Imagine never getting pwned by n00bs again...

That's what we're offering MSX members every day.

And you can help!




All MAZ Donations are used to provide
FREE CD KEYS to MSX Members!
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Maz - The founder and best known of all MSX members. Along with MSX, he also runs over 50 forums, websites, and support sites servicing people in over 40 countries. Because of the demands on his time he's often seen popping in at random odd hours to offer what support he can then he's off to another meeting, seminar, or other important gathering.

Everything you do at MSX is because
of one man...Sheep!
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Sheep - The most talented coder on the planet. If you need a special advantage, Sheep's your man. Each challenge thrown at him is accepted with the relish of a child getting a new toy. He breaks out the skills and watch the sparks fly. Take it from us - if he can't do it, it can't be done.

You'll receive one of Bahu's famous vacation pics for telling him
Collect all the whole series!
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Bahu - Perpetually in a state of hard gameplay, you're as likely to catch Bahu looking at you down the barrel of his P-90 as in the support forum. As he squeezes the trigger and the lights go out, you'll hear him laugh maniacally as he strips your corpse of it's better unlocks.

Lifey! Nothing more needs to be said. W00t!
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Lifesaver - Who doesn't love Lifey? He's our most neutral member which stands to reason since he's Swiss :) If you're in the mood for a quick discussion or think you need some leeway this is the go-to man. He'll be more likely to buy you a brew than slap you down for saying something stupid. Think of him as the MSX Missionary.

FREE T-Shirt with each
Donation over 20!
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Superman - Much like his namesake, he's always in the wings ready to help the needy and pounce on the trolls. He's one of few that can carry on a debate with you then buy you a beer in the same breath. Feel free to PM him questions or post them for a quick answer, but woe to those that miss the FAQ or the manual...For his patience with lazy people is very short.

Warez oh warez my
proggies all gone?
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NiTrO91 - While not a team member, NiTrO nonetheless provides a crucial service to our members. If there's something you're needing and you don't know where to download it, chances are NiTrO's had it for years and has just been waiting for you to ask. Go ahead, make a request in the forum now!

Pr0n! Get cher piping hot PRON here!
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l3ushwig - Our final non-team member is certainly no slouch. For a small donation l3ushwig will send you passwords to any xxx site with a 30 day guarantee that they'll be good. You won't find this kind of service or response time anywhere else on the net!

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