On October 18, 1983, I was born in a hospital in Taipei, Taiwan. I was named by aunt, who was also name Tiffany. When I was about 10 months old, my mom, my older brother, Lawrence, and me flew to the America to start a new life. My father was already in the U.S. at that time looking for a college. We lived in the bay area for 2 years and moved to Fresno when my father got accepted to the university. By the time I was 3, I was already attending preschool. In my elementary years, I was shy, quiet, but very athletic and loved sports. I was on the basketball , softball, and track team, and was also involved in intramural sports. I would've even played football, but at that time, the school wouldn't let girls play. I do remember one year when they actually did let a girl play on the guy's football team. Must have been one hell of an experience for her. I also remember there was this one time at a basketball game where I had the ball and I was standing a little further than the 3 point line. I don't know what I was thinking at that time, but I heard my coach yell "shoot!" so I took the shot, and it went wayyyy over the whole basketball board and hit the fence. Shot it a little toooo hard I suppose?? lolz.... Everyone got a laugh out of that, and so did I. Then I was like "so whassup now eh!" haha jk... i miss those times though.... Anyways, the school I attended barely had any asians at all. I'd say less than 10, so I basically grew up with people from almost every race. There were some bad experiences I had when I was little, but it's not something I want to share. Wanted to run away a few times actually. It got a little better a year later. In 7th grade, I didn't hang with popular crowd or "preps". Because I didn't care how popular I was. At lunch, my friends and me would just play basketball or throw those nerf footballs back and forth. Remember those? Those nerf footballs and you would try to make them spiral and stuff. Yeah well, to me that year was fun. I didn't need to have a lot of friends to be happy. Then in 8th grade, I started dressing more like a girl. But I still played basketball, football, and volleyball during lunch too. I never really dated anyone because I just wasn't interested in dating at that time. Way too young. I had this little crush on this white guy though. He was nice to me, but I knew he wasn't interested so I kept my mouth shut. Now let's see, high school was pretty interesting for me. In 9th grade, I started wearing more skirts and heels. But then at one point in that year, I went back to wearing baggy jeans, sweaters, and chains. Even had those skater shoes too. Ok, I grew up with an older brother! What do you expect..haha Well, the skater look faded away real quick. One, because I didn't know how to skate! Only knew how to, hmmmm how would i say it..... "glide" with my feet on the skateboard...haha. And two, because I started to gain a new sense of fashion. And guess what I did during lunch too! Play basketball in the gym of course. I guess you can say I'm obsessed with basketball. I don't know, but it feels so great when you're just shooting the ball, getting things off your mind, and just having fun. My friends and me were like the only girls in the gym that played everyday. Some guys got really annoyed by us because they all think that "Girls can't play. Girls shouldn't play. Girls suck. this n that"...you know. I remember one time, when we got the court first and this chubby little guy and his friends started playing on our court. I was like "Umm..we were here first". Omg, you should've heard what he said. He trying to be a smartass n stuff. What did I do?? I tried to ask him to please step off, but he started cussing at me. I started cussing at him too! Started talking shit to me and we went at it for a while. His friends and my friend were just standing there like "uhh". It was funny. I didn't want to waste my time there, so my friend and me just left to another court. I don't know. Sometimes guys think they can just push us girls around cuz they think they better or something. How sad. That's why I never dated in high school too. The guys were all immature and didn't know how to treat a girl with respect. I still had that crush on that white guy, but we ended up being just good friends. I was happy with that. At the end of my sophmore year, I woke up and realized how much I disliked that school. Seriously, it was all filled with snobby bi*ches and players. You had to dress "cool" and act cool, otherwise you'd get picked on. I never really had that many enemies though. Was mostly cool with everyone and respected everyone's individuality. Then our family had moved to a new house next to a different school, so that was the perfect excuse to transfer. Wow, the first day I got there, I met a lot of nice people. They offered to show me around campus and asked me to hang with them too. I met up with one of my old friends from elementary and we became good friends that year. She and I both decided that high school was too boring and slow for us, so we chose to graduate early. We both had to take extra classes in the morning starting at 6:40 am and we even took a P.E. class during our lunch time. Only had one 15 min break everyday at school. Every morning, we'd have wake up at 5:40 and get home around 3 pm from school. It was really tiring, but I say it was well worth it. We were now "seniors" after skipping our junior year. I started hanging out with more asians that year too. I did have a boyfriend when I was in high school, but didn't work out too well. Then later, I met my second boyfriend, but he didn't live in the same town either. I'll get to that story later. And well, during graduation, I was sad, but also relieved and excited as well. It felt good to get out so soon. Freedom! Now, I was ready for college. And you know the typical asian parents, how they want their child to go to a UC school. Well, I wanted to, but it wasn't me. I wanted to go somewhere I didn't feel pressure. I applied to San Jose State University and got accepted! I rented a room in someone's house and paid $400 a month. I was on my own. With my own problems to solve, my own responsibilities, and entering college at the age of 16. Many people did not believe I was only 16. Yeah, I know I don't look that young, but I am =p My first semester in college was interesting and was a good experience for me. I did my own thing, walked to class alone, ate alone, bascially a loner. But I was fine with that because I liked being independent. I met a few friends from that school who were very kind to me. =) Anyways, almost everyday I would just eat those instant noodles because they were cheap. And college students are always broke as hell if you didn't know that.. haha. And I was stuck in one little bedroom, which was always stuffy and had ants crawling around. Gosh, was that nasty. I had to spray some pesticide to kill them, and had to cover my face to keep from breathing in the fumes all the time. I barely got any fresh air from the window too. Even though I couldn't live like that, I loved being on my own. I had gotten into my first car accident that year too. After being told specifically by my parents not to drive my car up 3 hours to Chico, I did anways. Because I wanted to see my boyfriend who lived up there. Was I stupid or what. I had a silver corolla that time, which used to be my brother's til he crashed it a little. My dad, for some reason decided, to fix it himself. So after it was done, it was given to me. Haha, I was scared to drive it, but I took it anyways. The car had bad handling and was slippery too. But anyways, while I was driving on the freeway towards Chico, and my car suddenly went out of control. I don't even know what happended, but the next thing I knew, my car swerved, flew through the side fence, and flipped 3 times til it landed onto the dirt. Dust was everywhere. I was coughing and I couldn't see anything. I unbuckled my seatbelt and I couldn't believe I just walked out of the car. Checked to see if anything was broken or bleeding. Luckily, I was ok. Only had a bruise on my leg. But dang, when I looked up, I was about to die. Couldn't believe I survived. That's what the police officer said too. And boy, did I get in soo much trouble by my parents. One mistake I regret forever and will never forget. I also remember one night I slept on the ground because it was too hot, and I placed my fan on my bed to fan down on me. The fan's pretty big too. But in the middle of the night, the fan fell straight down on my face. I was sleeping and that sure woke me up. I heard this loud and weird noise and my face felt numb. Scared the hell out of me that I jumped so fast, and everything was spinning. Felt like I was in the car accident again. I went into shock and I sat it the dark and felt my face. When I felt blood, my heart just pounded even harder and harder. And I could feel chills running down my whole body and I felt paralyzed. That felt more scarier than the car accident because I wasn't mentally and physically aware this time. I was too scared and shocked to turn on the lights and see what happened, so I sorta blacked out and fell back down. The next morning, I woke up all scared and looked next to me. There was my fan. Then I looked in the mirror, and good thing it was only a minor cut. But I still didn't get how the fan fell because I had placed it in the back like all the way against the wall on my bed. Guess I was just unlucky. Ever since then, whenever I sleep, I become really jumpy and scared. Just wake up for no reason and my heart would be going really fast. But after a while, it stopped. And then after that, I became really depressed while I was still in San Jose. Wouldn't eat much, wouldn't go out much, didn't even care what I looked liked. But that lasted for a few months because I tried to convince my parents to let me move up to Chico so I could feel safer. They actually let me, and I asked San Jose State if I could go on a visitor's program to attend a community college there, and yes, they approved. So I found a nice apartment and roomate too. While I was there, I started getting into the import scene and modeling. And with my bf, things were going great at first. We went everywhere and had fun, but then things started to plummet. I didn't have any friends up there because I only knew my boyfriend at that time. Was always so lonely when he wasn't with me. And didn't go out much either cuz I didn't want him to think I was cheating or something, so I stayed by myself in my room. I got so sad at times, and started to feel like he was losing feelings for me because he stopped showing he actually cared or loved me. We were together for about a year and a half. Anyways, I don't wanna go into it. Just makes me even more sad because I thought I knew what love was. Then at the end of the May, I moved back home to Fresno. And here I am now. At the age of 17 and my first year of college has flew by. And wow, it's July already. Time goes by soo fast. But yeah, that's mostly my life story. Some things are missing, but guess you can say it's pretty sad for my age huh? But I've learned so much from the past years. I've gained a lot of strength and maturity. Realized many things about life too. I know there's a lot more ahead of me. The only thing I can do now is wait and see what happens next. Hopefully I'll be more ready than I was before. Now, I'm thinking about moving to L.A. to work and for school, but kind of low on money now, and I can't stand it here in Fresno. All I feel is pressure here. Been feeling that my whole life. But I'm still waiting and trying to figure out things out. 1
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