Pick An Episode


episode 01 & 02
It�s the Battle of the Seasons, and apparently we can kiss Jisela�s ass because she�s not afraid of heights. We've got 32 contestants, 16 teams, eight seasons from two shows, and it's all about to go down. $300,000 is at stake and the last three teams standing from the winning show will split the money. Got all the numbers straight? Now, let�s get to what really matters�the drama. Beth S. and Norman don�t like each other. Stephen has already rubbed Coral the wrong way. Belou has her baby daughter with her and her teammates don�t think that�s cool. Holly and Chadwick are the lovey-dovey married couple and everyone is sick of their kissing and their ready-made alliance.
The first challenge is called "The Hangman." Each team must hang from a steel girder suspended over water, and the teams that hang the longest will get the most points. The problem is, once one person falls, the entire hangman rocks and everyone else is thrown off balance. Mike works his muscles to keep himself and Coral the last RW team standing, but the Road Rulers prove to be the athletic stars of the show. The four longest-standing teams are RR: Maximum Velocity Tour, Australia, Season 2 and Semester at Sea.
After the three top teams for each show are announced, they are told they must form "inner circles" and vote off one of the other teams from their own show. This proves to be a most difficult prospect as each group must decide whether to get rid of its strongest competition or eliminate the weakest teams. RW quickly decides that it's best to get rid of dead weight, and the deadest weight around is Beth S. Unfortunately that means nice guy Jon has to go as well. After all is said and done, the Real Worlders get together and form a pact, deciding that it really doesn�t matter who wins if they all decide to split the $300,000.
Road Rules has a tougher time. Both Chadwick and Holly are in the inner circle, allowing their alliance to strengthen. The married couple pushes for getting rid of the greatest threat to the three top teams in RR: the fourth-place team, Yes and Veronica. When they reveal their selection to the rest of the group, the RR morale totally changes. The teams now feel that everyone is out for themselves and that they must watch their backs.
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episode 03
The Road Rulers feel a little bushwacked after the big vote. Theo is sad that Yes and Veronica are no longer there. Chadwick and Holly are getting a little ostracized and Jisela doesn�t appreciate Adam fraternizing with the enemy. Having been burned once by voting, Jisela is not about to get caught off guard again. She thinks that "Adam is naive as far as the politics of the game."
While the RR team threatens to implode, Hurricane Juliette threatens Cabo San Lucas. Hosts Mark and Eric inform everyone that the day�s challenge is cancelled because of bad weather and that they should prepare for the hurricane. When it finally hits, power is out and everyone starts to go stir crazy. The guys apparently play shirtless scrabble, allowing words like "sh*thead" and "fo'shizel," while the girls go insane searching for water to shower with and smelling each other�s armpits.
The insanity finally turns into a party as Norman, Coral and a few others come up with the idea for a Hurricane Toga Party, complete with a VIP room and a toga contest. Sharon wins the contest and gets a very risqu� lapdance from Doorman "The Miz." While everyone else parties, Belou stays in her room with her child, probably thinking about her heated argument with Holly and Chadwick earlier in the day. Chadwick and Holly also stay away from the party, choosing to be with each other rather than hang with the heathens.
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episode 04
Hurricane Juliette has come and gone and left a completely different situation in its wake. The Real World team is a loopy dysfunctional family big on love, sharing and the spirit of togetherness. With Lawyer Sean leading them, they all decide to "split all the prize money amongst ourselves and then just vote off the weakest players."
Meanwhile, the Road Rules team is the exact opposite. Jisela is convinced that Holly and Chadwick are forcing people into alliances and that they muscled Emily into the deal. Emily confirms this, saying that "if we don�t form an alliance with them like they have requested, we�re the next team to be voted off." Piggy disagrees with this claim. She doesn�t think anyone was forced into anything and that it's unfair of Emily to paint the rest of them as bad guys�it was a mutual decision. They decide to have a team meeting to clear the air.
While the Road Rulers are fighting and everyone on RW is drinking and doing the free love thing like it's 1968, Stephen is acting like J. Edgar Hoover. He�s listening in on cast member interviews and taking notes outside the big RR meeting. He�s paranoid and no one can figure out why. Even though the RW team has agreed to this plan of voting off the weakest players, his erratic behavior is making everyone uncomfortable and has Lindsay fearing that they might be the next to go.
As the show closes, the teams are starting the Musical Inner Tube Challenge. Piggy and Chadwick are the first to go and Stephen has taken to elbowing people in the face to stay in the game�to be continued.
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episode 05
Inner Tube Tango continues with Piggy and Chadwick already eliminated. Things get heated in the pool when competitors start holding tubes for their partners and generally doing anything necessary to stay in the competition. Stephen is especially aggressive with arms flailing every which way. He�s so active in the pool that noone wants to stand near him so he gets to the front of the line. He and Lindsay eventually win the competition but there are some bruised egos and faces in the aftermath. Adam notes that "Stephen punched Jisela in the nose and so if I have an opportunity to go head to head with Stephen, I�m going to break his legs out."
The Inner Circles are formed and after a brief discussion, the Real Worlders agree to follow with their arrangement and eliminate the team with the lowest score. The Road Rulers don�t have as easy a decision. Holly has made it into the Inner Circle but her husband, Chadwick, has not. The bad blood between the old alliance is obvious as Emily makes it well known that she thinks Piggy and Chadwick should go. Dan and Tara are in agreement, for the good of the RR team. Holly argues that its hypocritical of everyone to want to vote off the 4th best team when they didn�t like that strategy last time. Tara sees right through this strategy though, "Holly is taking a strong stance. She wants to change the rules, which is what anyone would expect. Of course she doesn�t want her husband to go home"
Its time to announce whose being sent home. The Road Rulers are first and Holly refuses to even stand with the rest of the Inner Circle. Dan reveals that Chadwick and Piggy are going home for the betterment of the team. Everyone seems unhappy and uncomfortable with the entire situation. Holly decides that the rest of these people have made an enemy of her. The RW vote is much easier to take. Mike and Sharon already know they will be gone and are okay with it. The RW lovefest continues as Stephen thanks them for participating and for their respective great personalities. Sharon tearfully gives a pep talk to her team telling everyone that they have to "Take it to the Top!
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episode 06
It�s a new day and a new mission for the Challenge teams still at the resort. The teams participate in Vertical Limit, an extreme rope-climbing competition. Holly and Theo set the bar pretty high as the first team to complete the challenge, earning 33 points. They seem to have the $20,000 shopping spree in hand until Kelley destroys the competition by getting 21 points by herself. With her points added to Danny�s points, they easily win. Thankfully, this competition was much less vicious than the Inner Tube Tango.
But all is not well with either group. Road Rules is trying to get some of the unity and team concept that Real World has created. Dan suggests that they work on a money split so that everyone gets five grand and the winning team still walks away with about 40 grand apiece. Just about everyone seems okay with the idea except for Holly, who is still stinging from the ouster of her husband during the last Inner Circle. They form this new Inner Circle with nothing decided and bad blood still simmering between the teams.
The Real Worlders, however, feel like they have a virus. His name is Stephen. He is having a hard time getting along with anyone on his team, especially Coral, who has been in every Inner Circle so far. Even with their verbal agreement to vote off the weakest team, it seems that everyone on the RW side knows that there are two ways to go in this Inner Circle�voting off the team with the lowest score or voting off the team causing the most turmoil.
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episode 07
It's as if we�ve entered the twilight zone. The Road Rulers have a great inner circle vote off with Belou and Chris supportive of the decision and plenty of hugs and cheers. The Real World vote off doesn�t go so smoothly. The decision to vote off Stephen and Lindsay rocks the group because they weren�t in last place. Based on the agreement they made, Stephen and Lindsay shouldn�t be the team to go. Even as she is getting the boot, Lindsay tries to keep the team together, but Norm, Becky and Flora are having trouble moving past the betrayal.
The challenge this week is called Slam Dunk. The teams are hung from a bungee platform over a pool and try to make a basket as they plummet from above. The only team that successfully gets a basket is RR9. Danny and Becky refuse to even attempt the challenge, since both are afraid of heights.
The inner circles don�t change. Because Dan and Tara have no risk of being voted out of the inner circle no matter what the scores are in the next challenge, they are comfortable with sending Adam and Jisela home. Mike and Flora, who have been consistently scoring poorly, are happy to be going home and act as their own dismissers in the inner circle announcement. As Mike says, "They are about to repossess Flora�s car�and tomorrow night I'm going to have sushi and lots of sex."
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episode 08
There�s something going on with Tara and Mike; they're spending a lot of time together. Tara seems intrigued by stories of The Miz and Mike seems very interested in touching parts of Tara's body, but they aren�t talking. Everyone else knows what the deal is, and Mike and Tara aren�t very good at hiding it. The cameras catch them kissing and embracing regularly, and Coral and Theo act like Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson trying to sniff out the truth.
Meanwhile, everyone else is sick. The illness known as Montezuma�s Revenge hits Cabo San Lucas and takes out just about everyone. Bodily fluids are coming out of all areas and very few people are happy. Emily and Timmy attempt to combat illness with traditional methods and have little success. Becky, on the other hand, makes a call to a psychic or a physicist in San Francisco and his "energy" heals her through the phone.
Mark and Eric reveal that the teams should begin preparing for their next challenge--the Ladder of Death, which will determine the final inner circles. They note that failure for a team to complete the challenge will result in zero points awarded. Dan and Tara realize that this means that there's a chance they'll be sent home. Tara is incredibly concerned about failure as the ladder looks like a difficult physical challenge.
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episode 09
The Ladder of Doom mission has begun, and it will determine the final three teams in each inner circle. Tara is especially concerned about this challenge because if she fails, she and Dan could be eliminated. Trying to break into the top three, Josh and Holly work really hard to complete the mission quickly and put the pressure on Dan and Tara. It's not a vicious battle, but Josh and Holly obviously want the chance to compete for the handsome reward. Tara does complete the challenge, albeit with the slowest time, and the RR inner circle is set with Josh and Holly going home.
Norm and Becky are eliminated from the Real World side, so our final teams are set to compete for the $300,000 grand prize. For the third time, Theo and Holly are the challenge's top scorers and win a fabulous ski package and vacation. Theo is uncomfortable with all the winning, and Sean and Mike tease him by suggesting he should let some other people win once in a while.
Now that the finalists are set, Mike and Theo have a brief verbal challenge regarding who will win. Mike asks Theo if he realizes that when the Road Rulers were voting off their top teams, RW was saying "thank you." Theo realizes that the competition has gotten more intense now and puts on his game face, responding, "Real World don't have the team soul that you need. They're not a whole joke...just the punch line."
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episode 10
Now that the teams don�t have to vote anyone off, the mood has improved. The Road Rules girls are doing yoga together in the mornings and joking around. Holly is laughing and trying to learn how to be humble and to forgive. She notes that she�s "in no way angry with Emily after the whole Chadwick and Piggy ordeal." This all changes, however, when Emily receives a pretty nasty e-mail from Chadwick that basically blames her for his being voted out. Holly, of course, agrees with her husband�s assessment and once again there is division amongst the Road Rulers.
Meanwhile, the Real Worlders make a pact that somebody on their team has to start getting first place in the competitions. The Road Rulers are smugly confident. Timmy says the Real Worlders "are all tied for no chance in hell." Things seem to be going that way during the Cow Penning Competition when Timmy and Emily get an amazing 25-second time. But Sean and Elka surprise everyone by destroying that time, putting their cow in the pen in 15 seconds. To the amazement of absolutely everyone, Danny and Kelley, both of whom have very little riding experience, get their cow penned in 14 seconds and win the competition!
Their excellent scores start closing the gaps between the teams and Real World is filled with new confidence that they can actually win the challenge. Mike says they "just want to kick Road Rules' ass hard core!"
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episode 11
As the teams get prepared for their next challenge, Sean and Elka both have situations at home to deal with. Sean is a young father and a new lawyer and has another baby on the way. Elka is still with Walter and they are preparing to really start their lives together. Lack of funds is in the way though and she would really love to win the 50,000 bucks so that they can really start living and so she can take him on a trip. The challenge is called 'Rush Hour' and it involves moving cars around a grid in order to get one of them out. It�s a logic puzzle. Theo informs us that 'he went to a special school where he did a lot of logic stuff' and thinks he and Holly will do well. Sean spends all night preparing for the event while Mike and Coral think they will win because they are the ultimate team. Maybe the �Ultimate Team� should learn how to drive stick.
Mike and Coral have alot of trouble with the event when they find out all the cars aren�t automatic. Some of the others didn't fair too well either. Emily and Timmy are disqualified when they crash one of the cars, Dan and Tara take 10 minutes to finish and Danny and Kelley do it in an average 7 minutes. Holly and Theo kick butt and finish in 4 minutes and 30 seconds. Sean and Elka, however, when the cars when they complete the game in an astounding 3 minutes and 30 seconds. The team from Boston is ecstatic about winning cars. Daddy wanted to be a winner and he is.
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episode 12
There are three teams who have yet to win a prize in a challenge: Mike and Coral, Timmy and Emily, and Dan and Tara. They are all desperate to win something, anything. The next challenge, �Hands on Saturn,� gives them all an opportunity to do so. The team that lasts the longest will win a pair of new cars. What's the trick? In order to win, you have to keep your hands and/or feet on a block of ice longer than any other team. Kelley and Danny powder out first. They�ve already won a big prize and have no desire to hurt themselves by freezing their fingers off. They�d rather sip Pina Coladas in the shade. Theo and Holly are disqualified after Holly is judged to not have her entire hand on the ice. It was a good thing for Theo who was heading towards frostbite on his right hand. The next four teams last for quite a while until Sean, with his hand is so numb, realizes that it isn�t even sitting on ice. That leaves Mike and Coral, Timmy and Emily, and Dan and Tara. Timmy lets everyone know that he isn�t going without a fight by urinating right in the middle of the competition and standing over his own little pool pee.
Unfortunately, when the teams have to put three of their extremities on the ice sculpture, Timmy�s badly arched feet can�t stay on the ice and he and Emily are disqualified. So Dan and Tara and Mike and Coral sit side by side with all hands and feet on the ice. Dan warns Mike that his big toe isn�t on the block of ice but Mike doesn�t listen and it eventually costs them the game.
Dan and Tara win the cars, while Mike doesn�t take the loss too well. It was his 21st birthday and he wanted to win more than anything. Afterwords, he begins to drink heavily and �The Miz� starts to take over. The Miz starts yelling at Mike and everyone is concerned. The Drunken Miz is walking around screaming and banging into things while his teammate can only watch on in horror�
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episode 13
The Miz is still out and Coral is trying to calm her teammate down. As Kelley explains, 'Mike wants to be the guy that, for one time, stands on the top of the stairs and holds the gold medal.' Coral reminds The Miz that he is amazing and that Mike is amazing and that he�s 'Tougher than life.' Mike finally chills out and apologizes to everyone when he wakes up the next morning feeling wonderful. Meanwhile, the Road Rulers are having trouble maintaining the same kind of team unity that The Real World has shown. They hope to muster up some teamwork as they go into the next competition, 'Sidekick Showdown!'
The game is similar to the �Newlywed Game� where one team partner has to answer questions about their other partner in the way they would answer. The guys are up first and its obvious that Timmy, Sean and Mike know their partners well. Theo and Dan, on the other hand, have big trouble getting their questions right. While Dan and Tara have fun with it all, Theo�s answer about repairing Holly�s 'chesticles' sends Holly away in a tizzy. She feels disrespected but eventually returns to the game. The girls get their turn and their answers are quite surprising. Apparently, Theo and Dan are both in love with Timmy while Elka thinks that the married Sean wants to hook up with her. When all is said and done, Mike and Coral are the winners and The Miz finally wins a competition.
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episode 14
As the end of the challenge draws close, everyone is starting to get antsy about the handsome reward. Sean wants to insure that everyone who is still there gets a piece of the pie so that folks don�t leave Cabo with nothing. He comes up with an idea that would give each member of the losing team 10 grand. All they have to do is make a pact to share the loot with a member of the opposite team. Not everyone is ready to comply, because some are thinking like Tara, who "is so sure that [she�s] going to win that [she] doesn't want to give up some of [her] money."
Meanwhile, Timmy and Emily really just want to win something; they're the only team that hasn�t won a mission or a big prize. Emily is still stinging from the last Extreme Challenge, when she left empty-handed. But she�s much happier this time around--people have been wonderful and she has a boyfriend at home, James from the Maximum Velocity Tour.
The mission for the day is called "Blockheads." Each team has to build a single-color structure that is at least four blocks high for one teammate to stand on. Emily and Timmy win, just edging out Sean and Elka. Emily finally gets her big win and everyone seems happy going into the final swing of things�but everything isn�t always as it seems.
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episode 15
It's Siamese Wrestling and The Miz wants to know: Are You Ready?! While everyone else seems poised to have fun with the last mission before the big "Handsome Reward" event, Mike is taking the wrestling very seriously. He and Coral take on Holly and Theo, strapped to each other with corsets and sliding around in soap suds. They slip and side all over the place trying to get the other team's shoulders to the mat but without much success. Mike is very aggressive and accidentally pops Holly in the head with his elbow. He's so forceful that the corset attaching him to Coral starts to constrict around her abdomen restricting her breathing. Their match is postponed for a while so everyone can get their heads and bodies together again.
The other teams have an easier go at it. Dan and Tara easily beat Danny and Kelley but the Real Worlders seem to enjoy the defeat. Sean and Elka face off with Timmy and Emily and not even Sean's mohawk can save them from a quick defeat. Timmy and Emily take the lead with an amazing time of 35 seconds.
Meanwhile, Holly calls Chadwick crying. She complains about Mike's antics and vows she won't go back in the ring if he's acting psychotic again. But while she was away, Mike watched the other teams enjoy the match and realized he was being a jerk. He apologizes to Theo and explains that he's going to play less rough when they get back in the ring. When Holly returns, she even cracks a smile when Mike goes into the pleasing portions of his Miz act. The two teams agree to go at it again and after some fun but competitive wrestling, the girls decide that it should be a draw.
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episode 16
It�s the final mission and the $300,000 is up for grabs. Holly and Theo will lead the Road Rules team and Sean and Elka will lead the Real Worlders on a relay course that includes kayaking, deep sea diving, long board paddling and a logic puzzle. Before they begin the challenge, Mark and Eric reveal that the winning team will not only split the 300 grand, but that the top pair will win 2002 Saturn VUE�s.
The challenge begins and RR has a clear advantage in the early physical portions. Even when RW catches up because of some technical difficulties that Timmy and Emily have, the Road Rulers quickly regain the lead. It doesn�t help matters when Elka has trouble diving and Mike ends up riding Coral more than the longboard on their leg of the race. The Real Worlders never give up, however, and find themselves catching up to the Road Rulers at the logic puzzle. RR can�t seem to figure it out. Mike surprises everyone by quickly figuring out the puzzle for the Real Worlders, who come from behind to win the handsome reward!
Everyone is happy that the challenge is over and that the Real Worlders have won. Most of the Road Rulers will be going home with cash too, since they made deals to split some of the prize money with a Real Worlder. Well, all except for Holly, who refused to split the money with Coral. Coral walks away with 50 grand, some great friends and the knowledge that this time, the Real Worlders were victorious!
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