Are you serious? You are unbelievable! Now Dark Angel has Swift by the head and he rams Swift head first into the ring post,and Swift is bust open big time,and it you maybe right it looks like Dark Angel is going to finish Swift off,and now MSWA Referee Peanut is making the count on both wrestlers
Now both wrestlers are making their way back into the rings and now Swift who is bleeding bery bad tries to fire back and now Dark Angel goes for a big boot to the face of Swift but miss Swift head as Swift ducks the big boot by Dark Angel and look at this Swift is firing some lefts and right to the gu of Dark Angel,and once again Swift hits Dark Angel with another low blow and follows it up with a double arm ddt on Dark Angel driving him head first into the canvas,and now a bloody Swift makes a quick cover on Dark Angel as MSWA Referee Peanut goes for the count but Dark Angel powers out of the pin attempt. Now Swift is keeping his offense on Dark Angel who is now on one knee now Swift steps back and takes a run go and hits Dark Angel with a sit down clothes line,and now Swift follows it up with elbow drop and another elbow drop and now Dark Angel follows it with a leg drop,and once again Swift goes for anothe pin attempt,and once again MSWA Referee Peanut makes the count
1....,and Swift only gets a one count as once again the gothic monster Dark Angel powers out of the pin attempt by Swift.

See what I am saying Swift can not beat Dark Angel he has too much power!

Dr John:
You might be right Duk and I can not believe I just said that ! Now Swift takes a step back,and he is might by an awesome clothesline by Dark Angel,and I am afraid that could be it for Swift! Now Dark Angel follows that awesome clothes line with a huge leg drop on a bloody and battered Swift,and now Dark Angel goes for the pin and MSWA Referee Peanut makes the count

What the hell Swift gets his right shoulder up before Peanut can hit the three count! And Dark Angel is getting seriously piss here cause he can not seem to put Swift away! Now Dark Angel picks Swift and drops him with a awesome standing powerslam and now Dark Angel starts to stomp away on Swift now Dark Angel pick Swift by his bloody head and  whips him into the turnbuckle and follows it up with a massive,and I mean massive clothesline. Now Dark Angel whips Swift into another turnbuckle this time Dark Angel meets Swift's elbow,and Swift is on the second turnbuckle and he hits Dark Angel with the Ocean Cyclone on Dark Angel,and Dark Angel reverse it and hits Swift with Evil Humanity !!! MSWA Referee Peanut makes the count 1..2..3!!!!

(Ding,Ding the bell sounds to end the match....)

DJ Bruce:
The Winner of the Match is Dark Angel!!!

Darryl Rossi vs Graz

Ok folks this is our second match of the tonight and Duk once again we have a newcomer to MSWA in Darryl Rossi as he will take on Graz.

Yeah it seems like MSWA is chop full of newcomers last match we saw Dark Angel in a hell of a match with Swift,and now we are going to see Graz take on newcomer Darryl Rossi

"Bully" by Eminem hit the Georgia Dome pa system and the crowd come to their feet has Graz makes his way out and onto the ramp.

DJ Bruce:
Now coming down to the ring  weighting in at 180 pounds and standing 6 foot hailing from Buffalo New York this is GRAZ!!!

"Getting Away With Murder" by Papa Roach hits  the Georgia Dome pa system and the again the crowd comes to their feet as Darryl Rossi comes out and heads down to the ring

DJ Bruce:
Now coming to the ring weighting in at 235 pounds and standing 6'5 hailing from Detroit Michigan DARRYL ROSSI!!!

They lock up and right off the bat Graz whips Rossi into the ropes and off comes Rossi and Graz leap frogs Rossi and now Graz goes down to his stomach as Rossi floats over him,and now Graz is up and goes for a hip toss and Rossi reverses it and hits Graz with hip toss and Rossi follows it up with a very deep arm drag! Graz gets up and smiles and sticks his hand out and Rossi shakes it.

What the hell was that crap? I mean what in the hell is Graz doing? He should be out there trying to take Darryl Rossi's head off instead of shaking his head!

Chaos pg.3

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