The saga of Dom's Disease. This is as much as I could copy, and has not been edited. I cannot garauntee that it is rated "G", but the general consensus is that it is around PG at least. For just the road trip we took, go here. If anybody would like me to edit out part of what they said, please email me.

[wykdfaerie] Dom's Disease

[wykdfaerie] typos

[ilp] ::hisses::

[ilp] what does it MEAN?

[Charli] I certainly don't have it....

[Krissie] Dom disease is where you cannot type goodly!!

[wykdfaerie] typos ilp

mulysa> ah..the typo fariy lplagues me..

[Charli] and I'm not going near anyone who does have it

[CrazyTook] lol, dom's disease is typos?

[ilp] it's not the chat room that bothers her

[wykdfaerie] ilp hates dom

[wykdfaerie] what is it ilp?

[ilp] it's the fact that i'm in here when i'm supposed to be doing homework

[Charli] lol

[CrazyTook] l;ol

[CrazyTook] er... lol

mulysa> ahh..

[wykdfaerie] dd ct

[Charli] See CT's got it now

[wykdfaerie] it's CONTAGIOUS!

[Krissie] we all are ilp, we get more learnig from here anyhow!!

[Charli] It's contagious

[Charli] It must be this room

[ilp] lol

[CrazyTook] that's horrible! lol, why is it DOM's disease? eh?

[wykdfaerie] you can't leave nnow ilp

mulysa> cheese needs to disinfect the place now..

[wykdfaerie] you might spread DD to the populace

[ilp] ::hisses::

[Charli] ::sprays canister of "Billy Fresh Scent" around the room::

[Krissie] because Dom cannot type, poor thing

[wykdfaerie] we musst all be quarantined

[ilp] ::sniffs the air and passes out::

[wykdfaerie] ::inhaling::

[ilp] ::smiles in sleep::

[Charli] ::checks canister::

[CrazyTook] hmm.... i'll teach him :-D for free!

[CrazyTook] lol

[CrazyTook] O:-)

[wykdfaerie] ILP, i have 500 pages to read before wed

[Charli] "Do not use on any person under the age of 40"

[wykdfaerie] and i am in here

[Charli] Ooops!

mulysa> charli..!

[wykdfaerie] then again, no one is here to supervise me either

[Krissie] it's okay Charli!!

[ilp] i lurve you more for it charli

[wykdfaerie] spray more spray more

[Krissie] ::starts drooling excessivly::

[Charli] "may cause hormonal imbalance"

[ilp] ::snorts cannister::

[wykdfaerie] Krissie is drolling on my foot!!

[Charli] "and excessive drooling"

mulysa> may cause..? already imbalanced..

[Charli] What have I done?

[wykdfaerie] ha mul!

[ilp] lol

[ilp] imbalanced?

[ilp] i'm already imbalanced

[Krissie] Billlllyyyyyyyy

[ilp] maybe this will balance me!

mulysa> lol

[CrazyTook] gah! eeeeeeeeeevery time i come to chat, mom wanders in "honey... we're gonna go to ______,

- let's go" .... bof

[CrazyTook] toodles all

[Charli] ::grabs new canister::

[Krissie] ::mops up drool::

[wykdfaerie] BYE CT

[Charli] ::sprays Dom Pong Scent into room::

>> CrazyTook has left channel #Cheese_Chat

[ilp] ::snorts canister::

[Charli] Just to balance things out

[ilp] EEK!

[ilp] ::runs::

[Charli] Easy Ilp

[ilp] ::flees to corner::

[wykdfaerie] ILP hates dom

[Krissie] sorry Wykd, about the drool I mean

mulysa> brb..

[ilp] ::sprays billy scent on everything::

[Charli] Woof!  Smells like beer and fag ends

[wykdfaerie] it's okay Krissie... i wiped it off with your sleeve :)

[Charli] Dom scent not Billy scent

[Krissie] let me go change

[ilp] ::sprays fabreeze all over everything the dom scent touched::

[Charli] Lol ilp


[wykdfaerie] fabreeze :)

[Krissie] can;t have drool on my shirt after all

[Charli] ::checks Dom canister::

[wykdfaerie] no, very uncouth to have drool on oneself

[ilp] lol

[wykdfaerie] is it empty?

[Charli] "Not suitable for human consumption"

[wykdfaerie] tell me it's empty

[Charli] Huh figures

[wykdfaerie] ewwww!!

[ilp] ::flings dom cansiter into a firey pit::

[wykdfaerie] I had my MOUTH open when you sprayed

[wykdfaerie] Flammable!!

[Krissie] ::cannister explodes::

[Charli] cough choke splutter

[ilp] ::hude flame comes up from the firey depths of hell::

[wykdfaerie] ::no more eyebrows::

[Krissie] ilp, don't throw thing like that into firey pits!!!

[Charli] ::runs for cover::

mulysa> woohoo! dom fire..

[ilp] ::hell spits canister out:: WE DON'T WANT THAT HERE


[ilp] wow

[wykdfaerie] ::kicking it back in::

[ilp] he's too evil for hell

[wykdfaerie] RUN for your LIVES


[Krissie] ::Krissie takes cannister, throws into her secrect cave::


[ilp] ::tucks and rolls into corner::

[wykdfaerie] Thar SHE blows!!

[Krissie] is that better, it is all gone now....

[ilp] ::piles sand bags up around corner::

mulysa> hey..i want some of that dom stuff...heh

[Charli] Ewww...still smells like wet dog in here though

[wykdfaerie] eww

[wykdfaerie] Wet dog and brimstone

[Krissie] help yourself Mul, it is in my cave now

[Charli] Someone so needs to put this on the chatroom quote of the week.....

[ilp] ::sprays billy scent like mad::

mulysa> :goes to krissies cave::

[Charli] I've just wet myself....

[ilp] lol

mulysa> charli..!

[wykdfaerie] oy char

[Charli] ::hops over to ilp and snorts canister::

mulysa> you need to stop doin stuff like that in cheeses nice little chat..

[Krissie] charli, you need to go change now please...

[ilp] NO


[wykdfaerie] depends.... charli needs depends

mulysa> lol

[ilp] ::snatches canister back and snorts::

[wykdfaerie] ::handing out individual cannisters::

[Charli] ::runs off to dark corner with billy scented spray::

[wykdfaerie] play nice

[Krissie] first she hurls, then she wets herself, what are we gonna do with her?

[ilp] denpends, cuz you've got a lot of living to do!

[Charli] precioussssssss

[wykdfaerie] Lost! My precious is LOST

[Charli] ::sits and sniffs happily to self::

[Charli] yessssssss oh yessssssss

[Krissie] ::Krissie hands her Billy cannister to ilp::

mulysa> umm..::brings in a dozen canisters..::theres more than one can...

[ilp] what's taters? eh? what's taters, my precious

[ilp] ::sniffs::

[Krissie] you might need this more than me

[ilp] aahhh

[ilp] lol

[Krissie] help you get through the long days without chat...

mulysa> lol

[ilp] i would post this, but i'm afraid to get banned for reference to drug use

[Charli] We're going to need rehab after tonight...

mulysa> lmao

[Charli] LOL ilp

[wykdfaerie] But the canister abandoned gollum

>> Foolofatook has left channel #Cheese_Chat

[Charli] Yes it's very topical

[Krissie] who needs rehab, I can control myself!!

[ilp] lol

[ilp] ::twitch, twitch::

[wykdfaerie] denial

[Charli] Go on ilp.....




[wykdfaerie] Dom's Disease

[wykdfaerie] typos

[ilp] ::hisses::

[ilp] what does it MEAN?

[Charli] I certainly don't have it....

[Krissie] Dom disease is where you cannot type goodly!!

[wykdfaerie] typos ilp

mulysa> ah..the typo fariy lplagues me..

[Charli] and I'm not going near anyone who does have it

[CrazyTook] lol, dom's disease is typos?

[ilp] it's not the chat room that bothers her

[wykdfaerie] ilp hates dom

[wykdfaerie] what is it ilp?

[ilp] it's the fact that i'm in here when i'm supposed to be doing homework

[Charli] lol

[CrazyTook] l;ol

[CrazyTook] er... lol

mulysa> ahh..

[wykdfaerie] dd ct

[Charli] See CT's got it now

[wykdfaerie] it's CONTAGIOUS!

[Krissie] we all are ilp, we get more learnig from here anyhow!!

[Charli] It's contagious

[Charli] It must be this room

[ilp] lol

[CrazyTook] that's horrible! lol, why is it DOM's disease? eh?

[wykdfaerie] you can't leave nnow ilp

mulysa> cheese needs to disinfect the place now..

[wykdfaerie] you might spread DD to the populace

[ilp] ::hisses::

[Charli] ::sprays canister of "Billy Fresh Scent" around the room::

[Krissie] because Dom cannot type, poor thing

[wykdfaerie] we musst all be quarantined

[ilp] ::sniffs the air and passes out::

[wykdfaerie] ::inhaling::

[ilp] ::smiles in sleep::

[Charli] ::checks canister::

[CrazyTook] hmm.... i'll teach him :-D for free!

[CrazyTook] lol

[CrazyTook] O:-)

[wykdfaerie] ILP, i have 500 pages to read before wed

[Charli] "Do not use on any person under the age of 40"

[wykdfaerie] and i am in here

[Charli] Ooops!

mulysa> charli..!

[wykdfaerie] then again, no one is here to supervise me either

[Krissie] it's okay Charli!!

[ilp] i lurve you more for it charli

[wykdfaerie] spray more spray more

[Krissie] ::starts drooling excessivly::

[Charli] "may cause hormonal imbalance"

[ilp] ::snorts cannister::

[wykdfaerie] Krissie is drolling on my foot!!

[Charli] "and excessive drooling"

mulysa> may cause..? already imbalanced..

[Charli] What have I done?

[wykdfaerie] ha mul!

[ilp] lol

[ilp] imbalanced?

[ilp] i'm already imbalanced

[Krissie] Billlllyyyyyyyy

[ilp] maybe this will balance me!

mulysa> lol

[CrazyTook] gah! eeeeeeeeeevery time i come to chat, mom wanders in "honey... we're gonna go to ______,

- let's go" .... bof

[CrazyTook] toodles all

[Charli] ::grabs new canister::

[Krissie] ::mops up drool::

[wykdfaerie] BYE CT

[Charli] ::sprays Dom Pong Scent into room::

>> CrazyTook has left channel #Cheese_Chat

[ilp] ::snorts canister::

[Charli] Just to balance things out

[ilp] EEK!

[ilp] ::runs::

[Charli] Easy Ilp

[ilp] ::flees to corner::

[wykdfaerie] ILP hates dom

[Krissie] sorry Wykd, about the drool I mean

mulysa> brb..

[ilp] ::sprays billy scent on everything::

[Charli] Woof!  Smells like beer and fag ends

[wykdfaerie] it's okay Krissie... i wiped it off with your sleeve :)

[Charli] Dom scent not Billy scent

[Krissie] let me go change

[ilp] ::sprays fabreeze all over everything the dom scent touched::

[Charli] Lol ilp


[wykdfaerie] fabreeze :)

[Krissie] can;t have drool on my shirt after all

[Charli] ::checks Dom canister::

[wykdfaerie] no, very uncouth to have drool on oneself

[ilp] lol

[wykdfaerie] is it empty?

[Charli] "Not suitable for human consumption"

[wykdfaerie] tell me it's empty

[Charli] Huh figures

[wykdfaerie] ewwww!!

[ilp] ::flings dom cansiter into a firey pit::

[wykdfaerie] I had my MOUTH open when you sprayed

[wykdfaerie] Flammable!!

[Krissie] ::cannister explodes::

[Charli] cough choke splutter

[ilp] ::hude flame comes up from the firey depths of hell::

[wykdfaerie] ::no more eyebrows::

[Krissie] ilp, don't throw thing like that into firey pits!!!

[Charli] ::runs for cover::

mulysa> woohoo! dom fire..

[ilp] ::hell spits canister out:: WE DON'T WANT THAT HERE


[ilp] wow

[wykdfaerie] ::kicking it back in::

[ilp] he's too evil for hell

[wykdfaerie] RUN for your LIVES


[Krissie] ::Krissie takes cannister, throws into her secrect cave::


[ilp] ::tucks and rolls into corner::

[wykdfaerie] Thar SHE blows!!

[Krissie] is that better, it is all gone now....

[ilp] ::piles sand bags up around corner::

mulysa> hey..i want some of that dom stuff...heh

[Charli] Ewww...still smells like wet dog in here though

[wykdfaerie] eww

[wykdfaerie] Wet dog and brimstone

[Krissie] help yourself Mul, it is in my cave now

[Charli] Someone so needs to put this on the chatroom quote of the week.....

[ilp] ::sprays billy scent like mad::

mulysa> :goes to krissies cave::

[Charli] I've just wet myself....

[ilp] lol

mulysa> charli..!

[wykdfaerie] oy char

[Charli] ::hops over to ilp and snorts canister::

mulysa> you need to stop doin stuff like that in cheeses nice little chat..

[Krissie] charli, you need to go change now please...

[ilp] NO


[wykdfaerie] depends.... charli needs depends

mulysa> lol

[ilp] ::snatches canister back and snorts::

[wykdfaerie] ::handing out individual cannisters::

[Charli] ::runs off to dark corner with billy scented spray::

[wykdfaerie] play nice

[Krissie] first she hurls, then she wets herself, what are we gonna do with her?

[ilp] denpends, cuz you've got a lot of living to do!

[Charli] precioussssssss

[wykdfaerie] Lost! My precious is LOST

[Charli] ::sits and sniffs happily to self::

[Charli] yessssssss oh yessssssss

[Krissie] ::Krissie hands her Billy cannister to ilp::

mulysa> umm..::brings in a dozen canisters..::theres more than one can...

[ilp] what's taters? eh? what's taters, my precious

[ilp] ::sniffs::

[Krissie] you might need this more than me

[ilp] aahhh

[ilp] lol

[Krissie] help you get through the long days without chat...

mulysa> lol

[ilp] i would post this, but i'm afraid to get banned for reference to drug use

[Charli] We're going to need rehab after tonight...

mulysa> lmao

[Charli] LOL ilp

[wykdfaerie] But the canister abandoned gollum

>> Foolofatook has left channel #Cheese_Chat

[Charli] Yes it's very topical

[Krissie] who needs rehab, I can control myself!!

[ilp] lol

[ilp] ::twitch, twitch::

[wykdfaerie] denial

[Charli] Go on ilp.....


wykdfaerie] CDC in Atlanta

[Susan] only cheese can save us

mulysa> cheese..!help..!

[Charli] PLague is the only thing that can explain my escaping body fluids

[Cheese] Hmm

[Krissie] ::yes, how does one get rid of Dom's Disease?...really...hmmm::

[wykdfaerie] new keyboard perhaps?

The topic is:  %%%%CLENSING BUBBLES %%%%%%

mulysa> that may help, wykd

The topic is:  %%%%CLENSING BUBBLES %%%%%%

The topic is:  %%%%CLENSING BUBBLES %%%%%%

[Charli] I know the cure....I know the cure.....

mulysa> LOL

The topic is:  Billy Boyd Chat

[Charli] There is only one cure......

[Susan] she spelled cleansing wrong....

[wykdfaerie] BILLY BoYD

[Krissie] okay, hopefully that will clean this all up...

[Cheese] Ach I spelled Cleansing wrong

[Susan] it spread to Cheese to

[wykdfaerie] our savior in this time of need

[Susan] there is no hope

mulysa> cannot talk of billy and not mention dom a bit...

[Cheese] ): |

[Charli] We must all rub our selves down with Billy Boyd.

[Charli] It's the only way.

[Susan] hahah Charli!!

[wykdfaerie] how can you cleanse us with DD bubbles :)

[Charli] Quick - to Glasgow!!


[Charli] ::jumps in car and starts engine::

[Susan] what car should we take?

[Susan] the BillyMobile?

[Charli] Get in get in

The topic is:  %%% ANTI DOM BUBBLES %%%

[Krissie] sorry, I have a class tonight, I can;t go with you to Glasgow...

[wykdfaerie] ::tripping on clump of grass::

[Charli] ON a clock here people

[wykdfaerie] wait for me!

The topic is:  Ok enough of that

[Susan] i need to be back for 10 am

[Charli] OKay...lets roll

[wykdfaerie] man, someone needs to mow the lawn, those clumps are dangerous!

mulysa> ::jumps in car::

[Charli] Um...anyone got a map?

[Krissie] ack, you have to have me back by 6!!

[wykdfaerie] I have a map!

[wykdfaerie] it's for downtown LA, though

[Susan] Charli is a madwoman behind the wheel, we'll make it

[Charli] I know it's M5 M1 and then I get lost...

[wykdfaerie] doubt that will help

mulysa> i have a wyoming map...

[Susan] heheh

[Krissie] what music should I put on guys?

[Charli] ::foot to screeches off ::

[wykdfaerie] if we tape them all together, maybe we can make a decent map

[Krissie] something we all can agree on...

[Cheese] All right, I gotta jet

[Cheese] Talk to you alls later

[Susan] bye cheese

[Susan] be safe

mulysa> bubye

[Cheese] bye

[Charli] Bye cheese

[wykdfaerie] Bye cheese

[Susan] be good, be well

>> Cheese has left channel #Cheese_Chat

[Krissie] by cheese

[Krissie] late AGAIN!!

[wykdfaerie] hehe :)

mulysa> tsk tsk kris..

[Krissie] you guys, we need to hurry, my DD is getting BAD!!!

[Charli] light.

[wykdfaerie] must be another effect of DD

[wykdfaerie] SSCCREEECH

[Charli] I'm driving as fast as I can.....

[Susan] poor cheese has gone...and she thinks Krissie doesnt appreciate her

mulysa> lol

[wykdfaerie] you might as well go, we are in the middle of the intersection Char

[Krissie] maybe if I ran away with Dom....

[Charli] I stop for nothing.....

[Charli] except Billy of course

[Susan] Not even MCdOnalds?

[Susan] im hungry

mulysa> ::closes her eyes::

[wykdfaerie] Yes, me too, very ungry

[Krissie] I am a veg, no McDonald's

mulysa> no..mcD doesnt make food..

[Charli] Here ::opens glove compartment::

[Susan] *hmmph*

[Charli] I think there's some polos in there

[wykdfaerie] it's stuffy in the back of this hatchback, can you open awindow??

[Susan] what is a polo?

[wykdfaerie] polo?

[Charli] A mint with a hole

mulysa> lol

[wykdfaerie] is that like a ding dong?

[Susan] do you have any nice apples?

[Charli] wykd punch a hole in the back screen it'll be fine

mulysa> mints..

[wykdfaerie] ::punching hole::

[wykdfaerie] ::getting sucked into hole::

[Susan] are we there yet?

[Susan] how much further?

[wykdfaerie] ::hair flying out the back::

[Charli] Somwone grab wykd

[Krissie] If I were to run away with Dom, maybe I would stop infecting you all

[wykdfaerie] now we look like a cramped hatchback with hair!

mulysa> ::has eyes still closed..::

[Krissie] after all, it was I who started the epidemic...

[Susan] are we almost half way there?

[Charli] Ooh...was that a sig for Paisley?

[Krissie] ::feels immensly guilty::

[Charli] Not far..not far...

mulysa> heh..kris

[wykdfaerie] Nah Kris

[Susan] I can smell Haggis...

[Susan] we must be close

mulysa> eww..

[wykdfaerie] barf

[Charli] ::checks piece off paper::

[Susan] hehee

[wykdfaerie] hehehe

[Charli] Damn.

mulysa> ?

[wykdfaerie] don't look at paper!! look at the road!

[Krissie] clean that up wykd

[wykdfaerie] we're going to die

[Charli] I've got five possible addresses for Billy ::swerves to avoid pedestrian::

[wykdfaerie] sorry, it got in your hair krissie... ::wiping hair::

[Susan] ::fights with wykd in the back seat...pulls hair::

[Charli] Who spewed inmy car???

[wykdfaerie] ::slams into window::

mulysa> we can knock on doors till we get the right one..

[Susan] quit shovin

[wykdfaerie] ::raises hand:: me

[wykdfaerie] you shoved first! :)

[Krissie] it's okay, this DD is so bad now, I don;t think it could get much worse, a lil barf

- is nothin

[Charli] OKay. oyu have the list mul..and we start at the top

[wykdfaerie] I am getting motion sick

[Charli] ::leans hand back and whacks the kids in the back seat::

[Susan] ::stops pestering wkyd::

[Susan] sorry

mulysa> ok, first house..

[Krissie] I am NOT a kid!!

[wykdfaerie] ::waving at the people staring as we fly by::

[Charli] ::puts on brakes::

mulysa> who wants to knock..?

[wykdfaerie] ::hits back of the seat with chest::

[Charli] Anyone got change for the parking meter?

[Krissie] ::slams into front seat::

[wykdfaerie] Ouch! Warn us next time...

[Susan] ive got change

mulysa> onlky have us monies

[Krissie] Hey...that hurt, Wykd, you okay?

[Susan] im the moneybag

[Charli] Come on everyone out of the car..

[wykdfaerie] I only have a nickle...

[wykdfaerie] I think so Kris, how bout you??

[Susan] :::gets out and inserts coinage::

[Susan] we have 30 minutes

[Krissie] here I come, gee Mul, will you move?

[wykdfaerie] ::staggers out of car::

[Charli] OKay..who's knocking?

[wykdfaerie] I will

mulysa> ::gets out f way::

[wykdfaerie] ::running up steps::

mulysa> ::runs behind..::

[Krissie] I'm okay...weakend by my ill state, but okay

[wykdfaerie] ::ding dong, knock knock::

[Susan] ::waits by car, nervously bites nails:::

[Charli] Pretend like we don;t know her guys..just in case

[wykdfaerie] ::clearing throat::

[Charli] hum hum hum

[Susan] tra la la

[Charli] ::door opens::

[Krissie] I sure hope this is the one

[wykdfaerie] "HELLO!"" ANYONE HOMEEEE??

mulysa> who is it?

[wykdfaerie] ::running back down stairs::

[Charli] Well that's not Billy.

[wykdfaerie] Old man, deaf... not Billy

mulysa> ick..

[Charli] Back in the car...lets rock

[Krissie] Shout!!!

[wykdfaerie] back into he car!!

mulysa> ok, next house on list

[Charli] ::fires up engine::

[Krissie] no throwing up this time!!

[Susan] ::jumps in car, hits head oof::

[wykdfaerie] okay, promise krissie

mulysa> ::sits in car, closes eyes::

[wykdfaerie] ACK! someone closed the door on my leg

[Charli] ::foot to the floor::

[Susan] watch yourself!

[wykdfaerie] wait my leg!

mulysa> wait..hafta look at list...

[Charli] ::car shoots off::

[Krissie] I am changing the music to the Celtic mix, okay girls?

mulysa> k

[Susan] check yourself before you wreck yourself

[wykdfaerie] oh well, my leg needed airing out anyway

[wykdfaerie] something with a loud of drums!

mulysa> umm..hard to read this list...

>> Charli1 has joined channel #Cheese_Chat

[wykdfaerie] hi Charli1

mulysa> what does this say..?

[Charli1] Oops...technical difficulties

[wykdfaerie] we have two charlis??

[Susan] ooh goody an alternate driver

[Charli1] ::looks at list::

[wykdfaerie] yeaaah! two charlis

[Charli1] Um.....

[Krissie] can we still get there soon, cos I think my brain is coming out my ears

[Charli1] carrot street....

mulysa> wait..!no..charli look at road..

[Krissie] it is a side effect of DD

[Charli1] Arrgh.Ooops. SORRY!

[wykdfaerie] PEDESTRIAN!!

[Charli1] ::scrreeeech::

[Krissie] ::starts dancing a jig to Cheftains music::

mulysa> wait..who is that...?

[Susan] i dont know what is scarier.. the disease or this road trip

[wykdfaerie] ::flying forward, hitting windshield::

[Charli1] ::hits brakes::

[wykdfaerie] Hi guys... can you push me back into the back seat

mulysa> that pedestrian..

[Charli1] ::hits nose on windscreen::

mulysa> look s familiar...

[Susan] is it...

[Charli1] Quick everyone out of the car....

[wykdfaerie] Is that...

[Charli1] RUN!!!

[Charli1] HEY YOU STOP!!

[wykdfaerie] ::running::

mulysa> ::runs..!::

[Krissie] I don't want to know, I think I have a sopt on mynose

[Susan] ::hops out and runs:::

[Charli1] HEY POLICE!!

[Charli1] POLICE STOP!!

[Charli1] Damn, he;s running

[wykdfaerie] :FREEZE


[Krissie] someone, help me back into the car please

[Charli1] ::gets back in car::

[wykdfaerie] ::dragging mysterious man::

[Krissie] thank you susan

>> desdemon has joined channel #Cheese_Chat

[Charli1] Put him in the boot wykd

[wykdfaerie] hi des!

mulysa> ::helps krissie::

[Krissie] are you my mommy?

mulysa> hello des

[desdemon] hey everybody

[wykdfaerie] ::putting man in the boot::

[Susan] um no

[Charli1] You know his ears look awfully familier

[Charli1] ::stars engine::

mulysa> oh no..krissie..we need to get her to!

[wykdfaerie] Krissie looks bad... we need to find billy FAST

[Krissie] it's Dom, go, fast!!!

[Charli1] Cripes..lets drive

[wykdfaerie] wait wait!!

[Krissie] I can't be near DOM!!!!

[wykdfaerie] Des needs to get in the car!!

[Charli1] He's in the boot

[Susan] Krissie is falling into shadow.. lets hurry

[Charli1] you'll be fine

[wykdfaerie] Des, get in the car!!

mulysa> oh no!we got dom?

[Charli1] Someone grab Des

[desdemon] get in car

[Charli1] Don;t panic mul

[wykdfaerie] Soon she will be wraith like Dom

mulysa> ::gras des::

[Charli1] it's a lead lined boot

[desdemon] but i can't drive very well

mulysa> augh..!

[Krissie] no, Des will get infected....

[wykdfaerie] thank god

[Charli1] I'm driving...

[Susan] by boot you mean trunk right?

[Charli1] sort of

[wykdfaerie] someone's foot is in my mouth

[Charli1] ::car zooms off again::

mulysa> ok..almost to the next house...

[Charli1] Trunk boot whatever....

[Krissie] ::cough, cough::

[Charli1] Is it this one mul?

[Susan] the house is covered in pickles.. this may be the place

wykdfaerie] I am feeling kinda sick... please tell me it's near!!

[Krissie] ::coughs up Jack Daniels::

[Charli1] ::slams on brakes::

[wykdfaerie] ::flying forward again::

[Susan] its a pickle kingdom!

[wykdfaerie] everyone out!

[Charli1] ::races from car and up to front door::

mulysa> ugh..!this is it..who's going to knock?

[Charli1] BANG BANG

[Charli1] Come on open up

[desdemon] where are we going?

[wykdfaerie] ::right behind Charli::

mulysa> we';re inding billy

[Charli1] This is an emergency

[wykdfaerie] To find billy des, we need a cure

[Susan] ::right behind wykd::

[Charli1] OPEN UP!!!

[Charli1] BANG BANG

[wykdfaerie] Please OPEN UP!!

[Krissie] ::laying on floor of car::

[Charli1] ::hammers on door::

[wykdfaerie] Oh my god, no one is home

[Krissie] Hey, my name is Dom, I cannot type....

[wykdfaerie] ::looking in wondow::

[Susan] no wait... out by the pool!

[Susan] look in the backyard..

[desdemon] :closes eyes: i'm not here

[Charli1] ::leaps fence into back yard::

mulysa> ::kicks indoor::

[wykdfaerie] ::diving into pool::

[Charli1] Throw Krissie over the fence to me...

[Charli1] Quick

[wykdfaerie] ::grabbing at swim trunks::

[Susan] ::sits by pool, relaxes with lemonade:::

[wykdfaerie] Sus!

[wykdfaerie] get back to work!

[Krissie] no one throws a Dom!!!

[Susan] oh sorry...

mulysa> nice pool..wonder whose it id?

[Charli1] Where'd he go??

[wykdfaerie] I got someone!!

[Charli1] Who is it?????

[wykdfaerie] ::holding up swim trunks::

[Susan] wykd?

mulysa> lol

[Charli1] ::races over to have a look::

[Krissie] Mul is getting sicker...

[wykdfaerie] well, he's around here somewhere

[Susan] im hungry.

[wykdfaerie] with no shorts on

[Charli1] Cripes.

mulysa> dd bad..

[Charli1] Check the bushes....spread out....

[wykdfaerie] Mr. Boyd??

[wykdfaerie] Mr. Billy??

[Krissie] no Mul, stay away from the Shadow!!

[Charli1] We don't have much time left...

[Charli1] here Billy, here boy

mulysa> hope its billy..

[Charli1] ::whistles::

[Krissie] Who took my pint?

mulysa> and not, like...i dunno..

[wykdfaerie] me too mul

[wykdfaerie] ::looks at shorts and throws them to Charli::

mulysa> stew? ;)

[Charli1] Hang on......

[wykdfaerie] do they look like billy's??

[Charli1] I;ve got something

[Charli1] ::pulls naked man from out of bush::

[wykdfaerie] Oh no, Krissie is far gone

[wykdfaerie] ::covers eyes::

[Charli1] Ah....

mulysa> whi is it..???

[Susan] is this the end?

[Charli1] Oops.

[wykdfaerie] nevermind, nothing to see

mulysa> oh no...

[Charli1] So near and yet.....

mulysa> who..?

[wykdfaerie] What?? who the heck IS that?

[Charli1] Anyone want an Orli?

[wykdfaerie] ME!

[Susan] no thank you

[Charli1] and give him trunks back someone

[Krissie] My name is Dom, I like Man U

[Charli1] Right stuff him in the boot with Dom

[wykdfaerie] ::snatching him away from Charli::

mulysa> orli..!wait..!!

[Charli1] WE've one more address to check

[wykdfaerie] ::opening boot::

[wykdfaerie] ::pushing Dom down::

mulysa> ::grabs orli, and pulls him into car with her::

[Susan] ::puts krissie on her back, runs to the car:::

[wykdfaerie] Move over, Dom, I need to ... hey Mul!

[Charli1] Are we all in?

[Krissie] Go Becks, Woohoo!!!

[Charli1] I told you to put those men in the trunk

[wykdfaerie] Wait, where is Des?

[wykdfaerie] I think she's in the pool swimming!

[desdemon] don't leave meeee

[Charli1] Someone get her.

[wykdfaerie] DES, hurry!!

>> Lu2283 has joined channel #Cheese_Chat

[Susan] hurry des

mulysa> ::puts orli in trunk..:: :(

[wykdfaerie] Lu! hi Lu!

[desdemon] :running:

[wykdfaerie] WAIT FOR LU!

[desdemon] hi lu

[Charli1] Quik grab Lu too before I drive off..

[Lu2283] Hi everyone

>> Charli has left channel #Cheese_Chat

[wykdfaerie] ::grabbing lu::

[Susan] :::feeds krissie some pickles::: come back to us krissie..come back

mulysa> everyody in?

[desdemon] yep

[wykdfaerie] we need to upgrade this car... it's getting crowded

[Charli1] Right lets motor....

[Lu2283] where are we going

[wykdfaerie] to find billy

[Krissie] Man U is the bst Footy team!!

[Charli1] ::car screeches off in haze of purple smoke::

[Susan] on a quest.. er.mission... um,...thing

[wykdfaerie] we need a cure for dom's disease Lu

[Charli1] Oh cripes, Krissie is getting really bad.

[wykdfaerie] yes, what sus said :))

[Lu2283] huh

mulysa> im..getting..sicker..couhg

[Charli1] Right  while we're looking for the next house...

[Charli1] someone quickly fill in des and lu

[Susan] krissie no... eat the pickles... come back... no....

[wykdfaerie] Mul and Krissie... no... not now...

mulysa> doms disease: a disease of typos..only billy can cure...

[Charli1] Mul...mul...come back to the light

[Krissie] my name is Dom, I don't like Pickles...

[wykdfaerie] Des and Lu, we have a mission we need to find billy

>> LElyse has joined channel #Cheese_Chat

[Susan] mul too/

mulysa> i think i can fight it..yes

[Lu2283] Oh ok

[wykdfaerie] We need to find them to cure the diseas we are pagued with

[wykdfaerie] STOP!!

[Charli1] ::hits brakes::

[Charli1] It's LE

[wykdfaerie] Let Lelyse in!

mulysa> hey le

[Charli1] Someone grab her quick

[wykdfaerie] get in the car!

[desdemon] hey le

mulysa> ::graps le::

[wykdfaerie] :;grabbing Le::

[LElyse] All...HEY

[wykdfaerie] GO GO GO

[desdemon] it's getting really crowded

[Susan] be

[Charli1] ::drives off again::

mulysa> we're almost there i hope...

[LElyse] Where are we goinggggg...

[wykdfaerie] i can barely breathe back here

mulysa> were findingbilly

[Susan] argh my com

[wykdfaerie] We're on a mission LE

[Charli1] Hold on...going through another red light....

[Susan] puter is crunky

[LElyse] Ahhh count me in then!

[wykdfaerie] we need to find billy for a cure for Dom's Disease

mulysa> ::closes eyes::

[Krissie] Becks is my fav at the mo, I like the Beatles

[Charli1] Lord, someone open another window

[LElyse] NOOOO I likes my Dom's Disease

>> Lu2283 has left channel #Cheese_Chat

[Charli1] It stinks in here...

[LElyse] ::tries to leap out of car::

[Susan] my computer is infected now too, its slow

[Charli1] You were told to leave Dom in the boot

mulysa> doms diseas..disease of typos...

[Charli1] Someone grab LE quick

mulysa> orli is in the oot, too..

[LElyse] Ok that I nead

[LElyse] need

[LElyse] lol

[wykdfaerie] she's hanging out of the car!!

[Charli1] Mul...where;s the next addy?

[wykdfaerie] ::grabbing LE::

[LElyse] ::egts back in cra

mulysa> oop..heh. orgot ot give orli his trunks back...

[LElyse] lol

[Charli1] Mul.....

[wykdfaerie] I think we just passed it!

[Charli1] pay attention

mulysa> oops!we're here!

[Charli1] ::hits reverse::

[wykdfaerie] turn around


[wykdfaerie] there you go!

[Charli1] ::slams on brakes::

[Krissie] My namhdfj is DOm asdjbh

[wykdfaerie] the green and brown on!

[LElyse] lol !@ kirrse

[wykdfaerie] oh no KRISSIE

[Charli1] To the door quick

mulysa> must..hurry...

>> Susan has left channel #Cheese_Chat

[wykdfaerie] ::crawling up stairs::


[wykdfaerie] Pleaseeeee

[Krissie] I eat flowers, I like Man U,



[wykdfaerie] haha Krissie

[LElyse] lol

[LElyse] Corection:

[wykdfaerie] ::banging on windows::

[Charli1] ::door creaks open::

[LElyse] I live eat worship love Man U

mulysa> is it..???

[wykdfaerie] ::stopping::

[Charli1] YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[wykdfaerie] BILLY!!!!

mulysa> WOOHOO!!!

[LElyse] It is him!!

LElyse] It is him!!

[LElyse] ::basks in Godlight::

[wykdfaerie] KRISSIE and MUL

[wykdfaerie] bring them forth

[Krissie] Billy, how are you mate>

[Charli1] Billy - you must touch these women

[Charli1] and heal them

mulysa> ::bows b4 billy..::

[Krissie] who took my pint>?

[LElyse] I need his healing powrs too@@

[Charli1] Lay them at his feet girls.

[LElyse] ::runs up and bows in front of Billy::

mulysa> we all need the billy powers...

[LElyse] It comes in pints...?!

[Charli1] Hurry Billy hurry

[wykdfaerie] I think we are scaring him

[Charli1] The laying on of hands must begin

[wykdfaerie] Why is he closing the door??

mulysa> no..billy..dont run..!

[LElyse] ::gets down on knees before Billy::

[Charli1] Billy come baaack

[LElyse] ::throws herself between the door::

[LElyse] ::gets crushed::

[wykdfaerie] ::jams foot in door::

[Charli1] ::looks though window::

[LElyse] Ouchie

[wykdfaerie] LE!

mulysa> ::gras billys legs..::

[wykdfaerie] At least you kept the door open

[Charli1] Hey, he's on the phone...

[Charli1] Ah....

[wykdfaerie] He's calling Stew!

[Charli1] Um....

[Krissie] Billy and I are writing something that is funnier than

mulysa> no!

[LElyse] I think I've broken something...

>> Fuzzy has joined channel #Cheese_Chat

[LElyse] Hey Fuzzy, ow

[wykdfaerie] Hi Fuzz

[Krissie] A penguin playing the Banjo!!

[Charli1] Look up there in the sky.......

[Fuzzy] hey all

[Charli1] IS IT A BIRD?

[wykdfaerie] ::looking up::

[wykdfaerie] No

[Charli1] IS IT A PLANE

[wykdfaerie] No

[Charli1] NO IT's..................................

[LElyse] I think I've broken something...

[LElyse] ::pulls out broken carrot:: How'd THAT get here?!

[Charli1] SUPER STEW

[LElyse] Nooooo

[wykdfaerie] ::grabbing Le and laying her on couch::

[Fuzzy] leave poor stew alone

[wykdfaerie] IT's just a Carrot LE

[Charli1] ::super stew lands in front of batter door::

[wykdfaerie] Get up

[wykdfaerie] we need your help Stew!

[LElyse] :;wields Sting from couch::

mulysa> ::lies in a heap..unable to move..::

[LElyse] I am LE, hear me roar!

[Charli1] Stewart you must get Billy to come and heal these poor demented creatures

[LElyse] ow

[LElyse] :;winces::

[wykdfaerie] you must cure us

[LElyse] Desperately

[Krissie] ::lies on floor next to mul::

[wykdfaerie] ::dragging Krissie::

[Krissie] ::coughs up more Jack::

mulysa> ::reachs out..:: need..cure.form..dd...

[wykdfaerie] ::pulling mul by her leg::

[LElyse] :;falls off couch, drags herself over to Stew::

[Fuzzy] ok so you are all killing each other

[wykdfaerie] no, we are diseased :)

mulysa> sorry fuzzy...

[LElyse] ::typos trailing her, she grabs Stew's leg:: pleaseeeee

[wykdfaerie] We're on a mission we need to find billy for a cure for Dom's Disease (typo disease)

[Charli1] ::Billy opens front window::

[Charli1] Wait guys.....

[wykdfaerie] only billy can help us

[Charli1] somethings happening.....

mulysa> doms disease: the disease o typos..only illy can cure..

[LElyse] sye

[Charli1] ::throws out pair of used socks::

[wykdfaerie] what is that, Charli?

[LElyse] ::grabbing Stew's leg in desperation::

[Fuzzy] what the heck is going on?

[wykdfaerie] ::peering closely::

[Charli1] Quick, rub these on your body.

[Fuzzy] sorry i am asking

[Krissie] Go Man U!!!

[wykdfaerie] We're on a mission we need to find billy for a cure for Dom's Disease (typo disease)

mulysa> help us..setw...

[LElyse] ::throws her stolen tartan socks thru Billy's open window::

[Charli1] It's all we can get - it;ll have to do

[Charli1] Use the socks on them...hurry

mulysa> ::rubs socks on self..?::

[wykdfaerie] ::rubbing socks on the girls::

[LElyse] ::pulls sock on her foot::

[Fuzzy] what kinda socks?

[LElyse] I ma crude

[wykdfaerie] Lay back Mul, I got it

[LElyse] I am cured, I mean

[wykdfaerie] hahaha...

mulysa> geting beter..

[wykdfaerie] She is CURED!

[Charli1] Everyone cured....

[Charli1] HOORAY

[LElyse] I am cured, it's a miracle!

[wykdfaerie] Mul still needs more time

[Krissie] Wha?  Wat happened, and why are you rubbing socks on me?

[Fuzzy] yeah everyone is cured

[wykdfaerie] But she is looking better

[wykdfaerie] Krissie needs more too

[LElyse] Mul just likes how Billy's socks smell

mulysa> i dont know..i may always have a touch of dd..

[Charli1] Right....who's paying for Billy's front door to be repaired?

[LElyse] lol

[wykdfaerie] I think so Mul... me too

[wykdfaerie] Not me, Charli

[Krissie] wait, I am cured, praise Billy!!!

mulysa> oops..

[wykdfaerie] LE was the one who broke it :)

mulysa> oh man..

[Charli1] Well who kicked it?

[wykdfaerie] PRAISE BILLY

[LElyse] I will alwas have DD

>> Susan has joined channel #Cheese_Chat

[wykdfaerie] Susan!

[Charli1] Thank you Billy.

mulysa> wb..

[LElyse] No I got broken by the door

[wykdfaerie] we found Billy

[Fuzzy] welcome susan

[Susan] you did?

mulysa> but.but..billy...

[LElyse] Hey Susan

[Susan] are you all cured but me?

[Krissie] I am cured Susan!!!

[wykdfaerie] we rubbed his socks on the girls and they are cured!

mulysa> i only got socks...;(

[LElyse] ::throws sock at Susan::

[Susan] my computer was doing strange things

[Charli1] Um....Super Stew and Billy are looking a bit angry now....

[wykdfaerie] here, have some socks!

[Charli1] I think it's time we went home.

mulysa> uh oh

[wykdfaerie] we better leavev

[Susan] ::rubs socks::

[Krissie] thank you for helping to take care of me in my time of greatest need!!

[LElyse] Prolly because I'm still holding Stew's leg

[wykdfaerie] aCK

[Susan] much better

[wykdfaerie] I said leavev!!

[Charli1] ::bows to Billy and Super Stew::

[LElyse] ::lets go::

[Susan] im sorry i missed everything

[wykdfaerie] I think I have to stay the night

[Charli1] Thank you...thank you

mulysa> umm..

[Susan] i tried but my computer was infected i think

[wykdfaerie] Poor Sus

mulysa> ::smiles at billy..::thn\ank ye..

[Charli1] Someone grab wykd before she gets arrested.

mulysa> ack!

[Krissie] Thank you Billy and Super Stew, you have saved me!!

[wykdfaerie] I ... must.... stay

[Fuzzy] wow

[Susan] it was strange.. it froze.. and i tried to restart it.. and then i hit the power on the computer

- but it didnt do anything! i had to turn off the power bar

[Susan] strange eh?

[wykdfaerie] ::kissing billy's feet::

mulysa> not..fully..cured..

[Charli1] Someone get her now

[Fuzzy] ok well my bets are that ya'll be ok soon

Charli1] and put her in the car

[wykdfaerie] ::grabbing billy's legs::

[wykdfaerie] nooo... i am not fully healed yet

[Charli1] wykd.......

>> desdemon has left channel #Cheese_Chat

[Fuzzy] me gots to go, i have din-din on the way

[Charli1] ther's still someting in the boot for you.

mulysa> so..what ae we onna do with the uys in theboot?

[Krissie] Wykd, grab me some chest hair while you are there!!

[wykdfaerie] bye fuzzy!

[Susan] bye fuzzy

[Susan] whos still in the boot?

>> Fuzzy has left channel #Cheese_Chat

mulysa> dom and orli, i think

[wykdfaerie] ::grabbing chest hair::

[Charli1] ::checks boot::

mulysa> right?

[Charli1] Um, Dom and a naked Orli

mulysa> nice...

[wykdfaerie] Dom and Orli... ::letting go of billy::

[Charli1] I told you to give him back his shorts.

[wykdfaerie] ORLI ORLI

[Krissie] Don't let me near Dom, or it will come back worse than ever

[wykdfaerie] I got his shorts

[Charli1] ::hears sound of distant sirens::

mulysa> naked orli..neer ot his trunks ack..

[Charli1] Um guys.......

[wykdfaerie] ::throwing open the boot::

wykdfaerie] No one is in here!


[wykdfaerie] They escaped!

[Krissie] Thank you for the chest hair Wykd

[wykdfaerie] welcome krissie

[wykdfaerie] :)

mulysa> escaped..noo..::sob::

[Charli1] the car everyone now

[Charli1] Hurry

[wykdfaerie] ::getting in car::

[Charli1] Before the police get here.

[Krissie] okay Charli!! lets go!!

mulysa> ::too sad to get in car..::

[wykdfaerie] Hey, there they are!

[Charli1] Is everyone in

[wykdfaerie] Up ahead!

[Susan] im in

[wykdfaerie] Charli, get 'em!

[Krissie] mul, car, now!!

[Charli1] ::flashing blue lights come around corner::

mulysa> ::still crying on sidealk::

>> desdemon has joined channel #Cheese_Chat

[Charli1] Get mul

[Charli1] quick

[Susan] hi des, back again i see

[Krissie] MUL!!! NOW!!

[Charli1] we've got to go

[wykdfaerie] Orli is going to get arrested for indecent exposure

[Krissie] ::grabs Mul::

mulysa> ::looks up..walks to car..::

[Charli1] wave goodbye to the boys everyone.

mulysa> ::is pulled in::

[desdemon] can't believe they threw me out, ph

[wykdfaerie] ::wavigin::

[wykdfaerie] wait... the DD is back!

[Charli1] Bye guys.....

[Krissie] bye Billy, thank you!!!!

[Charli1] ::hits gas::

[wykdfaerie] ourfeetaresane!

mulysa> ::waves..::

[wykdfaerie] ::whiplash::

[Charli1] THE END!!

mulysa> lol

[wykdfaerie] TADA!

[Krissie] don't look directly at Dom, and take some chest

>> Susan has left channel #Cheese_Chat

[Charli1] ::cue applause::

[Charli1] clap clap clap

[Susan] i had to update the chat page, im ok now

[wykdfaerie] ::clapping for ourselves::

[Krissie] clap clap clap

[Susan] its very fancy

[wykdfaerie] well done all

[Krissie] that was fun!!

mulysa> nice

[wykdfaerie] yes it is sus

[Charli1] Okay....someone has got to send me a transcript of this...

[wykdfaerie] we should get dd more often and go on our mission

[Charli1] coz I don;t how to doit.

[Krissie] and I got Billy chest hair out of it even!!

mulysa> i got most of that..but not all

[Charli1] And it was clean

[Charli1] reasonably

mulysa> sortta..

[Charli1] I think Billy and Stew would be proud of us

[Krissie] c...ept for nekkid Orli

[Charli1] :-)

>> Bombadillo has joined channel #Cheese_Chat

[Krissie] ack, dd is back...

[wykdfaerie] The only thing was Orli and we didn't describe him

mulysa> lol

[wykdfaerie] Hi Bom





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