In the Arms of an Angel

by Moonchampion

Part 1


Disclaimer: I do not own the X-Men, or any of its original characters. Nor do I have any type of claim to those characters. However, the characters of my creation belong to me, and cannot be used without my permission.

"Ooh! I don't get it!" exclaimed Kitty. Kitty pounded her fist on the table in frustration. The librarian produced a loud "Shhh!" in response to the bang. Kitty hung her head embarrassed. Then, she felt Jean's hand rest on her shoulder. "I still don't understand," she whispered.

"It's okay," said Jean soothingly. "Trust me you'll get it."

"How?" asked Kitty. "Do you think you can help me?" announced Kitty with a glint of hope in her eyes.

"I can try," responded Jean. "What are you working on?" Jean picked up Kitty's text and read the cover, Advanced Quantum Physics. "Uh, on second thought Kitty, maybe we can find you a tutor."

Kitty sighed and began to gather her things. Jean started to pack her books away too. It was almost 7:00pm, and the two girls were almost late for dinner back at the mansion. Once the girls were packed, they began to walk towards the staircase. Kitty was still trying to explain the basic principles of Quantum Physics to Jean, but Jean found the subject hopeless to understand.

Jean turned the corner to head down the stairs, and bumped directly into rather handsome blonde teenage boy. Jean studied the boy briefly. He was wearing khakis, a pair of loafers and a sweater vest, with the emblem of Bayville Academy crested on the left side of his chest.

"I'm sorry," apologized the boy. "I didn't see you. Are you okay?"

Jean was lost in the glare of his deep blue eyes. She finally realized that the boy was trying to help her up. "Oh, yeah," said Jean, "I'm fine." He pulled her to her feet, and proceeded to reach for the floor to pick up his books. As he did so, Jean glanced at Kitty. She noticed Kitty mouth the word "number." Jean shook her head.

"What is it?" the boy asked, now offering Jean her books back.

"Uh, nothing, really," said Jean as she grabbed her books. "I'm sorry. I have to go. Bye." Jean quickly dashed around the blonde haired boy and down the stairs. Kitty was left sighing in defeat as Jean made her escape. Kitty shrugged at the boy as she started after Jean. Then, she felt the boy grab her arm.

"Excuse me, but is your friend okay?" asked the boy.

"After what happened, I'm not so sure anymore," replied Kitty.

The boy chuckled slightly. "Do you two go to Bayville High?"

"Depends. Why are you asking?" said Kitty.

"Well, I'm supposed to be transferring there for a while. I'm sure you know how it is when you get to a new school. I just thought it would be a good idea to no someone before hand," explained the boy. "What's your name?"

"My name's Kitty Pryde. You can call me, Kitty. My friend, who has officially abandoned me, is Jean Grey. You can call her, Chicken," said Kitty. The boy laughed lightly. "What's your name?"

"Uh, just call me Warren," he said. "I suppose I'll see you at school tomorrow. Bye, Kitty." Warren then walked off as Kitty descended the stairs and exited the library. She found Jean waiting outside pacing back and forth in front of the entrance.

"Why did you run off?" asked Kitty. "He was so cute!"

As the girls began to walk off, they heard the honk of a horn. They turned to Scott Summers pulling up to the curb in his red convertible. "You girls ready?" he asked.

Jean turned to face Kitty with a smile on her face. "Oh, that’s why," responded Kitty. Jean hopped into the front seat next to Scott, and Kitty got into the back. As the convertible drove away, Warren stared out the window of the library. His face was twisted with a hint of annoyance. As Warren disappeared from the window, the frown did as well. It was replaced with a smile, and his thoughts were only of Jean Grey.

Scott and Jean strolled into Mrs. Baxter’s English class and took their seats next to each other. The bell rang and the class fell silent as Mrs. Baxter entered the room. She had a stack of papers in her hand, their midterm essays. She placed them on her desk, and was about to begin class. The knock at the door interrupted her before should had the chance to speak. She went to the door and opened it to find Principal Darkholme, along with another student, Warren.

"Good morning, Mrs. Baxter. This is Warren Worthington, III. He will be joining us for a few weeks," announced Principal Darkholme. "Since you’re Teacher of the Year, I felt it was best to start him with your class. Warren, the classes that you want coincides mostly with the schedule of Ms. Grey. I’m sure she’ll be more than happy to show you around."

Principal Darkholme cast her eyes at Jean. The glare was very cold. Darkholme was actually their enemy Mystique. Nevertheless, Warren had requested that his schedule match Jean’s. Mystique didn’t know why, but she definitely wanted to find out.

Warren entered the room and approached Jean’s desk. He stared down into her eyes, but after a few seconds found something blocking his view. Scott Summers had stood up, and extended his hand. "Hello, my name’s Scott. Nice to meet you," he said.

Warren pushed him out of the way and took his seat. "Thanks for the seat, pal," said Warren.

Scott was about to confront him, but Mrs. Baxter interrupted. "Oh, how nice of you, Scott, to offer your seat to Warren. You can take a seat next to Marie." Scott clinched his fist and stared down at Worthington who was smiling. Scott glanced at Jean how shrugged apologetically. Scott grabbed his bag and took his seat next to Marie, who was also his friend Rogue.

"You okay?" asked Rogue as Scott took his seat.

"Who does he think he is?" said Scott. Rogue sighed, as Scott began to open his book and follow the lesson, obviously still annoyed. Then, she too did the same. However, as class continued, Scott could only manage to concentrate on Warren. Scott watched him like a hawk for the rest of class. There was no way Worthington would get away with this.

As the last bell of the day rang, the students exploded out of their seats and through the doors. Scott and Rogue walked down the hall towards their lockers. Just as Scott approached his locker, he noticed Jean was there. However, Warren was there as well. The two teens were laughing and enjoying themselves. Scott dropped his bag and rushed at Warren. Rogue tried to stop him, but it was too late.

Scott pushed Warren away from Jean. The young blonde teen’s back was slammed against the lockers. Warren winced in pain, and slid to the floor grasping his shoulder. Once Warren saw his attacker, he exploded back to his feet and lunged for Scott. The two boys continued to scuffle, and were only stopped by the voice of Principal Darkholme.

"Summers! What’s the meaning of this?!" said Darkholme as the two pulled themselves apart from each other. Principal Darkholme examined the faces of both the boys. There seemed to be nothing more than pure hatred between them. "Never mind. I don’t care what started this. Mr. Summers, detention."

"Wait!" exclaimed Rogue. "That’s not fair!"

"You too!" responded Principal Darkholme. "I expect you both to report there in five minutes." Darkholme left the scene with an evil smile on her face.

Scott slammed his fist into the locker. "What did you think you were doing?" asked Jean.

Scott turned to face Jean, obviously still upset. "Worthington was out of line!" he responded.

"Really?" said Jean. "Well, how do you explain your actions?"

"Worthington’s been a jerk since I met him. You saw how he behaved this morning. I may have let him take my seat, but I’m not letting him take my girl!" said Scott.

"Your girl?" said Jean.

"That’s right. I don’t want Worthington anywhere near you from now on," replied Scott.

"You don’t own me, Scott. I’m free to talk to anyone I choose," Jean said.

"Jean, I’m asking you to do this one thing. Stay away from Warren, please," said Scott.

"No, I will not allow you to choose my friends. Besides, that will be impossible anyway," stated Jean.

"I know he’s in most of your classes, but…." Started Scott.

"No, you don’t understand, Scott. Warren’s not just in my classes, he’s moving into the mansion."

"What? He’s a mutant?" whispered Scott.

"Yes, and he has enrolled at the Xavier Institute as well," replied Jean. "So, I would suggest that you two start getting along, because he’s one of us now. I’ll see you when you get home."

Jean turned and walked away towards the exit. Scott then, focused his attention on Warren. The smile on Warren’s face couldn’t be any wider. Warren stepped a little closer to Scott and stared into his eyes for a moment. "You should know that I always get what I want Summers," whispered Warren. Warren turned to look at Jean, who had stopped and was waiting for him to catch up. "Always."

Warren left Scott Summers to catch up with Jean. The two then disappeared out of the door. Scott stood there paralyzed by the revelation that he may have just pushed the girl that he loved into the arms of another man. His concentration was only broken when he felt Rogue tug on his arm.

"Come on," said Rogue. "We still have detention. Besides y’all need time to cool off." Rogue began to usher Scott to the detention hall, however, the only thing Scott could think about was Warren’s last words: You should know that I always get what I want, Summers. Always.







Disclaimer: X-Men: Evolution and all it's characters belong to Marvel and all associated companies. All works here are done by fans and for fans
with no intent on profit from them.

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