
by Kathy L

When I see fluffy white clouds I can't help but to think of angels.  And when I think about angels I think about white feathery wings, which reminds me of doves.  Doves of course remind me of birds and birds remind me of emus.  Emus remind me of dumb animals which reminds me of lemmings which remind me of city traffic.  That reminds me of irate drivers yelling words to others that I shouldn't repeat and a semi-truck with the bumper sticker 'Guns don't kill people, I do.' on it, which reminds me of crazy Uncle John with his shot gun and why he was sent to an asylum all those years ago.  Then I think about blank white walls which reminds of Chemistry class which reminds me of when we first met, which reminds me of you dumping me like the lying piece of shit you are.  You fucking little moron, how dare you fucking stand me up just to go out with some fake breasted, fake nosed trash whore!  I hate your guts, I wish your heart was impaled with a butter knife, your eyelids cut out with a rusty pair of scissors and have bamboo shoots shoved under your nails then be trampled by a rampaging herd of circus elephants!

            God I hate Mondays.



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