I am a graduate student, at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. Creation of this webpage is a required element of a performance and technology cousre offered at Stony Brook. This web page is, obviously, in it's formative stage. My hope is for it to one day serve as an online electronic resume.

Ideally, what will eventually follow will be my actual resume accompanied by some coursework. However, as of this moment this web page provides the reader with a sample unit lesson plan for the novel, A Lesson Before Dying and two web quests. I have developed two different web quest. The first is Shakespeare based, the other is based on non-fiction.

Please click away and enjoy the journey. Please be mindful of the fact that this is still a work in progress.
My Favorite Links:
Shakespeare Web Quest   
Non-Fiction Web Quest
Unit lesson plan for a novel
My resume
My Info:
Name: Mary Kuerner
Email: [email protected]
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