Mountain Highlights
Welcome to Mountain Highlights' Webpage.  For those of you who have stumbled onto us by some other means than our Palace Chat, let me explain a little about who we are.
Mountain Highlights is a PRIVATELY owned PALACE Chat.The Palace Chat world is a graphically driven chat that uses AVATARS.  An avatar is a picture a chatter uses to
represent themselves in a graphical chat.  The Palace chat features some awesome capabilities not shared by other chat mediums like Virtual Places or OnChat.  One of these fun features is the use of a borg; a program that allows such neat affects as kissing or hugging someone to blowing them up with a ray gun LOL.  We'll provide you a link to download the Palace and register as a member farther down this page and provide a link directly to our palace.

For those of you,who have found us via our palace website link, welcome.  We hope you're enjoying your time in our palace.  If you're here to Meet Our Staff or sign up for our palace news letter and Events Updates or even request a palace link, you'll find the appropriate buttons below.  We hope you'll enjoy your stay at Mountain Highlights' Webpage and palace.
Download & Register A Palace Client Browser
Our Downloads Section!!
Meet MH's Staff Members
Our Meet Our Staff Section!!
MH's Callender  Of Events
Our Events Section!!
MH's Staff Contact Page:Need a link to your palace?Have any questions?This is the Place!
Our Contact Message Center Section!!
See What's Happening at the Highlights!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Links To Others
Our Links Section!!
Have the Palace Chat program?Click the button to travel to Mountain Highlights Directly!!
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