
by Kathy L

Part 1


Notes: I know Bobby is rumored to join/show up in the 2nd season but I've had this in mind for some time and I can't wait.


In the office of Ms. Raven Darkholme, a young teen about 14 years old, stands in front of the principal's desk. He is wearing a dark blue and black Hawaiian shirt with dark blue dockers and yellow lenses John Lennon sunglasses. If the dusty brown haired youth was intimated by Principal Darkholme he wasn't showing it.

"Well Robert," Darkholme starts.

"Bobby," the youth interjects," it's just Bobby."

"Well then Bobby, welcome to Bayville High school." She hands him a piece of paper continuing, "Here is your class schedule and I hope I don't need to see you in my office again as long as you attend this school."

"Don't worry, staying out of creepy principal's offices is something I always try my best to do," Bobby answers light heartedly. Darkholme gives him a quizzical look and he then adds nervously, "I, think I'll be leaving now."

After the youth leaves, Darkholme sighs, "How come I can't shake the feeling he just might become a regular visitor?" 

Meanwhile Bobby passes by Todd in the forum. "Where did you transfer from newbie, Venice Beach?" the delinquent quips.

Bobby just casually retorts," Better than coming from San Francisco."

It takes a couple of seconds for Todd to catch on to the hidden meaning, which is enough time for Bobby to have already entered the crowded hallways. Leaving Todd the only option to fume over the insult.

Outside in the hallway, Bobby glances at his schedule to see he has European History in 10 minutes. By sheer luck he makes it to the class  with a few seconds to spare.

"You must be Robert Drake," the middle aged teacher says as he enters the room as the bell rings.

"That's Bobby," the teen corrects.

"Alright then Bobby you can sit in the fourth seat of the third row," the teacher instructs pointing to the empty desk. "But before you sit down why don't you introduce yourself to the class.

"Okay," Bobby agrees warily. He faces the class and says," I'm Bobby Drake, I'm from Long Island Beach, New York and my goal for the future is complete world domination."

The class snickers and Bobby promptly makes his way to his seat and sits down. The teacher then starts the lesson on the War of the Roses, which he has to remind some of the students didn't actually deal with roses.

By that time Bobby has already zoned out into Bobby land until a German accented whisper brings him back to reality. "What did you say?" he whispers back and finds the source of the voice being a raven haired youth to his right.

The older boy whispers," I said I can't believe you introduced yourself that vay."

He gives him a smile full of bravado and answers back," Well personally, I can't stand how repetitive introductions sound, so I tend to throw something out that people aren't expecting."

The older boy nods in agreement and brings his attention back to the teacher droning on.

Back in Bobby land a dark cloud keeps coming up and the boy wishes he could forget what he was if just for a moment. "It's going to better," he mentally reassures himself, "It won't be like back in Long Beach. I can pretend to be normal here."

To Be Continued...   


Notes: Next week, maybe...






Disclaimer: X-Men: Evolution and all it's characters belong to Marvel and all associated companies. All works here are done by fans and for fans
with no intent on profit from them.

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