
Update: 2009.07.02 As Geocities is closing down in October the MultiArcomage has been moved to a new location. This page will not receive anymore updates. Check for updates at the new site and remember to update your bookmarks. MultiArcomage - new location
Update: 2009.02.15 Uploaded a few Brass Hats versus maps I created (scroll to the end of this page).
Update: 2009.02.11 Massive amounts of work. Going to Indonesia for a much needed holiday for two weeks. I can only apologize. But I want to do it right and that will take at least a week later. Period.
Update: 2008.12.23 Not taking any xmas holiday this year. Doubt I can finish things off in just two days. Darn. Maybe in January, sigh.
Update: 2008.11.12 Time to be realistic :). This takes ages per run so it will not be finished until I have enough free time on my hands, i.e. likely christmas.
Update: 2008.10.08 No bugs found so I'll start train the AI then. I have not verified that the alternative ftp site is available 24h this time. I assume most people only want the update until we make the major AI release.
Update: 2008.09.28 Just finished some improvements to make play smoother (better options). Slight improvement to AI as well. Will now start on the autotraining AI which should improve things immensly. Will release something once the beta has been tested, autotraining AI to be added later.
Query: 2008.05.18 I notice there are still quite a lot of people visiting this site. I'm still very happy with the multiplayer capabilities and since it works over the internet, even better. I would like to improve the AI as I need to play against 2 or 3 AI players to get into tough fights.
In any case, if there is interest in me starting to work on this again, mail [email protected] and I'll think about it. Alternatively I could release the source for someone else to work on. But written over 5 years ago, in VB6... brrrrr. Hard to follow, ugly to convert to vb.NET (maybe), only the basic design ideas are still quite good.
Removed some old entries...
Update: 2005.03.21 First official MAM tournament in Tallinn, Estonia!
Update: 2005.02.22 First AI version is up.

MultiArcomage is a multiplayer version of the popular Arcomage subgame in the Might and Magic series. The original game only supports two players which just wasn't enough for us. So we did a fair amount of work (read: wrote a totally new game and ripped the graphics and sounds) and created a version that supports 2-5 players. The card engine could support other games too but for now we are just releasing this version to see how popular it becomes.

Made in Finland :-)

Installation notes:

Download the game engine and possibly the lastest update too and run multiarcomage.exe to have fun.

This is the full package, includes the game engine, sounds and graphics, etc. The only package you need if you haven't downloaded MultiArcomage previously. Please download this ONLY if this is the first time you download MultiArcomage, the files are located on a server with bandwidth restrictions. MultiArcomage 2.09 Full

MultiArcomage 2.09 Full bandwidth restrictions

Updates to the game engine:
You only need the latest update. The older ones, if any, are here if someone wants to make a rollback. 214K 210K

This is a pretty good starting options set. Go into Options to select it as the active one. Right click, choose Save As and save it to the MAM directory. Single human fight: Add 2-3 AI players

Have a look at the version fixes here 1.02-2.10 fixes

Read the readme.txt for additional details.

We have extensively tested this in WIN2000, ME, XP and Vista (=no known bugs).

Have fun and we hope you enjoy playing as much as we do!
FAQ will be added here as needed: FAQ

Other Indie games we have found amusing recently:
Karoshi (try to kill yourself :)
Brass Hats (like playing Panzer General again)
Some additional Brass Hats versus maps made by us 9K

Contact us by mailing [email protected]
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