relating to slash that we can find from user icons to NC-17 fanfiction and everything inbetween. And if this isn't your sort of thing, we'd suggest reeling for the back button about now.

Ready? Enter.

All charecters, names, places, ect. are copywrited/tradmarked/owned by Best Brains, Inc. with the exceptions of the term "Gizmonic" which is Joel Hodgson's and of course the real people own themselves. No profit is gained except knowing a job done and no infrigment on above copyrights is intened or should be infered.

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