>> mul has joined channel #Cheese_Chat

The topic is:  The Cheese is ever watchful. ;-)

mul> allo

[Jennie] Apparently

[Jennie] Hi,Mul

[morgan] aahlloo muly

[BahSheep] where do you read this stuff Jennie?

mul> sheep..?

[Jennie] You know how school kids can be

[BahSheep] ello mul

[Jennie] I think it was the Unofficial Dom site

[Jennie] Oen of the interviews

[BahSheep] I'm a clones sheep at that

[morgan] snickers muly

[BahSheep] cloned

[Jennie] Or Q&A things, rather

mul> ah..

[BahSheep] sheep kick ass

>> SK has left channel #Cheese_Chat

[Jennie] Sheep can't reach up high enough to kick your ass, though

mul> sheep kick donkeys?

>> Sheep_Clone has joined channel #Cheese_Chat

[BahSheep] we can

mul> hello clone

[morgan] sheep clone

[BahSheep] clone

[BahSheep] another one

mul> dont attack..!!!

[BahSheep] just what scotland needs!

[Sheep_Clone] :::attacks:::

[Jennie] Oh dear

[BahSheep] are two more clones

[Sheep_Clone] More sheep!

mul> oh no..!!attack of the ..er..clone!

[Jennie] Attack of the clones

[BahSheep] lol

[Jennie] lol

[Sheep_Clone] hehehe

[BahSheep] <attacks>

>> Jennie has left channel #Cheese_Chat

[morgan] uhoh

[Sheep_Clone] Ahem......I mean BAH

mul> no..!!

[morgan] BAH

[morgan] sheep dip

[BahSheep] <chases mul>

[Sheep_Clone] Bah

>> OtherSheepClone has joined channel #Cheese_Chat

[Sheep_Clone] hahahaha!!

mul> ::threatens to come in as jar jar..::

[Sheep_Clone] BAH

[BahSheep] sheep are like arbbits!

[Sheep_Clone] No MUL!

[BahSheep] rabbits

[Sheep_Clone] Don't do it!

[morgan] NO< NO not jarjarbinx

mul> meesah wanna be stoopid

[morgan] cap lock, sorry

[BahSheep] <runs over to stef>

[Sheep_Clone] <fallows>

[BahSheep] whabah wha

[morgan] meesa thinkin yousa nutzy

mul> thankie :D

[OtherSheepClone] Baaaaah

[BahSheep] <knocks Stef over>

[BahSheep] baaaaahhhhh

[BahSheep] we want more rights!

[Sheep_Clone] <runs away from Stef>

[Sheep_Clone] Bah

[BahSheep] no more robbing our wool

mul> ::gets out the green jelly::

[Stef] huh?

mul> lamb chops..mmm

[Sheep_Clone] Oh, please take my wool, I'm hot

[Stef] hi mul

mul> mint jelly, i ment..heh

[Stef] hi clone

[Sheep_Clone] <dies>

[BahSheep] no more living in stables

[Stef] hi other clone

>> Stef has left channel #Cheese_Chat

[BahSheep] <jumps stef again>

[OtherSheepClone] baaaah

[BahSheep] bahh

mul> hrm...

[BahSheep] ok

[OtherSheepClone] Uh oh

>> DomsSheep has joined channel #Cheese_Chat

[BahSheep] who's next

[OtherSheepClone] LOL

[Sheep_Clone] HAHAHA

mul> ummm....

[BahSheep] lol

[DomsSheep] heh heh

[BahSheep] oh my gawd

mul> now i worry about dom..

[Sheep_Clone] YOU SHEEP!

mul> what does he do with his sheep..??

[morgan] sigh...

[BahSheep] if only cheese was here

[DomsSheep] Did you know there are a lot of sheep in New Zealand?

>> morgan has left channel #Cheese_Chat

[Sheep_Clone] If only

[OtherSheepClone] Uh oh

[BahSheep] he, er, does things to them....

[Sheep_Clone] ........no wait.........

[DomsSheep] there's as many sheep there as people

[DomsSheep] actually more

>> dippysheep has joined channel #Cheese_Chat

mul> LOL

[Sheep_Clone] AHAHA

[DomsSheep] everywhere you go there are sheep

[dippysheep] heh..

[BahSheep] really Dom? were they extra's in the LOTR?

[Sheep_Clone] lol

[DomsSheep] yeah

[BahSheep] bahh

[dippysheep] here a sheep, there a sheep everywhere a sheepsheep

[DomsSheep] they got paid in poo rations

[dippysheep] bah

mul> man..i feel outta place..brb

[BahSheep] sheep sheep

[BahSheep] sheep


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>> sheepy has joined channel #Cheese_Chat

The topic is:  The Cheese is ever watchful. ;-)

sheepy> back


[Sheep_Clone] Were all a bunch of SHEEP

[BahSheep] they had nice sweaters

[dippysheep] BBBAHHHHHH

[DomsSheep] I am sheeping here

[BahSheep] sheep rule!!!!!!!!!!!!

[DomsSheep] this place is sheeping awful

[OtherSheepClone] baaaaaah

sheepy> baAAAaaaaAa

[DomsSheep] what the sheep?

[Sheep_Clone] I can't WAIT until someone comes in here!!!

[BahSheep] let's run over to the forum and take over!!!

sheepy> ack

[BahSheep] lol clone

[DomsSheep] you're full of sheep all of you

[BahSheep] lol

[dippysheep] LOL!! that would be soo funny if someone else came in...

[Sheep_Clone] hahaha

sheepy> which forum..?

>> Bubbles has joined channel #Cheese_Chat

[BahSheep] BB.net

[DomsSheep] LOL!

[Sheep_Clone] BUBBLES

sheepy> ello bubbles

[BahSheep] bah

[BahSheep] bah

[DomsSheep] Hey bubbles

[BahSheep] bahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

[Bubbles] hello everyone

[DomsSheep] baaahhhhh

sheepy> baAaAaAAaaa

[Bubbles] why are we all sheep?

[BahSheep] lol

[dippysheep] bah bubbles!

sheepy> why not..??

[DomsSheep] BAH HUMBUG!

[OtherSheepClone] Baaaah

[dippysheep] BAH!

[BahSheep] attack of the clones

[OtherSheepClone] Baaaah

[Bubbles] ::is feart::

[Sheep_Clone] Because we are all fallowers.....ahem....SHEEP

[BahSheep] bah

sheepy> we're all clones...

[Bubbles] lol

[dippysheep] BAH

[Sheep_Clone] BAH

sheepy> BAH

>> EvilPaula has joined channel #Cheese_Chat

[BahSheep] who is our shepard?

[OtherSheepClone] BAH

[Sheep_Clone] ::::eats some grass:::

[BahSheep] lol

[BahSheep] bah

sheepy> ello evil one

[dippysheep] hello evil

[OtherSheepClone] BAH

[BahSheep] sheep sheep sheep sheep


[EvilPaula] wow, everyone has sheep names

[BahSheep] bah

[EvilPaula] hang on

[dippysheep] :: dips to the musci::

[Sheep_Clone] Bubbles is our Shepard!!

>> EvilPaula has left channel #Cheese_Chat

[OtherSheepClone] Baaaaah

sheepy> woo7!!

[dippysheep] who was that?

[Bubbles] I'm the shepard

[BahSheep] <eats grass

[Bubbles] cool beans

[BahSheep] stares at bubbles

[OtherSheepClone] No idea

[Sheep_Clone] :::runs over to Bubbles:::

[Bubbles] Good little sheepy

[dippysheep] shepherd

[BahSheep] bah bah  bah

sheepy> ::pops bubbles::

[Bubbles] ::dies::

>> Evilsheep has joined channel #Cheese_Chat

[Evilsheep] there that's better

sheepy> eek..!!!

[DomsSheep] HAH!

[Sheep_Clone] AHAHAHA

>> DomsSheep has left channel #Cheese_Chat

[dippysheep] ahhloo again evil

[OtherSheepClone] Baaah

[Evilsheep] hello everyone

[Bubbles] I've been popped

[OtherSheepClone] uh oh

sheepy> ::feart::

[Evilsheep] blame bubbles....she let me in

>> OneSheepToRuleThemAll has joined channel #Cheese_Chat

[Sheep_Clone] Hello EvilPua.......Sheep!

[OtherSheepClone] popped?

sheepy> LOL..

[OneSheepToRuleThemAll] HA HA HA!

[BahSheep] why do we need a shepherd? there 6 of us ond one of her...

[dippysheep] LOL


[BahSheep] evil sheep!

[Sheep_Clone] ROTFLMAO

[BahSheep] Bwaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

[Bubbles] ::dies::

[Evilsheep] Oh all sheep are evil

[Bubbles] I'm evil

[OtherSheepClone] Bah!

[BahSheep] We have turned!

[dippysheep] does that mean ostrta is the shepherd now?

sheepy> sheep are good for wool and to laugh at..

[Evilsheep] why else would wool be so durn scratchy

[OneSheepToRuleThemAll] <--- Dom

[BahSheep] <paws ground with crazed glint in eyes....stares at bubbles>

[OneSheepToRuleThemAll] yeah right

sheepy> DOM...!!!!!!!!

[OneSheepToRuleThemAll] as if

[Sheep_Clone] :::::runs over to EvilSheep:::

[OneSheepToRuleThemAll] <--- actually Dom's lackey sheep

[OtherSheepClone] Yeah, that's it, Stef

[OtherSheepClone] You're Dom, now

[BahSheep] bahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

[dippysheep] ::sits on pasture grass, trying to understand what is going on...

sheepy> lol

[dippysheep] bbbbbbbbbaaaaaaaaahhhhhh

[OtherSheepClone] Bah

[Sheep_Clone] Bahhhhhh

[Bubbles] I'm... bubbles

[OneSheepToRuleThemAll] I hit Enter too soon

[Evilsheep] Heyo, if we need a sheperd, I'd love to be the one to lead us all over a cliff someday

[BahSheep] bahhh

[Sheep_Clone] BAH

[Evilsheep] blind leading the blind and all that

[Bubbles] lol

sheepy> i think i know who one and evil are..but..man..hard to remember who is who :D

[BahSheep] sheep, sheep sheep sheep sheep sheep

[Bubbles] Like lemmings

[OneSheepToRuleThemAll] apostrophe is right next to Enter you know

[BahSheep] Lets all head over to Scotland

sheepy> '

[dippysheep] << morgan

[OtherSheepClone] <--- Jennie

[Evilsheep] <----Paula

[Sheep_Clone] Who AM I!?!?! I forgot!!!

[OtherSheepClone] As a herd

[OneSheepToRuleThemAll] no... I rather like LA

[Bubbles] <---Amber

[BahSheep] snickers

sheepy> uh oh..clone..ummm

[OneSheepToRuleThemAll] <--- STEF

[Bubbles] snickers!

[OneSheepToRuleThemAll] DUH UH!

[BahSheep] one sheep to rule them all?

[BahSheep] lol

[BahSheep] good lord, I'm feart

[OneSheepToRuleThemAll] YES!

[Bubbles] So am I

[Bubbles] I can't type

[Evilsheep] <----Standard LOTR fangril #3476

[Sheep_Clone] <-------SK!

[dippysheep] and in the woolies bind them?

[BahSheep] let's strom the forum!!!!

[Bubbles] lol Paula

[OneSheepToRuleThemAll] I am the ruler of all sheep

[Sheep_Clone] Like I am really going to remember who is who

[OneSheepToRuleThemAll] no no no

[BahSheep] storm

[OneSheepToRuleThemAll] no storming

[OneSheepToRuleThemAll] no storming

[Evilsheep] oh and forget not the holder of the pool nachos

[OneSheepToRuleThemAll] that wouldn't be nice

[BahSheep] lets get the one sheeps ring

[OneSheepToRuleThemAll] heh heh

[OneSheepToRuleThemAll] Who said it was a ring

[BahSheep] then she can't boss us around anymore

[OneSheepToRuleThemAll] ;-)

[BahSheep] what is it then?

[OneSheepToRuleThemAll] <--- bearer of the one tampon

[Bubbles] I've got a ring

[BahSheep] wool?

[Sheep_Clone] We need one more, and we can be THE FELLOWSHIP OF SHEEP


[BahSheep] lol

[Bubbles] lol

[BahSheep] gawd

[dippysheep] why remember who is who?

sheepy> ack

[Bubbles] brb then

[dippysheep] only one?? gah.. BAH!!!!!

>> Bubbles has left channel #Cheese_Chat

[BahSheep] the fellowship of the sheep!

[dippysheep] uh oh..

[BahSheep] lol

[OtherSheepClone] Ewww. STefffffff

[OtherSheepClone] Bleah

[Sheep_Clone] TAO NOW

[Evilsheep] bubbles left me

>> BubblesTheSheep has joined channel #Cheese_Chat

[OneSheepToRuleThemAll] I am the tampon bearer

[Sheep_Clone] HAHAH

[BubblesTheSheep] ok

[Sheep_Clone] We converted you!

[BubblesTheSheep] I'm back

[BahSheep] we are the fellowship

[BubblesTheSheep] yes

[dippysheep] ahlo buubles the shep

[BahSheep] welcome to our flock

[Evilsheep] I'd rather not be in a fellowship, thankyouverymuch

[BahSheep] Flock Mactook

sheepy> ack..brb]

[dippysheep] fellow ship of the wool

[Evilsheep] I'd rather go graze somewhere

[BubblesTheSheep] Shut up Paula, you're in it

[BahSheep] bahhh

[Evilsheep] NOOOOOOO

[OneSheepToRuleThemAll] Hey... if you are willing to go after the One Tampon I have to give you credit for

- your bravery

>> Evilsheep has left channel #Cheese_Chat

[Sheep_Clone] Yeah, lets go graze

[BahSheep] one fer all and all fer one

>> EvilPaula has joined channel #Cheese_Chat

[Sheep_Clone] BAH

[dippysheep] we warm you, itch you, and general dip you

[Sheep_Clone] NO!

sheepy> ack..no... "."..eek

[BubblesTheSheep] lol

[BahSheep] grabs evilsheep

[EvilPaula] brb

[OneSheepToRuleThemAll] ::bites EvilPaula's leg::

[BahSheep] ok,lets knit

[dippysheep] hey, no biting

[Sheep_Clone] :::also bites it:::

[BubblesTheSheep] hrm... does that make EvilPaula a sheep again

[OneSheepToRuleThemAll] lets knot

[BahSheep] we'll knit wee scarvies

sheepy> ::eats wallac'es cheese::

[BubblesTheSheep] ::eats a tin can::

[BahSheep] passes beer around

[OneSheepToRuleThemAll] But I don't wanna be a scarvie

[BubblesTheSheep] Wait, then I'd be a goat...

[OtherSheepClone] Baaaaahhhhhh

[Sheep_Clone] NO, GOATS eat tin cans!

sheepy> beer...wee scarvies...whoot!

[Sheep_Clone] BAH

[EvilPaula] back

[dippysheep] bah

[OneSheepToRuleThemAll] beeeeeeh

[BubblesTheSheep] bah

[EvilPaula] pillow fighting with siblings

[BahSheep] if you don't join evilsheep, we'll turn you into mutton

[BubblesTheSheep] Elizabeth is still hyper?

[OtherSheepClone] Begins to knit wee scarvies of own wool

[EvilPaula] wow, everyone's biting me

[OneSheepToRuleThemAll] ::jumps around on top of people because she is very lightwieght and soft::

[Sheep_Clone] :::slaps Paula with a pillow made from my wool:::

[EvilPaula] it's kind of a turn on

[BubblesTheSheep] oh dear Billy, she's at it again

[OtherSheepClone] ::is so busy multi-tasking that forgets to use ::s::

[OneSheepToRuleThemAll] ::bouncey bouncey::


[BahSheep] <knitting>

sheepy> ack

[OneSheepToRuleThemAll] Heh heh

>> Christy has joined channel #Cheese_Chat

sheepy> ::thinks she'll knit::

[dippysheep] ::: smackes stef with a wool pillow:::

[BahSheep] lol

[BahSheep] bah

[OneSheepToRuleThemAll] Hi Christy

sheepy> ello chris

[dippysheep] hello christy

[BubblesTheSheep] ::hides from Paula::

[BahSheep] bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

[BubblesTheSheep] hi Christy

[BahSheep] hey chris

[OneSheepToRuleThemAll] ::bites self in leg::[BahSheep] if you don't join evilsheep, we'll turn you into mutton

[BubblesTheSheep] Elizabeth is still hyper?

[OtherSheepClone] Begins to knit wee scarvies of own wool

[EvilPaula] wow, everyone's biting me

[OneSheepToRuleThemAll] ::jumps around on top of people because she is very lightwieght and soft::

[Sheep_Clone] :::slaps Paula with a pillow made from my wool:::

[EvilPaula] it's kind of a turn on

[BubblesTheSheep] oh dear Billy, she's at it again

[OtherSheepClone] ::is so busy multi-tasking that forgets to use ::s::

[OneSheepToRuleThemAll] ::bouncey bouncey::


[BahSheep] <knitting>

sheepy> ack

[OneSheepToRuleThemAll] Heh heh

>> Christy has joined channel #Cheese_Chat

sheepy> ::thinks she'll knit::

[dippysheep] ::: smackes stef with a wool pillow:::

[BahSheep] lol

[BahSheep] bah

[OneSheepToRuleThemAll] Hi Christy

sheepy> ello chris

[dippysheep] hello christy

[BubblesTheSheep] ::hides from Paula::

[BahSheep] bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

[BubblesTheSheep] hi Christy

[BahSheep] hey chris

[OneSheepToRuleThemAll] ::bites self in leg::

[OneSheepToRuleThemAll] Oooo... you're right

[EvilPaula] *shears you all and knits a quilt to cloth the world*

[Christy] hmmmmm, why do I feel like I entered a farm

[BahSheep] <bites Paula>

[OtherSheepClone] Hi,Christy.  Baahhhhhh

[BahSheep] bahhhh

[dippysheep] animal farm

[OneSheepToRuleThemAll] ::bites self in leg again::

[Sheep_Clone] Hey, maybe we can all jump over Paulas head, and make her fall asleep!!! I'll start!!

- :::::Jumps over Paulas head, and screams ONE!::::

[BahSheep] chewing grass

[dippysheep] TWaO!

[OneSheepToRuleThemAll] ::bites self in leg again::

[EvilPaula] *bites one sheep to rule them all* I know, isn't it great?

[BahSheep] three

[BubblesTheSheep] ::jumps and screams three::

sheepy> ::jumps:: 4!!

[BubblesTheSheep] ::or four::

sheepy> lol

[BubblesTheSheep] ::or five::

[dippysheep] six

[OneSheepToRuleThemAll] ::bites self in leg again::

[Sheep_Clone] hahaha

[OneSheepToRuleThemAll] ::bites self in leg again::

[OneSheepToRuleThemAll] ::bites self in leg again::

[BahSheep] <makes another round> 7

sheepy> 8!

[dippysheep] the sheep to rule them all isto much to bear..

[BahSheep] <jumps one sheep>

[Sheep_Clone] 9!

[OneSheepToRuleThemAll] ::bites self in leg again... and holds... and holds...::

[EvilPaula] Uh

[BahSheep] ouch

[OneSheepToRuleThemAll] Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

[BubblesTheSheep] you know... why can't I be a pig?

[BubblesTheSheep] or a monkey?

sheepy> ::bites one's leg::

[dippysheep] TEN

[OneSheepToRuleThemAll] ::fans self::

[BubblesTheSheep] Why do I have to be a sheep?

>> Sheep_Clone has left channel #Cheese_Chat

[BahSheep] do you taste like mutton one sheep?

[EvilPaula] Here onesheeptorule, have a lemon to rub in the wound

>> PIG has joined channel #Cheese_Chat

[OneSheepToRuleThemAll] ::goes to take a cold shower::

[BahSheep] lol


[OneSheepToRuleThemAll] NOT THE PIG!

[BubblesTheSheep] Hey, that ain't cool

[dippysheep] LOL!! way to go ..

[BahSheep] Oh Mctooks farm!

[EvilPaula] wow, farm animals galore....

[OneSheepToRuleThemAll] Some pigs are more equal than others!

>> BahSheep has left channel #Cheese_Chat

>> BubblesTheSheep has left channel #Cheese_Chat

[OtherSheepClone] Pig!!!

[EvilPaula] kinda puts ideas in your head

[OtherSheepClone] Noooo

>> OneSheepToRuleThemAll has left channel #Cheese_Chat

>> MooCow has joined channel #Cheese_Chat[EvilPaula] wow, farm animals galore....

[OneSheepToRuleThemAll] Some pigs are more equal than others!

>> BahSheep has left channel #Cheese_Chat

>> BubblesTheSheep has left channel #Cheese_Chat

[OtherSheepClone] Pig!!!

[EvilPaula] kinda puts ideas in your head

[OtherSheepClone] Noooo

>> OneSheepToRuleThemAll has left channel #Cheese_Chat

>> MooCow has joined channel #Cheese_Chat

[PIG] Lets start a FARM!

>> BubblesTheMonkey has joined channel #Cheese_Chat

[dippysheep] oh geesh

[MooCow] moooooo

>> Snowball has joined channel #Cheese_Chat

[BubblesTheMonkey] mooooooooo

sheepy> ello snow

[Snowball] HAH!


[MooCow] lol

[OtherSheepClone] OH dear. Now look what's happened

[MooCow] moooo

[BubblesTheMonkey] moooooo

[MooCow] hey snow

[OtherSheepClone] Bahhhhhh

[BubblesTheMonkey] I'm a monkey that mooooos

[Snowball] HAH HAH!

[EvilPaula] Um....*maniacal laugh*

[PIG] Oink Oink!

sheepy> animalfarm..!

Snowball] <--- read too mcuh Animal Farm

[MooCow] so now it's snowing on this farm

[EvilPaula] is that the farm sound evil geniuses make?

[BubblesTheMonkey] Animal farm is scary

sheepy> oink

BubblesTheMonkey] yes Paula, it is

[Snowball] 2 + 2 = 5

[dippysheep] well, I will be dipped... what happene to the sheeps?

sheepy> all animals are equal...

[PIG] Sheepy! You can't say OINK

[Snowball] Wait... wrond George Orwell work. ;-)

[MooCow] it's raining in spain

sheepy> some are more equal than others

[OtherSheepClone] Between this insanity and the insanity that's going on in the pub on bb.net.  . .

[EvilPaula] um

[dippysheep] some are more equal than others

[EvilPaula] Quack.

[Snowball] and some animals are more equal than others

>> PIG has left channel #Cheese_Chat

>> dippysheep has left channel #Cheese_Chat

[MooCow] but only on the plain[Snowball] and some animals are more equal than others

>> PIG has left channel #Cheese_Chat

>> dippysheep has left channel #Cheese_Chat

[MooCow] but only on the plain

OtherSheepClone] Bahhhhh

[BubblesTheMonkey] pub on bb.net?

[Snowball] okay... this place is getting to be a zoo

>> billysduck has joined channel #Cheese_Chat

[MooCow] Oh mactook had a farm,

[billysduck] ha

[MooCow] on his his farm he had some

[Snowball] I should pull out while I still have my dignity


- http://www.billyboyd.net/cgi-bin/forumb1/YaBB.pl?board=ot;action=display;num=1024446323;start=135

>> Farmer_SK has joined channel #Cheese_Chat

[billysduck] oops. that dun look to good..

[MooCow] sheep

[EvilPaula] TOO

[EvilPaula] MANY

[OtherSheepClone] They're trying to get to 25 pages

[EvilPaula] ANIMALS

sheepy> wow

[MooCow] Sheep

[Snowball] nevermind... I should just pull out

[EvilPaula] *head explodes*

[MooCow] with

[BubblesTheMonkey] hrm....

[MooCow] a bah bah here

[billysduck] hey snowball, dun leave!

[Snowball] Good night all!

[Farmer_SK] ::::gets out her WHIP!::::    GET BACK IN YOUR CAGES!

[billysduck] bye snowball

[MooCow] and a bah bah there

[BubblesTheMonkey] night

sheepy> umm..byes

[OtherSheepClone] Bahhhhh

>> Snowball has left channel #Cheese_Chat

billysduck] bbbaahhhhhh

[MooCow] cows son't have cages

[billysduck] oh wiat.. QUACK

>> FarmerMaggot has joined channel #Cheese_Chat

sheepy> lol

[MooCow] wehave stalls

[billysduck] LOL!!!

[FarmerMaggot] heh heh

[Farmer_SK] NO!

[EvilPaula] *reassembles head* hate it when that happens

[Farmer_SK] I'm the farmer!

[MooCow] lol

[BubblesTheMonkey] *gets on Farmer's head*

[OtherSheepClone] lol "Farmer Maggot"

[MooCow] I'm a rebel cow

>> Farmer_SK has left channel #Cheese_Chat

[FarmerMaggot] ::calls the dogs::

[OtherSheepClone] lol

sheepy> i think ill stay a sheep..

[MooCow] I don't listen to farmers

>> EvilPaula has left channel #Cheese_Chat

>> Farmers_Wife has joined channel #Cheese_Chat

[MooCow] uh oh

[Farmers_Wife] Anyone want pie!?

[FarmerMaggot] heh heh

>> ASadPanda has joined channel #Cheese_Chat

[MooCow] yeah!!!!!!!!

sheepy> awwwww


[BubblesTheMonkey] sorry to yell


>> billysduck has left channel #Cheese_Chat

[ASadPanda] watashi-wa kanashii panda desu-yo

>> MOOSE has joined channel #Cheese_Chat

[FarmerMaggot] heh heh

[FarmerMaggot] hI MOOSE

sheepy> other room been back a whiles.

[MooCow] What kind of pie?

[ASadPanda] what sounds do pandas make, anyway?

[Farmers_Wife] Hmmmm! What should we have then Beef, Pork, duck, or lamb pie!?

[BubblesTheMonkey] Paula...

[FarmerMaggot] chicken pie

[MOOSE] ahlo maggot!

[OtherSheepClone] it came back a few weeks ago

[FarmerMaggot] HI THERE!

[MooCow] aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

[MOOSE] left the cap lock on, soory

[FarmerMaggot] ::passes around mushrooms::

sheepy> cherry pie

[ASadPanda] *eats some bamboo*

[BubblesTheMonkey] shows how much I've been online

[MooCow] she's gonna make pie outta us!!!!!!!!!!

sheepy> we must learn to fly..!

[FarmerMaggot] ::smacks wife's bum::

[MooCow] lol

[Farmers_Wife] :::::whips up cherry pie, and sets it in the windowcil to cool::::

>> MooCow has left channel #Cheese_Chat

[OtherSheepClone] Bahhhhh

[FarmerMaggot] lol

sheepy> ok..brb

[BubblesTheMonkey] well, I'm getting dizzy watching this, so I gotta go

[ASadPanda] eats some more bamboo

[Christy] brb

[ASadPanda] at a loss

[Farmers_Wife] ::::cleans the house:::

>> LoonetHobbitWithFork has joined channel #Cheese_Chat

[FarmerMaggot] Um, do we all remember who is who anymore?

[MOOSE] bye buubles

[LoonetHobbitWithFork] ok

[LoonetHobbitWithFork] serveit up

[ASadPanda] bye bubbles

[BubblesTheMonkey] bye

>> BubblesTheMonkey has left channel #Cheese_Chat

[FarmerMaggot] <--------------- STEF

>> LoonetHobbitWithFork has left channel #Cheese_Chat

[ASadPanda] <----Paula

[Farmers_Wife] :::serves pie to Loonet Hobbit::::

[MOOSE] ,,,morgan

>> LooneyHobbitWithFork has joined channel #Cheese_Chat

[Farmers_Wife] Poo

[Farmers_Wife] Loonet you missed your serving

[LooneyHobbitWithFork] I need second dessert

[Farmers_Wife] Looney

[FarmerMaggot] Okay... I am really going this time

[LooneyHobbitWithFork] no

[LooneyHobbitWithFork] you can't go

[Farmers_Wife] Bye Hunny

[FarmerMaggot] Good night all... clean up your mess when you finish!

[ASadPanda] Um

[Farmers_Wife] :::kisses the farmer goodbye:::

[OtherSheepClone] Baaahhhhhhh

[OtherSheepClone] Night

[OtherSheepClone] ::hug::

>> MOOSE has left channel #Cheese_Chat

[LooneyHobbitWithFork] bye farmer

[FarmerMaggot] Stef says: Hugs to everyone and a kiss for Dominic and Merry.

[ASadPanda] sakana ja nai!

[LooneyHobbitWithFork] <hugs stef>

[Farmers_Wife] I gotta' go too

sheepy> bubyes


[ASadPanda] is everyone leaving?

[LooneyHobbitWithFork] bye Wife

[Farmers_Wife] :::hugs:::

[FarmerMaggot] and a wee kiss for Billy and Pippin

[FarmerMaggot] bye

>> Farmers_Wife has left channel #Cheese_Chat

>> FarmerMaggot has left channel #Cheese_Chat

[LooneyHobbitWithFork] imagine if we did this to stew on one of his chats?

sheepy> LOL

[LooneyHobbitWithFork] all showed up as sheep?

[OtherSheepClone] Bwaaahahaha

sheepy> i swaer ..if i ever get into one.heh

[LooneyHobbitWithFork] I wonder what he would do?

sheepy> ack..!!fork.??missed that while afk...


[ASadPanda] or something

sheepy> yeah..

[LooneyHobbitWithFork] get outttttttttttttttttt

[Christy] I'm back-so can I have an idea of who is here please

sheepy> or.."im not amused.."or.."i am amused..hahah""

[OtherSheepClone] <--- Jennie

sheepy> <-mulysa

[LooneyHobbitWithFork] snickers

[LooneyHobbitWithFork] should be loony

sheepy> ack..brb

[ASadPanda] <-------Stock LOTR fangirl #6759

[LooneyHobbitWithFork] not looney

>> LooneyHobbitWithFork has left channel #Cheese_Chat

[ASadPanda] otherwise known as evilpaula

[Christy] thanks

>> SnickersMacNutty has joined channel #Cheese_Chat

[OtherSheepClone] Woah.

[OtherSheepClone] Everybody's leavin'

[Christy] its really scary to walk into a room with 11 sheep

[ASadPanda] watashi-wa kanashii panda desu-yo

[SnickersMacNutty] lol christy!

[SnickersMacNutty] were you feart christy?

[Christy] extremely

>> OtherSheepClone has left channel #Cheese_Chat

[ASadPanda] *eats bamboo in the background*

[SnickersMacNutty] gotta go, gotta be up at 7

>> Jennie has joined channel #Cheese_Chat

sheepy> byes

[SnickersMacNutty] been really fun

sheepy> wb

[SnickersMacNutty] bye

[SnickersMacNutty] my flock of friends

[ASadPanda] *finishes bamboo, starts on wallpaper*

[SnickersMacNutty] goodnight

sheepy> ::saved it all::

[SnickersMacNutty] we have to do this on stews chat

[Jennie] Night Snick

[Jennie] ::hug::

[Jennie] I think that would be the last chat, Snickers

[SnickersMacNutty] are you gonna post this on the forum sheepy?

[SnickersMacNutty] forum

[Jennie] That would definitely kill the chatroom completely. lol

[ASadPanda] *finishes wallpaper, starts on YOUR SOULS*

sheepy> yep..loony bin chat area..

[SnickersMacNutty] lol

[Jennie] Bahhhhhh

[SnickersMacNutty] great!

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