Playing For Keeps

by Moonchampion

Part 1


Disclaimer: I do not own the X-Men, or any of its original characters. Nor do I have any type of claim to those characters. However, the characters of my creation belong to me, and cannot be used without my permission.

The waves tossed the pair of surfboards up over each crest. Both riders held onto their boards tightly as they waited for the perfect wave. They exchanged a glance as another wave pushed against the bottom of the boards. The two boys turned again to find the wave they had been waiting on approaching. The two boys began to paddle away from the wave to build momentum, so that they could catch the surf. As the wave passed underneath them, the boys felt the wave take control of the boards and carry them towards the shore of the beach.

The boys stood on the boards and tried to gain their balance. The younger teen, Alex, maintained his balance with ease. Having lived in Hawaii for a number of years, surfing was practically second nature. It was as easy as riding a bicycle. His older brother, Scott, however had no prior experience. As the wave carried his board, Scott wavered from side to side to hold his balance. Eventually, the crest of the wave came crashing into Scott’s back knocking him off the board.

"Oh man! Wipeout!" called Evan from the shore.

At Evan’s announcement, the others looked out into the ocean to find their friend sprawled out in the sand as the waves continued to roll against his body. Ororo, Jean and Kitty, whom had been sun-bathing, pulled their sunglasses to the bridges of the noses as they sat up to check on Scott. Kurt and Evan ran down towards the ocean to help Scott up.

By this time, Alex was stepping through the waves to reach his brother. He managed to reach him before the others did and helped Scott to his feet. Scott stood up, but seemed to be disappointed. He reached down to pick up his board as Alex threw his arm around his shoulder.

"Don’t sweat it, bro," Alex encouraged. "You’re getting better. With a little more practice, you’ll be riding the waves like a natural."

"Thanks, Alex," replied Scott. The two Summers siblings dragged their boards towards Kurt and Evan. After a brief exchange of words, a bit of laughter erupted from the group of boys.

"Well, it seems everything is fine," said Ororo as she pushed her sunglasses back over her eyes and lay back down on her towel.

"Well, you know what they say," added Jean as she followed Ororo’s example. "Boys will be boys."

Kitty lay back as well, but briefly popped back up. "Hey, where’s Rogue?" asked Kitty as she looked at the empty towel next to her. "I’ve barely seen her since we got to Genosha. The only time I really ever see her is during the morning and at night before bed."

"Rogue’s not a big fan of the beach," said Jean as she rose up next to Kitty.

"What do you mean? Why not?" asked Kitty.

"She’s afraid… you know… with her powers and all?" replied Jean.

"Oh great! This trip is going to be a major bummer for her! There has to be something we can do to cheer her up," said Kitty.

"Well, there are two things I know that may be able to cheer up Rogue," answered Jean with a smile on her face.

"Shopping!" replied an excited Kitty.

"That’s one," said Jean. "And the other one is…."

"Boys," said Ororo calmly behind her dark glasses. The two teenage girls looked astonished at their mentor as a heavy breeze lifted Ororo’s white hair. "I was a teenager once," she replied with a smile on her face. The other two girls giggled at each other as they began to picture a teenage Ororo flirting with a boy.

Rogue stood on the pier looking down at the waves, as they crashed against the large wooden columns supporting the pier. The wind blew at her streaked hair as she simply stared at the passing waves. Rogue sighed and looked around. She was alone on the pier. She looked down at the beach and saw hundreds of people stretched out on the sand, or splashing in the ocean.

Tears began to form in Rogue’s eyes as she realized she could never really have fun like those people. Rogue continued to survey the beach. She saw a group of kids playing volleyball. One girl had just pushed the ball back over the net. As she landed on the ground, she lost her footing and stumbled into the arms of a boy, probably her boyfriend. Rogue watched as he wrapped his arms tightly around her. The pain drove deep into Rogue’s heart like an ice, cold blade. She quickly swirled around to find herself bumping into someone.

"I’m sorry," replied Rogue. Her voice was cracking as she tried to hold back the tears. "I didn’t see you."

"Hey, it’s no problem, Cher," said the boy. Rogue noticed his accent. It had almost sounded French. She looked up to see the boy. He was young, a teenager like her. He was wearing some long blue jeans shorts, which were baggy, and had been cut from pants. He had on white mid-top sneakers and a white T-shirt. The sleeves had been cut as well, and some island logo was on the front. The boy’s hair was a reddish brown, sort of spiked and messy. Some of his hair seemed to cover his forehead. Then, Rogue noticed the boy’s eyes. At first, she noticed that his pupils were red, and the whites of his eyes were black instead. She blinked and looked again, and only found a normal pair of brown eyes.

"Is sometin’ wrong?" asked the boy. He raised his fingers to wipe the tears away from her face.

"No don’t!" said Rogue as she pulled away from the boy’s hand. "I’m all right. Please just leave me alone." Rogue started to walk away from the pier, but felt something grab her arm. She glanced down at her arm, which was covered by a sleeve of black lace. The boy’s hand was gloved except for some of the fingertips. Rogue pulled her arm from the boy’s grasp. "I said ‘leave me alone!’"

"I don’t t’ink so," he countered. "Not ‘til you tell me why you so upset." The boy walked past her and rested his palms on the pier railing. "Here you are, a beautiful girl… on a island off the coast of Africa… beautiful weather, beach… and yet you’re cryin’." The boy turned around to face Rogue, who was still staring at him, and for some reason she felt unable to move. "So, I’ll ask again. What’s wrong?"

Rogue continued to stare in the boy’s eyes. Part of her was afraid and wanted to run, but after looking into the boy’s eyes she felt safe and secure. She felt that she could reveal anything to him. "Who are you?" asked Rogue. It was the only thing she could manage to say as these conflicting feelings washed over her.

"My name’s Remy," said the boy. He took a step closer and reached for her hair. He began to twirl a string of her hair around his fingers, as he smiled and stared deeply into her eyes. "What’s yours?"

"Rogue," she answered, still lost in his eyes.

"Rogue, huh? Is dat what you want me to call you?" asked Remy.

"Well, my friends call me Rogue, but my name is Marie," she stammered.

"I like Rogue better. Is it okay if I call you Rogue?" he asked. Rogue only responded with a nod. "So what are you doin’ here, Rogue?"

"I’m on vacation," she replied. However, now her voice sounded as if she were charmed and dazzled.

"Wit’ your family?" Remy continued.

"Yes. I mean no! Sort of," replied Rogue. She looked up as she heard Remy start to laugh. "Well, I’m here with some of my classmates. They’re the closest thing I have to a family right now."

"I understand. You don’t have to explain," said Remy. The smile on his face seemed to calm Rogue down, as she continued to look in his eyes.

"Rogue!" called Kitty. Both Kitty and Jean were headed towards Rogue and Remy. The girls were now wearing flowered skirts over their bikinis, which they had tied at their waists.

Rogue looked nervously back at Remy who glanced back at the other girls. "Your friends?"

"Yeah," answered Rogue. "Listen I have to go. Will I see you again?" Rogue quickly turned her eyes away. She realized she had made herself sound desperate. How embarrassing she thought to herself.

"Sure," Remy replied as he glanced once again into Rogue’s eyes.

"When? Where?" asked Rogue.

"Don’t worry, Cher," replied Remy as he backed away. "I’ll find you." Remy turned and started to walk off the pier past Jean and Kitty. He nodded at the girls as he passed them.

Once Jean and Kitty reached Rogue, they crowded around her with smiles on their faces eager to her every detail. "So?" prompted Kitty.

"So what?" countered Rogue.

"So who was that?" said Jean as nudged Rogue’s arm with her elbow.

"Come on, Rogue. You can’t hold out on us, now!" added Kitty.

"Okay, okay! His name is Remy," confessed Rogue.

Giggles and squeals began to erupt from Jean and Kitty. "What else?" Kitty urged.

"There is nothing else," said Rogue, "we just met." Rogue turned towards Jean who was smiling and tapping her temple. "And he said he’ll find me later!" All three girls squealed together at the exciting news. "Oh no! What am I doing? I can’t go threw with this? I don’t have anything to wear? I can’t touch him? What have I done?"

"Calm down, girl," said Jean as she placed her arm on a panicked Rogue. "You’re just having fun, okay. He’s probably just visiting the island like you. There’s nothing to get serious about yet. As far as everything else goes, we’ll help you."

"Thanks guys," said Rogue. She looked at Kitty, and then back at Jean. "So, what do I do now?"

"That’s easy, Rogue," said Kitty. "We shop!" Kitty took Rogue and Jean by the arm and pulled them off the pier and towards the market place.

"So as you can see, the x-factor gene is responsible for the mutations. Now, my research has demonstrated great promise that the mutagenic complications of the gene can be repaired. In laymen terms, I may have stumbled on the cure for mutants. However, lack of sanctions and funding by many of the world governments have halted all progress in the program," explained the speaker on the podium to the audience.

"Dr. Essex," began Professor Xavier, "as I understand it, the nations of the world have decided not to offer aid and sanctions because of the next step of your program. You are already pushing to conduct your tests on humans, and you have failed to provide scenarios on any complications that may occur."

"Professor Xavier, I have done no such thing because there is no possible complication that can occur. My research is flawless, and I am certain that I have found the cure that plagues mankind," countered Dr. Essex.

"First of all, I understand your point of view Doctor. However, you must understand that despite your reputation, many of the nations must concern themselves with the remote possibility that you have erred," said Professor Xavier. "Secondly, being a mutant is not a disease, and therefore has no cure. What you are talking about is genetic manipulation, which is just short of playing God! Now, I apologize, but I cannot support your study politically or financially. Since you have found a venue, here in Genosha, where you are sanctioned to continue your work, I wish you the best of luck. Yet, without further evidence to ensure that all lives will be preserved, I cannot offer my support."

"I understand Professor," said Dr. Essex. "I thank you for your time."

Professor Xavier nodded in acknowledgement and rolled his wheel chair away from the table. Logan opened the door as Xavier wheeled his way out of the auditorium. At this point several other members of the audience exchanged words amongst themselves. The continued to do so, until Dr. Essex adjourned the meeting for the day. After all the delegates had left, a young boy walked in the door and made his way towards the stadium. It was Remy.

"So, Uncle Nate," began Remy, "how’d it go?"

"Let’s just say that I’m going to need you to exercise your talents tonight," replied Dr. Essex. He began to pack his notes into his suitcase. Dr. Essex padded each of his pockets searching for his pen. He glanced in his suitcase briefly, then raised his head and turned towards Remy. The young boy was twirling the pen between his fingers.

"Don’t worry, Unc’. I’ve got everything under control. You just tell me what you want, and it’s as good as yours."

"Excellent," replied Dr. Essex as he retrieved his pen. He picked up his suitcase, and started towards the door. "Tonight I want you to collect a hair sample from each of Xavier’s kids. Understand?"

"Hair?!" asked Remy. "From where I’m standin’, Unc’, you’re head’s pretty full of hair."

Dr. Essex grabbed the boy’s shirt and pulled him closer. "Listen boy! I don’t have time for your games! This is too important! Just get the samples! Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, sir," replied Remy.

Dr. Essex released the boy’s shirt and used his hand to smooth out the wrinkles that had formed. "Very good. Now, you’ll find the information you need for this assignment in this portfolio." Essex ruffled Remy’s hair as he continued on towards to the door. "And remember Remy… don’t mess this up." After those words were said, Dr. Nathaniel Essex disappeared through the doors.

Remy opened the portfolio and began to thumb threw it. "Hmm, the X-Men?" said Remy as he continued to look threw the files. "Well, well," said Remy as something caught his attention. "Hello, Cher. I guess I was right. You are special after all." Remy lifted the picture of Rogue out of the folder and brought it closer. "You’re a mutant, just like me."

Remy reached in his pocket and reproduced the same pen Dr. Essex had retrieved from him. He held it in his hand, and the pen started to glow. Remy tossed the pen into the air and after a few seconds it exploded. The smoke detectors began to sound and Remy sighed, "I guess that’s my cue." The young teen tucked the portfolio under his arm and left the room quickly and quietly. As he exited the auditorium, he found himself wondering if flowers or candy were more appropriate for a first date.







Disclaimer: X-Men: Evolution and all it's characters belong to Marvel and all associated companies. All works here are done by fans and for fans
with no intent on profit from them.

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