In the Arms of an Angel

by Moonchampion

Part 2


Disclaimer: I do not own the X-Men, or any of its original characters. Nor do I have any type of claim to those characters. However, the characters of my creation belong to me, and cannot be used without my permission.

Scott Summers charged through the front door of the mansion and stormed up the stairs. Although his eyes were hidden behind his red ruby quartz glasses, anyone could tell that he was angry. Scott emerged on the second landing to find his classmates Evan Daniel, Kurt Wagner and Kitty Pryde heading down the steps.

"Hey Scott, we were going to catch a movie, We were wondering if…," began Evan, but Scott marched right past him without saying a word. Evan looked at Kurt and Kitty and found they were just as confused as he was. Evan started to continue down the stairs, but saw Rogue racing up the stairs after Scott. "Hey, Rogue, what’s his problem?"

"Scott just needs some time alone," replied Rogue. She continued up the stairs after Scott as Evan and the others began to file down the stairs and out of the front door. Rogue approached Scott’s door, which was closed.

She gave the knob a slight turn and pushed it open. When she looked inside, she found that the room was empty. She heard the door behind her slam. Rogue turned around to find Scott exiting Jean’s room with a scowl of frustration on his face. He pounded his fist on the wall, and headed back down stairs. Rogue sighed and followed him.

"Ah Scott, you’re home," said a voice. It was the Professor. Ororo Munroe, was standing behind the professor’s wheel chair as they emerged from his office. "I believe we need to talk."

"How could you do this, Professor?" asked Scott. "Why didn’t you tell us about Worthington’s admission into the institute?"

"There wasn’t anything to tell until late this afternoon, Scott," responded Professor Xavier. "Warren’s parents did not finalize his admission until this afternoon. His things arrived less than an hour ago."

"You’re still not answering my question," said Scott. "You had to have know that Warren was a mutant for some time now. You’ve been scouting him. Why haven’t you told us before today?"

"Warren’s parents carry an extremely high profile, Scott. I felt that I didn’t need to alert you that he was a mutant until it was certain he would join us. Since Warren’s parents were headed for Europe on an extended leave, Warren decided it would be best to go ahead and join the Institute now," said the professor.

Scott clinched his fist tightly. "I thought we agreed that you would start to trust us a little more," stated Scott.

"I’m sorry Scott, but his parents asked me to keep Warren’s mutant status between myself and Ororo. They only wanted a minimum number of people to know. I had to agree, as an act of good faith," he responded.

"Fine. Whatever. Where’s Jean?" asked Scott.

"She is in the Danger Room with Logan," said Storm, "and Warren."

Scott sighed and stormed off into the direction of the Danger Room. Rogue was about to follow him, but the professor motioned for her to stop. "Rogue, I understand you and Scott are good friends. Please, help him see that Warren is not his enemy."

Rogue sighed and started off behind Scott. "Just ask me to declare World Peace, why don’cha?" mumbled Rogue to herself.

"I may ask you to do that one day, Rogue, but not today. For now, just focus on Scott and Warren," called the Professor. Rogue sighed, just remembering that Professor Xavier was a telepath. She continued on her way to the Danger Room, prepared to attempt the impossible.

"All right, kid," said Logan from the Danger Room’s control booth, "let’s see what you got." Logan’s fingers moved across the control panel and brought the Danger Room to life. Canons emerged from the walls, and blades began to swing on pendulums from the ceiling.

Inside the Danger Room, Warren Worthington had just stepped through the threshold. He was wearing a dark blue jumpsuit with a white streak running down the center of the suit. Embroidered on the chest of the jumpsuit was a slanted golden halo. At the sides of his shoulders, and on the buckle of his belt were the X-Men insignia. Warren was also wearing a pair of white boots. The most amazing sight, however, had nothing to do with his new uniform. It was his wings.

Sprouting out of Warren’s back were a pair of large, beautiful ivory wings. They appeared identical to the wings of an angel. Warren stroked his short, curly blonde hair, and looked behind him to find Jean Grey entering the Danger Room as well. The two teens exchanged a smile and nodded at each other.

"We’re ready, Logan," called Jean.

"Hold on. We’ll make this a scrimmage exercise, since you two have company," he replied over the intercom.

Jean and Warren turned to see Cyclops and Rogue entering the Danger Room fully suited. Scott and Warren approached each other, and glared deeply into each other’s eyes. Rogue folded her arms and hung her head, as Jean sighed with disapproval.

"Well, Summers," taunted Warren, "I have to give you credit. You just don’t know when to give up do you."

"I never ‘give up,’ Worthington," said Scott. "Besides, you’re playing in my world now, by my rules."

"The name’s Angel, Four-eyes," responded Warren.

"Gee, you come up with that by yourself, or did you buy the name from the WB?" said Scott.

"You can obviously talk the talk, Summers. Let’s see if you can walk the walk, huh?" replied Warren.

Warren stepped away from Scott towards Jean. Scott felt Rogue approach from behind. "All right, Jeannie and Warren you’re team one. Scott and Rogue you’re team two," called Logan. "The name of the game is tag. Both team members must be tagged before the exercise is over. Get ready ta dance guys and gals, starting… now!"

Cyclops’ visor began to glow with red energy as he looked in Angel’s direction. Warren’s wings spread very wide and flapped down causing a gust to toss his body into the air. The Angel soared around the Danger Room at such an amazing speed, that he almost appeared to be a blur. Cyclops fired several optic blasts trying to tag his rival. Obviously tired of being on the defense, Warren began to dive directly towards Cyclops. Scott dove out of the line of attack and landed chest down on the floor.

Meanwhile, Jean chased after Rogue, by using her telekinesis to manipulate the canons to fire in Rogue’s direction. Rogue continued to dodge the blasts, but had no chance to counter with any type of offense. Suddenly, Rogue felt something slam hard into her back. As Rogue lost her footing, she stumbled to the floor. Rogue looked up in time to see the blur of Angel passing over her. He had taken advantage of Jean’s distraction tagged Rogue from behind.

Warren began to swoop upwards, but felt a strong impact in his abdomen. The pain made him lose his balance as he tumbled to the floor. Warren looked up to find the yellow boot of Cyclops right next to his face. Warren looked up to find Scott staring down at him.

"Tag, you’re it," said Cyclops.

"Scott! What’s wrong with you?! You could have hurt him," cried Jean as she rushed past Scott to help Warren up. "It was just an exercise Scott, you didn’t have to use that much force." Jean helped Warren to his feet, as he cradled his ribs. "Come on, let’s get you to the infirmary."

"Come on, Jean. Didn’t you see how hard he pushed Rogue? She could have been hurt too," protested Scott.

"Oh grow up, Scott!" responded Jean as she helped Warren to the door of the Danger Room. "I thought you were a little more mature than that, Scott Summers. I guess I was wrong."

As the two teens disappeared out the door, the simulation died down. The last thing Scott saw before the door shut, was Warren glancing back again with a sinister smile on his face. Scott grunted with frustration as the door shut behind them. "Man! I can’t believe that guy! Why can’t she see him for what he really is?!"

"Listen, kid," said Logan from the door, "whatever problems you and bird-boy have, ya better work ‘em out soon. We can’t afford those type of distractions in the field, got it?" With that Logan turned to head out the door, but paused. "By the way… nice shot." Then, Logan disappeared through the doors leaving Scott and Rogue alone in the Danger Room.

"Listen, Scott," began Rogue.

"What am I doing wrong, Rogue?" interrupted Scott. "Jean and I have always seen eye to eye. At least we did before Worthington showed up." Scott faced Rogue, and she could see the pain on his face.

"Come on," said Rogue, "Ah think Ah know what ya need. Do ya trust me?"

Scott looked at the young girl before him. She filled with enthusiasm. She brushed the bleached portion of her hair away from her eye and seized Scott’s hand, and proceeded to drag him out of the Danger Room. "Wait a minute. Rogue, where are you taking me?" he asked.

"Are ya going to trust me, or not?" she asked.

"Okay, fine. Lead the way," replied Scott.

The two teens then disappeared through the doors of the Danger Room, with Rogue still leading Scott by the hand. After the two had changed into civilian clothes, Rogue led Scott out of the mansion, and to his red convertible. Rogue proceeded to jump into the front passenger seat, and wait with a smile on his face.

"Rogue, what—," began Scott, but Rogue wagged her finger indicating that he was still supposed to trust her. "All right, where to?" he asked as he sat down behind the wheel and started the engine.

"You just drive, and Ah’ll tell ya, when we get there," she responded.

Scott nodded, and put the car into drive. He then pressed his foot against the gas pedal and his red convertible disappeared outside the front gate.

"No Kitty! It’s over! We’re going to see the new Jackie Chan movie!" cried Evan.

"But I don’t want to see Jackie Chan! I want to see the…" began Kitty.

"Leonardo DiCaprio. We know," chimed Evan and Kurt in unison.

The three teens continued to argue about which movie they were going to see, as they strolled along the sidewalk. Suddenly, they heard a loud scream, which brought their debate to a halt. The teens looked at each other, and then they each broke into a run in the scream’s direction.

They turned into an alley to find an old woman lying on the ground. The rushed towards her and began to help her to her feet. The old woman was trembling, and her face appeared to be covered with tears.

"Are you all right, ma’am?" asked Evan.

"Ja, do you need an ambulance?" Kurt asked.

The old woman shook her head. "Can you tell us what happened?" asked Kitty.

The old woman nodded, and proceeded with her story. "I was on my way to my pick-up my niece, but some young hoodlums grabbed me and drug into this alley. Then, they tried to take my purse."

Kitty looked down at the old woman and noticed that she still had her purse clutched in her hand. "How did you get away from them?" Kitty asked.

"Like this, Sweetie," said the old woman and she placed her cupped hand onto Kitty’s neck. Kitty gasped and withdrew from the woman clenching her neck. Kitty took her hand away from her neck to study her hand, and check to see if there was any blood oozing from her neck. She managed to pull a small needle attached to a metal bead from her neck. Kitty, then fell to the ground unconscious.

"Kitty?!" Kurt yelled. "Vas have you done to her?" Kurt started towards the old woman, but felt a sudden sting on his neck. He reached towards his neck to pull out a similar beaded needle before falling to the ground.

"Ha-ha! He never saw it coming," said a voice from the shadows. Quicksilver stepped into the light, with a huge smile on his face. "How ya doing, Ev?"

"Wait a minute," started Evan, "if you’re here, then you must be…." Suddenly, the old woman began to transform before Evan’s eyes. Her flabby skin began to tighten, and also began to change blue. Her silver white hair was replaced with bright red locks. Even her clothes changed, from a wide flower dress, to a slender, sleek white gown. "Mystique!"

"Bravo, Evan," applauded Mystique mockingly. "Now, are you going to come with us the easy way, or the hard way?"

"Lady, I’m not going anywhere with you," replied Evan. Then, bone-spikes started to emerge from Evan’s arm. Evan waved his arms towards Mystique and Quicksilver. The bone-spikes began to fly from his arm in their direction. Both Quicksilver and Mystique ducked to dodge the onslaught of spikes.

"Perfect!" said Evan. Then, he tossed several long spikes in the direction of his enemies creating a small cage to hold them for a while. Evan started to shake Kitty and Kurt to wake them, but it was useless. Suddenly, Evan felt a heavy blow land on the top of his head, but that was the last thing he felt as he fell into darkness.

"Excellent Fred," said Mystique as huge behemoth began to pick up the bodies of the unconscious X-Men. Suddenly the bones began to crumble to the ground as Avalanche used his mutant powers to shake the bones to ashes.

Mystique stepped over the crumbled ashes of bone and a smile spread over her face. "Now, that we have three of Xavier’s own, I’m certain he will be willing to do anything we ask to get them back."

"What exactly do you have in mind?" said the Toad, as he leaped into view from behind the Blob.

"Xavier has always been a step ahead in locating mutant talent," said Mystique. "I think it’s time for a change. If Xavier wants these brats back alive, it will cost him dearly. He will give me his very own mutant tracking system. He will give me… Cerebro!







Disclaimer: X-Men: Evolution and all it's characters belong to Marvel and all associated companies. All works here are done by fans and for fans
with no intent on profit from them.

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