Welcome to the Giant Gaming-Club

Welcome to the Giant Gaming Club's website.
Thanks for your interest in our gamer's club.
We are not a clan, there is no dependence of any sort. We are just a couple of friends, playing online games together..
Take your time to check our sites and forums, we would like to hear from you =)

- Spooky


The new forum is now online

Our new club-website is now online and ready to use..
It's still under construction , have fun using it.


Our gamer's club supports the following online games at this time: Battlefield2, Guildwars, CounterStrike Source/1.6
and JediAcademy/Outcast

If you got interest to join our club and to play with us in one or more of the following games then simply visit our forum and ask for membership!
You have to be at least 16 or older to join our gaming club. =)



Thanks to our club members who support and help me with this new club-project, also special thanks to www.clantemplates.com
and to the designer of this template!


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