.:Meet the Jackasses:.

Rolling Stone Cover Shoot
Johnny Knoxville
The host of MTV's JACKASS. Johnny's real name is Philip John Clapp and goes by PJ. He is married to girl by the name of Melanie and they have a 4 year old daughter together, Madison. For some unknown reason, in 96, he had an idea to shoot himself with pepper spray, a taser, a stun gun, and then write and atricle about it. He pitched his idea to Jeff Tremaine, who was then the editor of Big Brother Magazine. Jeff hired him as a journalist and convinced him to tape his idea and other stunts. This lead to a war between MTV and Comedy Central, who both wanted to give him his own TV show. MTV pulled through with Jackass. duh.
mmmmm sexy
Bam Margera
Bam is a pro skater and used to skate for Toy Machine but left them and now is skating for Element. Before Jackass Bam made the skate/stunt movies "Jump off a Building" "Landspeed Cky" and "Cky2k." Bam is currently working on a movie called "Your Pathetic life" which is all about Ryan Dunn's pathetic life. Bam is also a director for Jackass. .
Life Guard Bunnie
Chris Pontius
i actually don't know crap about Chris. other than he likes to strip and get naked. and that he goes by the names Bunny the life guard and Party Boy - hhhmmm Chris is a mysterious guy...
Ryan corn sledding
Ryan Dunn
His hobbies are sleeping and eating. Ryan's tattoo's are a Red Hot Chilli Pepper's sign, Blair Witch, a plus sign, weights, a nuse, and a BMW logo. His favorite music is Life of Agony, Ignite, The Clash, Billy Joel, and Eddie Money. Ryan Dunn's favorite food is red beet eggs. His favorite movies are Gross Point Blank, One Crazy, and Annie. He hates everything at one point in time. He likes the TV in his car, his jean jacket, and his mom. He has a girlfriend named Lauren.
SteveO shaving
Steve-O's real name is Steve Glover. He is from Albuquerque, New Mexico. He graduated from Ringling Brother's college. And I think he proformed as a clown for a short time before getting involved with Big Brother Magazine, where he hooked up with Johnny Knoxville and Jeff and started Jackass.
Jess in the cart
Jess Margera
Jess is Bam's brother. He is occasionally on Jackass doing some stunts. He is the drummer for the band CKy.
The Meter Fairy
Danger Ehren
His real name is Ehren McGhehey and he is from Portland. That is all I know other than he likes to dress up like a fairy and put coins in meters for people in need.
Brandon introducing Human Bowling
Brandon DiCamillo
Bran and Bam met in a high school film class when both their films were "me doing shit with my friends and him doing shit with his friends." His interests are filming, "making shit", G.I. Joe, He-Man, innventing things, streetfighters, transformers. He worked with Bam on "Landspeed: Cky" and "Cky2k" before Jackass. He is also a director for Jackass.
Bam's dad in a ditch
Phil Margera
Bam's dad. Such a big lovable guy. He takes all of Bam's beatings and helps in on the fun with the Jackass crew.
Dave drinking Chocolate Milk
Dave England
He likes snowboarding and is also from Portland.
hey Rake
Rake Yohn
Rake films for Jackass. Rake is one cool guy in my book!
Raab smiling
Raab Himself
He dislocated his shoulder durring the shopping carts skit. His favorite bands are Pearl Jam and Phish, and his favorite movies are Friday and Good Will Hunting. The only name is goes by is Raab Himself.
Jeff throwing something
Jeff Tremaine
Jeff was the editor of Big Brother Magazine and is now co-creator of Jackass. He occasionally pulls pranks and stunts. Like dropping an 8ball off a roof onto Johnny's "cup"
Presten in whitie tighties
Preston Lacy
MunchKin wee-man
Wee Man
His real name is Jason Acuna, he is from Hunnington Beach, California, and he is a pro skater.

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