Dr.John:Yeah I kinda figure you would not see Geddes breaking the rules as MSWA Referee Rob Lock looks over and he notices it and he is calling for Geddes to break the hold on Pun. Geddes breaks the hold and now Geddes is up on his feet as he watches Pun get back up slowly but Pun is back down as Geddes chop blocks Big Pun as Geddes starts to taunt the fans in the front roll.(MSWA Crowd Hey Geddes screw you go back to Scotland you Scottish son of bitch!) Geddes just chuckles as he picks Big Pun up and Geddes hits Big Pun with a Standing Dropkick and now Geddes for the pin on Big Pun,and MSWA Referee Rob Lock counts the pin 1....and half as Pun kicks out of Geddes pin attempt!

Duk: Hey you know it never amazes me how these fans of the MSWA cheer for the wrong people I mean Geddes is a far better wrestler than Pun,and yet these people see to make fun of him,and cuss at him I mean what the hell do they want from him?

Dr.John: Maybe they want Geddes to show a little respect toward them? Now both men are up on their feet and Geddes goes for a Short Arm Clothesline on Pun but Pun ducks that move by Geddes and Pun fires back with a Short Arm Clothesline by his self as Geddes goes down to the canvas and now Pun has Geddes up in a PowerSlam but Pun can not hold Geddes up as Pun's knee buckles and it is another pin attemp by Geddes,and MSWA Referee Rob Locks makes another count on a Geddes pin attempt and he does not even get a one count as Big Pun kicks out of Geddes's pin attempt!
   Pun is back up and Geddes tires to go for another Dropkick on Pun but Pun moves and this time Pun put an STF on Geddes and he has it lock in the center of  the ring! Now MSWA Referee Rob Lock is asking Geddes if he wants to give up and  Geddes is shaking his head no as now Pun is pulling back on the neck of Geddes and still Geddes is not giving up as Pun breaks the hold on Geddes.

Duk: You see that is a rookie mistake by Big Pun he should have keep that move on Geddes and force a submission on Geddes,but no he broke the hold and that could come back and haunt Pun! Now Pun picks Geddes up and Pun starts to lay into Geddes with some killer chops to the chest of Geddes as Pun forces Geddes into a corner and Pun follows with some knee shots the stomach of Geddes and Pun is now laying into Geddes with some elbow shots now Pun picks Geddes up and places him up on the tope rope and Pun follows him up.
    This is not looking good for Geddes I mean this could hurt Geddes big time as Big Pun follows Geddes up to the top rope and Pun hooks Geddes with a Top Rope Chicken Wing Suplex and Big Pun just drove Geddes into the canvas with that move! Pun goes for the cover on Geddes and MSWA Rob Lock goes for the count 1...2....and Geddes gets his shoulder up just in time cause Rob was going to down for the three count and Geddes get shoulder up!  Dr.John you have to listen to this crowd I mean they are going wild,and we are just in our first match! 
(Holy Shit,Holy Shit.....MSWA,MSWA,MSWA!)

Dr.John: I know what you are saying Duk it is cause the MSWA does it best to bring the wrestling action today that is why MSWA is number with the fans cause we bring Old School Wrestling with New School Rules!
    I can not wonder just what damage that top rope move did to Big Pun as he is grabbing his left knee  as he limps over to Geddes and Pun picks Geddes up and he is signaling to the crowd as if he is trying to finish I think Pun is going for his finisher which he calls The Highest Honor,and Pun goes for it but once again his left knee gives out and he is unable to finish Geddes off! Pun now stomps Geddes in the stomach now Pun goes for a leg drop on Geddes and Pun rolls off of Geddes as you can tell he is in some serious pain as he grad that left knee again!

Duk: See what I said earlier about a rookie mistake by Big Pun he should have done what I said early in this match when he had that STF on Geddes he should have just pull back harder,and make Geddes submit cause now as you can tell the damage Geddes did earlier is starting to haunt Pun!

Dr.John: You might be right Duk we are going to have see if that damage knee plays a big part in the outcome of this match as Pun hits Geddes with a Snap-Suplex and now Pun is up trying to shake off some of that pain on his left knee as he picks Geddes up,but Geddes racks the eyes of Pun and Geddes goes for a DDT and he plants Pun right in the ring and it is Geddes that gets up first.
  Geddes is up and he is heading to the top rope and he measuring Pun up and here comes Geddes with a Fist to the tope of Pun's head as now Geddes is taunting the crowd again as Geddes once again goes to the top and he measures Pun again as Geddes comes off the top rope with that fist again but it is Pun who moves out of the way,and Pun puts a CrossArm Bar on Geddes! MSWA Referee Rob Lock ask Geddes if he wants to give up and Geddes is shaking his head yes as Rob signals for the bell.

( Bell Rings......)

DJ Bruce: Your winner by submission "The Next Great Saviour"Big Pun!!

Dr.John: Wow for a rookie Big Pun just made a Veteran move on Geddes!

     The scene opens with Charles on his cell phone talking when he turns around and notices Shaggy Shaggs staring at him

Charles:(on his cell phone.) Yeah you know what I am going to have to call you back cause I have some business that just came into my office so let me call you back ok.

Charles hangs up his cell phone and looks at Shaggy Shaggs

Shaggs: What the hell Charles I just got here,and I understand that Darryl Rossi is not here!

Charles: Hey now baby cool down! Yeah neither Don or Darryl is going to be here they had a death in the family,and I told them that family was first and MSWA was second.

Shaggs: So what the hell am I suppose to do Charles? I have no damn match I want a damn match,and I want one right now!

Charles: Hey man no problem just chill and I will tell you what I have in store for you ok.

  Chaos pg 3
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