
Operation Problem Answer Explanation
Addition 20% + 75% = 100% Add each of the digits from the right as you would with other numbers.
Subtraction 30% + 50% = 80% Subtract each of the digits from the right as you would with other numbers.
Multiple percent with a whole number 25% x 100 = 25 First change the percent to a decimal by moving the decimal in the percent two places to the left. Then multiple the result to the whole number.
Multiple a percent with a percent 25% x 50% = 12.5% Change both percents to decimals by moving the decimals in the percent two places to the left. Then multiple the results together and move the decimal two places to the right to change the decimal to a percent. An alternative method is to change the percent to fractions and multiple and then change them back to percents.
Divide a number by a percent 50 � 25% = 200 Change the percent to a decimal. Take the whole number and divide it by the decimal. An alternative method is to change the percent to a fraction and solve.

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