Camp Little Eagle


The characters and situations of the stories of the Clan Short Universe are Copyright © 2002-2009 by Clan Short Universe Productions. Original content of this story is Copyright © MultiMapper. All rights reserved. Educational Institutions may use this material as needed for purposes of instruction with no limitations as long as the material is retained in the educational environment. One personal copy may be retained by the reader for personal use only. Any duplication or distribution, whether free or for a fee, including but not limited to posting or linking from non-CSU Productions-held websites, distribution on any electronic or physical media, or any commercial performance or display of these works in any form, is expressly prohibited without the written consent of both the author and an officer of CSU Productions. Clan Short Universe Stories contain characters derived from likenesses of characters which are from: "Star Trek", Copyright © Paramount Pictures, and "Doctor Who", Copyright © British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). No profit is being made from these inclusions. The character Johnny Carter is derived from the original character Copyright © ND from his story "Nick and Ashley" and is used with permission.

Contact Information and a full list of copyrighted CSU stories is located at: Click Here For Full List.

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