Open Scene: Graz and  Charles
The scene opens inside of the SuperDome as Charles is getting out of his limo with the MSWA Southern Heavyweight Title when he is stop by Graz.
   Charles backs up and looks Graz over as he takes his sunglasses off as he looks Graz over.

Charles: What can I do for you Graz?

Graz: For first you can go ahead and just give me that MSWA Southern Heavyweight title!

Charles:(chuckles.) Come on Graz you will have chance tonight just like Fabian,Jed,and Darryl to win this title!

    Graz chuckles and slaps Charles in the face causing him to drop the MSWA Southern title on the ground.

Graz: Look here bitch! I try to make it simple for you Charles all you have to do is give me that damn title,and everything would be ok,but hell no you want to do this the hard way Charles!

   Charles slowly turn his head and looks down at the fallen MSWA Southern Title and then he looks at Graz.

Charles: Yeah Graz we are going to play hard ball cause as of now you are not even in the match for the MSWA Southern title cause I just decided to take you out of the match,and you are lucky cause that is all I am going to do right now! So I suggest too you Graz if you want to continue to be apart of the MSWA then you need to get the hell out of the SuperDome right now cause you are suspended as of right now!

  Graz chuckles as he gets up in Charles' face and smiles.

Graz: Is that so Charles? You are making a serious mistake by taking me out of this title match! I can promise you that you have not heard the last word from Charles!

   Graz spits in Charles as he walks away from Charles who is wiping the spit off his face as the scene fades to back.......
    The Chaos Theory opening scene
    The camera brings the scene inside the SuperDome as 72,968 screaming fans are shown.  The SuperDome is filled with smoke and fog as Fireworks and pyro goes off and signs are shown as the camera slowly zooms into the announcer table where Dr.John and Duk are shown getting ready to call the action for the first-ever MSWA Pay Per View.

  Dr.John: They said it could not be done! They said we would not make here,but here we are in our very first pay per view as MSWA presents THE CHAOS THEORY!

Duk: What a scene here John! I have never seen the a crowd like this! I mean we got here at the same time today,and people were outside of the SuperDome and from I what I gather today there are some people who have been out there since Monday,and now that is hard core fans right there!

Dr.John:Yes it is MSWA has some of the best fans in the wrestling world!   Hey did you notice that scene that happen just a few minutes to go? I mean what the hell is wrong with Graz? I mean he spit on the MSAWA Commish and slap him in the face over the MSWA Southern Title

Duk: You hit right on the head John. I can tell what Graz is thinking he is thinking this is the first-ever MSWA pay per view,and he wanted to make huge impact and he did it!

   Dr.John: Yes he did make impact and it cost Graz a chance at the MSWA Southern Heavyweight title! I mean now what does Graz do cause he is out of the title picture tonight,and now it is down to three guys,and tonight we will have a new MSWA Southern Heavyweight Champion!

Duk: God what a pay per view we are about to have here! Just think this is the start of something
huge I mean when MSWA form in October 31,2004 I never thought we would be here right now!

Dr.John: You are right Duk! MSWA has done it and it is all to the hard work of the acting MSWA
Commish Charles Adams who has went out there and brought in some the top wrestler in the world
to the MSWA,and The Chaos Theory pay per view is brainchild if you will !
         We  you ready for this Duk? We are about to launch our first Pay Per View!

Duk: Yes I am ready!

Dr.John: The I suggest everyone grab a hold of something cause here we go! The Chaos Theory is lock load and ready!

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