Tom Murray was born in Chicago, and his birth certificate bears the stamp of Richard Daley who was the Cook County clerk at the time. In Tom's early childhood years he lived in Memphis and Kansas City before settling in Denver to spend his school years. After graduating from high school, Tom went into the US Army and served in Germany for two years in the 3rd and 63rd armor of the 1st Infantry Division (Big Red One). After being discharged from the service, Tom's father had a job transfer to Minneapolis. Tom's parents asked if he wanted to move to Minnesota with them, and he agreed. He then entered Dunwoody Industrial Technical Institute there and graduated after two years. He's been living in Minneapolis ever since. Tom's influences in music stem largely from the Top 40 days of the 60's. He was a big fan of all the mainstream bands like the Beatles and Rolling Stones. Hendrix especially. He's also was (and still is) a big fan of Motown. A lot of that music has influenced the songs that he made with his band Timelock. He also keeps an eye on the current stuff, and has attempted to express himself with music software and has tried three or four programs. His personal philosophy is that "Free time is my mistress" and "I'm not a superstar, but I consider myself a song-and-dance man" and he dislikes the word "poet" and likes to consider himself a vomiter of lamenting words. He agrees with George Costanza that he should shake his head and say to himself, "A guy with two cats? I don't know...." And Tom does feel he's getting older, by quoting Rodney Dangerfield: "I know I'm getting old, because last year my insurance company sent me only half a calendar."


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