
This is the rough outline on my story at the moment. Here is my more typical work at the moment. Or, perhaps this story is a skeleton. It definately needs more work, and I hope to revisit it soon to flesh it out. One of the major changes shall be names. I thought them up on the spot, and already dislike them (except for thetis, that is). I already mispronounce Chyron's name in my head (it's a ch like chair, not a k sound). I also hope to work on the ending a bit. I came up with the idea and wrote this in a matter of two days..and most of those two days I was messing around on the net. So forgive any errors or inconsistancies in character that you may notice. I have yet to even read the thing. I shall keep this page up, and will link to the first revision I make later. Anyways, enough babbling (this is what happens when you write too much too Here it is. Hope you like it. Any comments or criticisms, please email me.

Thetis pushed a small strand of hair behind her ear, hesitating at the door. She wished to knock.. but fear gnawed at her bones. There is nothing to be afraid of, she laughed to herself. indeed, there wasn't. She was quite welcome at the house where she was stopped. But a deep fear of strangers was ever present in Thetis, and she could hardly knock the feelings away. She picked her hand up, only half knowing what it would do. She forced it to hit the door, and almost ran away. But a pride welled up inside her. She had knocked, and that was the end of it. Now all she had to do was wait for an answer, or lack thereof. An old man soon came to the door. He looked over her stooped figure, before noticing her. "Oh dear..! please, do come inside, poor thing. It's an awful cold night, no one should be out this late in this cold weather." He hustled her inside, and she gave him a quick smile. He quickly shut the door, and began to usher her further into the house. "My dear sir, you are too kind. I am but a stranger here, and do not wish to bother you. I had some problems on the road, or else I would be at the next town down, staying with some friends." She looked up at him, wondering what his reply could be. She knew that strangers were not often turned away, and that the laws of hospitality were very rarely broken. But she knew, also, that they did not apply to her.
But the old man did not know this, and said it was no bother. It was only the steward, not the master of the house, but he felt confident enough to show Thetis to a room. "Dear lady, if I may ask, what is your name?" Thetis hesitated. There was no reason why this man should know her name if she uttered it, but could not tell it anyways.. "Melissa, sir" He laughed "Please, call me Mr. Jones. It's a pity that you could not meet your destination tonight. You must have walked in the cold for quite some time." Thetis smiled, a quick grin, before turning solemn "Indeed. I hope my friends do not miss me. But then, I am about a week or so early for our get together". This seemed to really amuse Mr. Jones, as he laughed a good deal about it "A week early, I say." was all he would say..
He brought her to her room, and said a small greeting to Thylos, the god of guest rooms. Thetis winced, but knew the custom was to keep guests honest, so that they did not abuse their hosts. Mr. Jones did not notice her, and just showed her the room. "If you would like to stay for breakfast, Melissa, it shall be at 9 am. The master, I am sure, would like to meet you". "Thank you, Mr. Jones. I would be delighted." Mr. Jones left, and Thetis made a small motion over the door, barely perceptible, before entering the room.

Chyros woke up the next morning, and looked out over the vast earth. He sat up on his heavenly throne, and wondered what his subjects were up to on this fine day. He took a deep breath, and filled his lungs with the scent of the morning offerings. A particularly succulent lamb was being offered by the citizens of knos. They desired a long rain for their crops, and he thought that he may give it to them. He called upon the power of the sky, and asked that it would let down a sweet spring rain for the town. The power, however, was weary. It had been long bottled up, for the winter had been mild. It could not guarantee anything close to mild for the spring. Chyros looked down at the town, and saw that the mild winter had deprived it of too much water, and a torrent was better than no rain at all. He consented to the power, and asked the winds to stay as silent as possible, in order to keep everything as good as possible.
For Chyros was quite happy at the world in general this past decade. He had heard a dire prophesy, foretelling his doom the past century. But he had found a way to satisfy fate in a way which would not lead to his downfall. He had gained this supreme power after fighting the rest of the elder races for many eons, and wished to stay in control. He now commanded all, and felt secure. There could now be none greater than he.

Thetis woke with a start. The pounding rain on her window became overwhelmingly loud. It filled her mind with water, which pushed all things out in a flood. She tried to cover her ears, to stop the torrent, but it was too much. She began to be pulled under, and barely missed drowning. She caught a glimpse of the sun peeking through the clouds for a moment. This one ray of light, soon gone, became an anchor. She pulled herself back to her dry bed, and held on desperately. The pounding became a murmur, and she was soon able to think again. The power.. she never thought that the power could be so strong down here. It frightened her, and she could think of nothing else for a long time. She was soon brought back into her present situation with a knock. She rose out of bed, and slowly half opened the door. A cheerful woman with a fat face stared back at her, and laughed. "Dearie me. Giles said that there was a young gal staying the night.. I suppose he didn't mention much else about you cuz he figured I'd be jealous..! well, enough of that. I suppose you may guess that I am Mrs. Jones, and I already know your name. Just Melissa, eh? Not married, I suppose, them. Too young to be a widow, I dare say..oh dear, what's the matter, honey?" Thetis must have had her deep sorrow register on her face at that comment. "I'm so sorry, little one. are you a widow? won't say its impossible, now I've done it again" and the smile that had filled the old woman's face had been replaced with deep consternation. Thetis smiled up at her "Oh, no It's not that at all. I am unmarried. I shall probably be for a long time, is the thing. I was betrothed, but it was called off, with no plans for another betrothal any time soon, is all.." Thetis had to stop herself before she said too much. Already her talk had done nothing to calm the old woman, and had in fact worried her even more. Betrothals were sacred to bek, and were not called off if it could be helped. Any insult to the gods was usually met with harsh retribution. And with the gods generally favoring the people as of late, they were more afraid instead of less afraid of angering them. The stories about plagues and famine worried the generally satisfied folk, and they would do anything to keep their comfort. Fr the years of disfavor was not too far gone for people to forget.
Thetis smiled again "The betrothal was not pleasing to Chyros, as foretolled by the great anac. We had a reading done the week after the pact. No need to worry about me.." and Thetis had to stop herself again. She did not know why she was telling this. It was all true, as far as it went. But this poor old lady didn't need to know the truth. In fact, the less she knew, the better. Yes, the old woman was worried even more, and became stern. "I just came to tell you that breakfast is in an hour," she said, with her face tight and lips drawn. She then hurried off, not too quickly as to be impolite, but quickly enough Thetis sighed, and wondered, not for the last time, what she was doing there. She opened her satchel, and pulled out a nice dress. She expertly unwrapped her old one, and replaced it with the new one in a few quick movements. She felt quite uncomfortable in these clothes, but knew she could do no less. She then rewrapped her satchel, and finger combed her hair. It cascaded down her shoulders, and met up with the top of her legs. She pulled her fingers through again, marveling at how light it still felt.
She went out, and guessed her way towards the dining room. It wasn't difficult, for every house seemed to follow the same basic pattern. She fell upon the Jones couple, talking in hushed tones with a tall man. He looked up at her appearance, and they suddenly fell silent. Turning to face her, the couple soon rushed off, leaving her alone with the man. "Hello, my dear Melissa," he greeted her, " my name is Thomas. So nice to finally meet you. I hope that you have found your stay hospitable?" Thetis nodded, and the name he uttered grated on her ears. He was a nice man, handsome even for who he was. She could tell he was unmarried and unbetrothed. But that was not as unusual in men, especially one as youthful as he was. She wondered briefly how he had become master, but dismissed it as unimportant. "It has been a very nice stay. I shall have to be leaving very soon. However, I would enjoy some breakfast with you." He flashed her a quick smile, and invited her to stay as long as she liked, as she as welcome to stay as a guest. But Thetis had to decline the invitation.
Thetis wished she could like the man, for he was indeed charming. She figured that he knew she was unmarried, but that seemed to encourage him. He joked, even, over the fact that unattached women hardly ever ventured out alone. Thetis managed a smile over that, and said that it wasn't usually frowned upon, either. At least, it hadn't been for a while. But anything that is strange tends to get noticed, and soon feared. But Thomas was far more open minded about Thetis than his servants had been, but Thetis knew the reason was far less honest than good manners.
She was proven correct when she began to leave after the meal. Thomas walked with her towards the front door. "May the gods smile upon you" she told him as they were nearing the exit. "Ah, but I fear that young Thetis does not today, if I am not mistaken?" Thetis let her face show shock, but he could not figure out the true meaning of her shock. "I thought that she might have, but do not be afraid, lady. One who wants her favor must always ask for it.. It's just not every day that a young lady wants just a place to stay for the night" Thetis only nodded, "But I did", and went out the door. She hurried more quickly than she felt was necessary. She knew why he would want to invoke Thetis, and tears burned in her throat. She needed to get to her friend's house, soon.

"...and he knew that he could not do it alone. He called together many of the weaker powers, and promised them something new. He would share the powers of the earth with them. Something they had never thought possible. For until then, one of them had always wanted to rule all. With this, he was able to win the Final Battle.." Thetis had clamed down a little, and wondered why she felt as strongly as she did. She should have been used to it, having been given her place more than 50 years ago. but she was far removed from it all at the time, until now. She could feel the desires of man all around her. She stopped when she heard the voice of a teacher, instructing some students. She felt drawn to this discussion of the gods, even though she hardly had to hear it. The wide eyes of the children made her smile. She could not love children any more, but found their interest satisfying. But her journey was long, and she knew that she had to push on to the next town. The rain was still falling outside the little building, and she was thoroughly wet from her journey so far. It was miserable, being wet. And she knew that listening the stories may make her forget her present state. But the coldness was burrowing deeper into her bones, and she knew that staying inside would not make it much better. So she soon left the place, and headed out. "But who was before their race?" "No one. they were the first. There is no race after them, except we humble servants." "My grandma said that there would be a new race, one day-" "hush child. there can no longer be.."

Chyros smiled upon the rain, and knew that the power of the sky was behaving in a very calm way for all the rain that it was unleashing. Streets were only a little flooded, but man had done his duty in creating decent storm drains and gutters. gkymp was helping with ferrying away the water before it got too deep in the town, bolstered by the little figs left at his gates on the drains. Chyros was in a very good mood that day. Everything was going the way that he had planned. So he felt like celebrating.
"Lears! Come, bring me some of your vine. And Wentle, go fetch Thetis for me. It is time for celebrating..!" Soon a cup was brought to him, but Wentle came back to him alone. "Master, Thetis has gone away for a while.." He frowned.. "Again...? That Girl. One day she dances with me for weeks at a time, and the next she is off skulking. It's those priests of hers, I think. It has been long enough, for their time. She is young, she can change. But apparently they won't" Chyros took a deep drink, and then smiled again "But she shall e back again. It is her destiny. Not even I can change that" And he laughed, for he felt a slight tug on the temple doors to Thetis' temple. He ignored it, in order to find a young nymph.

Thetis frowned. The coldness had begun to turn to a burning as she walked. She could not see where she was going, or where she had been. She knew which way to go, however, and soon found her destination. The rain was not confined, but continued on. She walked through the wet wall in order to step onto the front step of a temple. But she could go no further. Nothing prevented her, but she felt a weariness. It's as is her brain could no longer fathom what it was to create movement. Her body felt odd, and she saw an intense flash of light in her head. She forced her way in, and fell through the open temple door. A young man cam rushing up to her to help her up. She took his arm, and regained her strength. He had hair, dark as honey, and eyes which almost matched. She smiled, for that was the way that she was always depicted in pictures. A dark youth with white skin looked up at her, and a huge grin grew on his face. "Well, if it isn't our goddess.! come at last..!" He put down his book, and made an overly large bow to her. The first youth helped her to a chair, and frowned at his companion. "Forgive my friend, he has no sense. I am Jonathan Kerns. That one goes by Mike."
Mike sauntered over to Thetis, and put his arm around her shoulder. "Michael Deas, if you please. High priest of your temple, second only to Johnny. Sorry your priestesses are not around, but they are all out.. worshipping." with this, Mike sat down next to Thetis, and put his other hand on her knee. Jonathan looked worried as Thetis tried to scoot away. "Please remember why she is here, Mike" Mike laughed, and backed away an inch "She is still the patron goddess of courtesans.. among others" Mike replied. Jonathan frowned. "She shouldn't be."
Thetis stood up. "Yes, I should not be. I was betrothed to Chyros himself, before he cast me away. He feels that by keeping our race pure, that by allowing in only those from the beginning of time, that his power will be secure. That from me would be born his downfall." The two youths stood next to her as she looked up at them. "We already know this, goddess," Mike replied "but is it so bad?" Thetis looked at him "I took mortal form, yes, at the behest of your friend here. So you may be so glib with me. But once I leave, you shall be sorry..." And yet Mike smiled still. "If you and he succeed, I won't have to worry. And if you don't, I'll have protected your true calling." And with that, he walked out.
Thetis turned to Jonathan, and asked why he called her down in order to talk with fools. There are enough of them in the heavens. Jonathan grew pale, as if he wondered the same thing himself "But goddess. You need to fulfill the role that fate has set out for you. There can be no other way." "Fate..? fate..! It was her will that I be like this..! Why would she change her mind yet again?" "She never changed her mind" "But anac did tell Chyros that his was my calling" "anac tells many things, but she did not tell that. This is not your role. You were to be better than this. This is only something which delays the inevitable.."

Thetis needed no convincing. She knew what needed to be done. She gazed over at her priest. He was far too young to have been her priest back when she was Chyros' wife instead of consort. All of her priests were young. It was mandatory for the order, and once they got to be too old, they went back to normal life. She never knew quite how Jonathan became so obsessed, driven by a need to help her. She was glad. This mortal body wearied her, and she needed help where she could get it. She did not know the punishment which would be meted out upon her if she were discovered, but knew that at the least she would lose her place up in the heavens. She had only heard vague rumors of it occurring in the distant past, long before she had awoken into the world. Back in the Final Battle, many were cast down. But she had not been a part of that, and had been awoken only after Chyros had secured his reign.
Her body began to protest, it was not meant to hold her. She took her priests hand, and smiled. "Thank you dear. Yes, we should visit her. See what fate will decree for me. But anac is as much Chyros' whore as I am. We need to be careful." And with that, they set out.
Mike gave them a wink as they left the temple. The rain had slowed to a small drizzle, and it looked as if the sun would peak though soon. A small pony carried some goods for their travel. Jonathan gripped a sturdy walking sick, and led the way to the anac's cave. There were no good rest stops on the way which they could inconspicuously stay at, so they mostly slept outdoors. Thetis had little problems dealing with it, since everything in the world seemed to be a hardship. And a little more did not phase her as much. But Jonathan was struggling. The first night, the ground was still soggy, and they slept on a rock slab. It was hard, as he had been brought up in a life of comfort. But he was determined.
A week later found them at the door of a hut. Jonathan led Thetis to the door without saying a word. The travels had been had on him, and Thetis did not want to question his decision. But she thought that the road had over wearied him, and he needed a good rest regardless of the wisdom of staying with somebody. Jonathan looked back at her troubled face, and actually smiled. "No need to worry. I would rather put up with lakes of fire than to put you in harms way" He tied the pony up near the door, and took off their packs. He knocked on the door with his stick, as Thetis stood behind him. An old woman stood behind the door as it creaked open. She looked over Jonathan, twice, before she looked at the girl behind him. A small smile played on her lips, and she nodded them inside. When Thetis hesitated a bit, the old lady grumbled that she wasn't going to hold the door open forever. Thetis quickly got herself through the door, and into the small hut. There was a small fireplace with a pot boiling in the corner, and a small table. Thetis could not see any other rooms, and no beds, either. Not the most cozy of places, and definitely not much of a difference from the side of the road. But Jonathan seemed to perk up once he got inside. He sat at the table, and put their packs on the broad surface. He relaxed, and just sat, staring at the old lady, who now seemed oblivious to the two. Thetis decided to stand next to the table, right behind Jonathan. She didn't feel so much uncomfortable as confused. She let her body relax, but kept a firm control over her godhead. She didn't want to alert anybody to her presence in the mortal realm, and so tried to let her energy blend into the surroundings. The mortal body she had assumed was beginning to get more weak, but she seemed to care less and less. It bothered her, and she wondered if she was losing the body. She closed her eyes for a bit, until suddenly she noticed that everything had gone quiet. She felt inside herself, and everything seemed fine. So she opened her eyes.
The other two were staring at her. She smiled. The old woman had finally sat down, and had apparently been discussing her. Or something. She couldn't tell. They seemed to be asking her something with their eyes. The old woman peered deep into her face "Thetis, eh? No, I think so. She looks right, now that I see.. Oh, she's here now. Hello dear. I suppose since I know who you are, I'll tell you who I am. I'm little Jonathan's grandmother. Go by Sarah nowadays. Actually, always did now that I think of it" And she laughed a small laugh, which grew. She evidently thought that her joke was very funny. Thetis smiled down at her. Sarah got up to look Thetis in the eye. Sarah was a hunched over old woman, and Thetis appeared to be a young woman just entering puberty. Jonathan stared at them for a bit as they just looked at eachother, women so different. One with long, thick darn brown hair, the other with whispers of gray. One with wide and deep green eyes, the other with squinting with pale blue eyes. Thetis looked so graceful and tall comparatively, even though they were the same height.
Thetis felt a calm wash over her. She just looked at the smiling old woman for a bit, and felt at ease. "You're his grandmother, then?" was what she finally said after a while. The old woman nodded "Yes, and I'm the one responsible for bringing you here." Thetis nodded, and found it fitting. The old woman seemed the kind who would have brought up a grandson in the old ways of the gods. It was not that long ago that a priestess of Chyros proclaimed Thetis' change in position. Most were too afraid of the great god to protest the order, although many in the priesthood of Thetis were summarily executed so a new set could replace them.
Thetis felt like she wanted to ask the old lady anyways, "So, you were the one who taught him to hold onto the old ways? Not that you have done him any favors. My position has indeed changed. What I would like to know is why you would insist that it should change again?" "Ah, I notice, goddess, that you did not say change back. But that is precisely what I felt that you should do. You were a great goddess, younger than the rest. You were to be the great mother, who would bear the offspring of Chyros. You shall be again." The old woman had a sharp gleam in her eye. Thetis knew, then, that the old woman had been raised very properly for her age. More than likely she had heard this lesson from her mother, who had passed it on from her mother, more than likely. "What about the prophecy, Sarah? The one declaring that if I would be consort, Chyros would forever rule the heavens.?" Sarah smiled "That was not the whole prophecy, my dear, and I would think that you knew that." Thetis was only half surprised that the old woman would know much about the prophecy. "Old lady, what do you know of the prophecy?" Sarah smiled "I know that it was definitely worded different, goddess. It said that your child would be greater than Chyros himself." Thetis smiled "Yes. That is one way that the prophecy can interpreted. So now I am to be childless, to the point that women may now pray to me to stay without child..! I like my new position well enough, but could not resist your grandson's prayers. He is convinced that fate has another plan for me, as I feel it as well." The old lady smiled, and bade Thetis to rest a bit before continuing the journey.
A week later, and much refreshed, the two went on with their journey. Thetis felt better, and far more respected when she left. She felt connected, somehow, with her mortal body, and fairly cheerful. The trip took only two more days, and even Jonathan felt refreshed enough that the journey seemed light. They approached the cave, and found it rather deserted. There were only one or two visitors to the cave, and they seemed to be heading out. The chief priest, who was more of a guard that anything else, stood outside the cave. Thetis was encouraged by this, as it meant that he was not showing anybody else into the cave to see the anac. Thetis stayed behind as Jonathan walked up to the cave. She knew that her power was not great enough to prevent fate from seeing through her, and anac would most certainly pick up on her presence. Fate was a power, perhaps older than the gods. It was referred to as a she, for it was often revealed through a priestess. And many mortals sacrificed to a female representation of the power. But the gods knew that fate had no form, and were frightened. For whatever was the will of fate had to be followed, and even Chyros had to bow down before it. And that was why Jonathan was consulting anac. The anacs were high priestesses of fate. But they did not offer sacrifices or come as suppliants asking favors from fate. They were young women who had the special ability to channel the will of fate, and put actual form to that will. Often they would chant in a tongue known only to a few, or would write out or even draw their directions. But they were never wrong.
Jonathan walked into the cave, being guided by the head priest. The anac was stationed on a high throne in the depths of the cave. There was nothing obviously different about the spot where she sat, as compared with the rest of the cave. It was not the furthest depths, or even particularly interesting. But something made him start when he came close to her. It was eerie, and he felt light headed. The guard left them alone, and anac smiled at him. "Why have you come here, young man?" Jonathan knew that, in the end, it would do no good to lie. But he had to try, as it was also true that the anac did not always remember her prophesies. Once she became connected with the thread of fates, she became lost. So decided to make his question broad enough so that she could not guess his true purpose. "I have had visions from the goddess Thetis. She wants to know what her fate is to be." The anac laughed, "Well, I would ask you to narrow your question down. For that is rather to much for me to handle." And her laugh filled the cave with its richness. For she seemed to be already connecting, and soon, the laugh turned into another sound altogether. It didn't seem very human, almost as if the wind were now filling the cave instead. A darkness came over the anac, and her smile was menacing "I know why you came, naughty boy. Chyros will hear of this when you leave. But for now, I shall be as plain as I ever was: Thetis does not need Chyros."
Silence. Jonathan ran from the cave, thinking that he understood what she had meant. Or he at least had some idea that Chyros would be terribly upset after anac contacted him. For the message was terribly foreboding. He felt a fear swell deep inside him. Far more than he had ever felt before. He knew, he really knew, that he had to help his goddess. But now a doubt grew inside him. He knew, at that moment, that there was no turning back. He was now an enemy of Chyros, and knew that his only hope lay in Thetis. He was now completely committed in a way that he had never felt before, and it terrified him.

Chyros awoke with a rage. He felt anac calling to him, and it tore him away from his revelry. He stormed down to the priestess in order to reprimand her. He did not fully conceal himself to her, and she was overwhelmed by his presence. "Dear lord, please do not come down on me so," she begged, "for I have terrible news for you, yes, but important. You need to hear.." "Do not tell me, mere mortal, what I need," he smirked as he hid himself further from her, "but do continue.. this may amuse me to find out what you would deem important" Anac was insulted, but felt that amusement suited her better than wrath. Chyros would soon be angry enough.
"Great god. Please have mercy... a priest of Thetis came in here.." she paused, but he merely nodded his head.. "and he desired to know Thetis' fate." She stopped, almost afraid to go on. She rarely had dealings with the great god, and had found him a being of great emotions. He frowned, and mused aloud that the fate of Thetis was already known.. "But great god, lord of the heavens, fate told me something new. And it leapt from my mouth before I could stop it." Chyros grew angry "What is it, fool..?! Do not let your tongue grow silent now!!" She quivered, and a whisper escaped her. Too silent for mortal ears, but to Chyros it rang out clear. If Thetis no longer needed him.. her destiny would be fulfilled without him. He roared, and let his power fill even the deepest part of the cave. The anac was no more, and fate would never again reveal itself.

Thetis felt the power rise up inside. Pieces of herself poked through her mortal frame, and she felt like she could not longer contain it. She saw in horror as Jonathan came running up to her that a surge of power was about to pull her away.. "Jonathan.. please come no nearer..! I shall overwhelm you, and all will be lost." But Jonathan came closer. She began to yell at him as Chyros began tearing her away. "I cannot resist my master, Jonathan..!! He calls for me. I should never have left. Run away from here! There is nothing we can do alone. I must go back!" Indeed, Chyros had found her at last. She could not hide from that tremendous power when his entire will was bent towards finding her. Jonathan yelled after her, even as her power swept over him.. " But Thetis..! We can! or, you can.. that is what the anac told me: Thetis does not need Chyros. You can bear your child without him!" And with that, Jonathan was no more.
Thetis' head swam. She pulled herself together, and fought the overwhelming power with all of her thought. Chyros had not become the chief god by mere chance. He had power in him that could mould the world, seen and unseen. Thetis had never fought him, and did not know how she could. She was a young god. She had been born with the rest of the gods in the world, but had lain asleep for most of the history of the world. She had missed the great battles, and had only known submission to Chyros. Her initial foray into the mortal realm had been her first act of defiance. She did not know what she would find, only hoping for the truth. She did not want to fight Chyros, but felt a need to now.
She ran. Not only with her feet which were flitting in and out of reality, but with her whole being. She threw him away, and he actually lost her. She hid within herself, not fully able to take mortal form, yet not a goddess. She found a peace as she fled to the furthest corner pf the world, a peace that she had never felt before.
Chyros felt a coldness creep over him as he lost Thetis. He had never completely lost anyone before. Even his greatest enemies left something behind which he could find. Perhaps he knew then that he had lost his power. It hit him slowly. He searched with a hot passion, a need growing inside him which overwhelmed his deepest fears. He needed to find her, and all rational thoughts were pushed from his brain. He called out all of the other gods to hunt for her. They quivered, from the great war god Hyjd to the small god protecting the smallest road. They all shuddered at his fury, and searched.
But Thetis had hidden away. She was no longer on the earth or in the heavens. She looked up at the sky, and was amazed by the brightness of the sun. Her eyes, it seems, had remained mortal. For they soon became so overwhelmed by the light that she became blind. And yet she stared, for she could not leave the light. And then she saw again. Her eyes remained fixed while she explored. She was to bear a god to overthrow Chyros. Or, more accurately, she was to bring forth one. She had always wondered at the wording that the anac had used for that prophecy. For the more common word for bearing a child had been replaced with an archaic one. One so archaic, even she had troubles recognizing it. It meant many things. One of them being bring into the light. It had been used to describe a newborn, who had been brought into the light of the world. It also meant something so mundane as reveal. But Chyros chose to interpret the will of fate as he would, and prevented Thetis from having a child.
The light bathed her, and she heard a voice. A voice calling out to her, reaching for a way to enter her world. It was a voice beyond even the heavens. Beyond herself. But yet it called to her. She wondered if the anac's heard a similar voice during their trances, when the voice seemed to smile. She was filled with understanding that fate was merely a small thread. That what was to overthrow Chyros was already there, and would soon overwhelm the heavens and the earth. And she smiled. She felt like she should have been surprised, and was glad when she was not. She reached for the voice, but could hardly grasp it. Yet, that one touch brought it all crashing down...


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