July 13, 2002

Rohit - Introduction to enterprise applications; challenges faced by enterprise applications from the point of view of what Sun's J2EE can solve


June 30, 2002

introduction to j2ee arch

 -          a brief summary of the j2ee architecture that was used to develop jps

(leave blanks for/make brief guesses/remarks about how the jps application uses/will use these features of the j2ee architecture

tiered architecture / two layers in middle tier

talk about the different tiers in brief

security concerns

transaction management taken care of by database?

reuability - ejb?

roles - putting together the application, getting it out there, and then maintenance of the app

servelets and jsp vs. cgi - separation of content and display logic

some stuff about the MVC architecture model

at some point, there will be an architectural comparison between jpstore and mpshop

 - what did mpshop use in place of whatever jpstore used at this point - were the architecture's

operationally equivalent (sort of) - probably not - what would be the point in that

diff architecture but some common features


July 13, 2002



Table of Contents:


Reason for comparison


Summary of the JAVA blueprints


Summary of the JAVA pet store

Summary of MS .NET pet shop




Benchmark analysis





Summary of JAVA pet store


- architectural business cycle

-pattern used


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