This is a place where TV shows, movies and stories, some familiar and some not, get distorted, warped and reengineered for your entertainment. Many of the stories here have sexual content, some graphic and some not. There are gay, trans-gender and even occasionally ::shudder:: straight relationships portrayed herein. If these types of stories are outside your field of interest, there are a variety of other places on the Internet to provide you entertainment. Otherwise... Come in and be welcomed.
'Hercules/Xena' Stories
Fandom: Xena/Hercules
Status: Work In Progress
Warning: Graphic M/M
Pairing: Ares/Joxer, Cupid/Strife, many others.
Summary: A stranger visits the Greek pantheon of Gods and decides that things need to be changed for the good of all.
The Challenge of Ate
Fandom: Hercules/Xena
Pairings: Ares/Joxer, Cupid/Strife
Warnings: non-graphic M/M
Summary: Written in response to a story challenge - Ate, the goddess of drunken and destructive insanity is found. What is to become of her? Is it wrong to be different?
Don't Say That
Fandom: Hercules/Xena
Pairing: Ares/Joxer
Warning: None
Summary: A little PWP. Not to be taken seriously. It's just a moment from Ares and Joxer's lives.
Ancient Dreams
Fandom:Seaquest DSV × Xena
Pairing: Tim O'Neil/Miguel Ortiz, Ares/Joxer (sort of)
Warning: mild graphic M/M
Summary: Tim's dreams turn out to be more interesting than his waking life. -The first fanfic I ever read was Athea's War God Series. It's a wonderful story and if you haven't read it, you should. This is my homage to her.
Fandom: Hercules/Xena
Pairing: Ares/Joxer
Warning: non-graphic M/M
Summary: Written in response to the 'Solstice Scribbler' story challenge on AJCS. Someone put a spell on Ares to make him behave a little differently. Oh, and there was a 10,000 word limit... that's not much. So it's a short story with a happy ending... there's nothing wrong with that.
'Buffy' Stories
The Lost
Fandom: Buffy x Power Rangers x Xmen x Yu-Gi-Oh x Xena
Pairing: Willow/Tara
Warning: None - Good PG-13 style fun
Summary: Willow tries to fix everything with magic and gets a bunch of people stranded. - If you don't like crossovers, you'd better steer clear of this one. It's just a silly story that might be good for a few laughs.
Fandom: Charmed x Buffy x Xena
Pairing: Ares/Joxer, Xander/Spike, Cupid/Strife, Doyle/?
Warning: None. Just good clean fun.
Summary: The Charmed Ones, the Greek Gods and the Scoobies come together to close the hellmouth and save the world... in five chapters. ;-)
Fandom: Buffy
Pairing: Xander/Jesse
Warning: Some very non-graphic M/M
Summary: After years of pretending, Xander finally reveals his true reason for being a Scooby and lets all his masks fall away. This is a Xander-centric short story that takes a sharp left turn from story line cannon.
Fandom: Buffy/Angel
Pairing: Xander/Wesley
Warning: Mpreg, Graphic M/M
Summary: Did anyone else notice that Xander was getting thick around the middle in the last season of Buffy? MPREG alert! Xander is pregnant and can only think of one place to turn for help.
Hurt & Comfort
Fandom: Buffy x X-men x Star Trek: Voyager x Superman x Dark Shadows x Due South
Status: Work In Progress
Pairing: Andrew/Cyclops, Xander/Gambit, many others
Warning: Graphic M/M,
Summary: Andrew (from Buffy) and Scott Summers (from Xmen) are the main characters in this series. To call this an alternate universe is an understatement. So let's just say that Xander Harris and Scott Summers get together in this one and have some adventures (including parenthood).
'Harry Potter' Stories
The Other
Fandom: Harry Potter
Status: Work In Progress
Pairing: Harry/Draco/Cherub(oc)
Warning: nongraphic M/M/M
Summary: A new student goes to Hogwart's. It's a Harry Potter story with someone other than Harry as the main character.
Original Stories by MultiMapper
The Shadow of a Soul
Status: Work In Progress
Warning: None yet.
Summary: A teenager is moved to a new town, a new state, a completely new way of life. When he arrives, he finds that it's stranger than he could have imagined.
Dream Scenes from 'The Other' - original artist unknown - These pictures were submitted by a reader and actually inspired me to set up this gallery. They don't pertain to any specific moments in the story, but I feel that they capture the mood beautifully. I hope y'all like 'em
'Star Trek: Voyager' Stories
Son of Voyager
Fandom: Star Trek: Voyager
Status: Work in Progress
Pairing: OC/OC
Warning: Graphic M/M and M/F (just a little)
Summary: The genetic hybrids of the Voyager and Crazyhorse crews awake one year after Voyager left for the Alpha Quadrant. Join them as they try to discover their purpose in the universe.
Finding Clarity
Fandom: Star Trek: Voyager
Status: Complete
Pairing: OC/OC
Warning: None really, just a few M/M snuggles
Summary: Tom Paris is suddenly forced to look deep into himself and finds a few new friends on his voyage of self-discovery.
Updated 24 Sept 2009
Status: Work In Progress
Warning: Graphic M/M and disturbing memories.
Summary: A boy awakens into a new world that he knows nothing about.
Status: Work In Progress
Warning: None yet.
Summary: What could be worse than moving to a new school? How about moving to a new school at the beginning of your freshman year of high school AND having a problem with concentration?
Holiday Handoff
Status: Work In Progress
Warning: mild M/M
Summary: A boy named Collin doesn't know what to expect as he travels to Florida to see his father the first time since the divorce.
Clan Short Universe
Camp Little Eagle
One Door Closes
Status: One Door Closes is complete, All others are Works In Progress
Summary: When people start to lose hope in a world of selfishness and greed, a group of children rise up to show the world what can be accomplished, even by the least of us.
A New Door Opens
Universe Alpha-7: The New Frontier
Okudai Vignettes
Chapter 7 added 24-Sept-2009
The host of this site (GeoCities) will be closing October 26, 2009. When that happens, this site will be given a new domain name. I have no control over what is going to happen, so I can only hope that there will be a redirect announcement to let you know the new domain. It might not be a bad idea to bookmark my other site ( so you will always have access to the latest developments. MultiMapper
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