ADWH Mallrats

The iqAuto 3D Banner Generator is a great place to make customized banners for your home page or email sig. It has an editor right on site that allows you to resize your image prior to trans loading, as well as many other features, making it easy to do all your work at one place. There is also a link directly to the Starblvd trans loader.

Because of the many features at the site, we have divided the tutorial into 2 parts, one for the generator and one for the editor, just click the links below to take you there. On each page you will find examples of some banners we made.

We hope you enjoy using the iqAutoBanner Generator and that we have helped you to understand it a little bit better. Have fun !!

Generator Tutorial

Editor Tutorial

More Tutorials

ADWH Mallrats Help Site

A Mallrats Tutorial
Presented By

Tommy ( Warrant Officer Gungho )
Jim ( Lt Filch, Aide-de-Camp )
MsV aka MrsK( Agent Omega ) Team Captain

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