Mohammed Saleh Zabin

A Java Certified   IT guy who excells in three different fields. Tutoring, Web development, and Software development. Actually, I have special emotions to web development field. At the same time, I have the ability to learn any technology that have a promising future
Personal Information
NameMohammed Saleh Zabin
Place and date of birthSaudi Arabia - 17/11/1978
Social StatusSingle
InterestsProgrmming, photographing, reading
EducationBs degree in Information Technology
Working FieldProgramming, web-development, database
Email[email protected]
Alternative Email[email protected]
Work Experiences
Infinityhitech Company
The first company I worked for, I suspend my study one symester and worked as a java programmer. My rule was programming, tutoring, and helping university students in their graduation projects which was built using java
ITUniversity Company
I worked in ITUniversity as a tutor for Java language, and web development technology. A great experience, specially when you practice it for the first time. I prepared, studied how the instructur must be, how should he arrange his lecture. It was short, but a great experience.
RealSoft Company
RealSoft Company is the long-period work company. I moved from Infinityhitech company to RealSoft to work as a web developer. When I attended the interview, they ask me if I have the welling to travel. I answered positively, I stayed in RealSoft for two months, I developed a DLL component using VC++, then they ask me to back my bags and get ready to travell.
Ministry of Agriculture and Fishery
Here, I worked as a web application developer for Agriculture Census project. During a whole year, I developed the statics web site for the Omani ministry, and many other desktop and intranet applications for the ministry.
Libya - Census Authority
A Web Development tutor and coordinator for libyan IT personnel, who work on census authority, and that to learn them how to develope census's related web applications.
Saudi Telecome
Again, RealSoft choosed me to travel to Saudi Arabia as a support engineer for the TMS project. Till now I am working in Saudi Telecome, my work rule involves web development, and database support.
  • Java Language
  • Proffessient in Java, I hold the JCSP cetificate. More than two years Experience.
  • Oracle SQL
  • Excellent in Database Query, more than two years experience
  • J2EE
  • Very Good. Approximately, one year experience.
  • MySQL
  • Two months experience, but I am developing in MySql more and more. I am using MySql in my coming website project, that would be released within the coming 4 months.
  • Excellent. I used DHTML in many websites that I have developed, and I am using it now in my coming online website.
  • ASP
  • Proffessient. ASP is the language that I have used to develope the statistical website for the minstry of agriculture in Oman-Muscat
  • Visual Basic
  • Almost 6 months experience. The important thing is that I started learning Visual Basic when my manager asked me to build a small program using visual basic to keep employees records. I started learning visual basic and I learned it within 6 days, and developed the required program.
    Who is this guy? (Mohammed Zabin)
  • An Instructor
  • Who have worked as an instructor for Java and Web development In different companies, and different countries. Other than Jordan, in Libya, I went to Libya as Training coordinator who prepared, arranged, and monitored other instructors work.
  • A Web Developer
  • Who have More than three years experience in web development. I have worked on many different web development technologies, starting from HTML and ending with J2EE.
  • A Software Developer
  • Who have workd on many different programming languages, C, C++, Visual Basic, and excells in Java Language. I completed my way on Java, and got the SCJP certificate. Many programs where developed using java technology.
    My Projects
    Online Exam Website
    10,000's Table Simulation
    MOAF Statstical Website
    Java Search Engine
    Data Entry system using VB6
    Java Specialized Web Site (Coming Soon)
    Mohammed Zabin
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