Final Episode
Episode 8 (Final episode of \-:FIGHT THE FERRET:-/)

Igor and crepe are now surrounded by the racaille group. Igor starts to speak telepathically with his friend crepe, "Do you think this is ferrets idea", "I doubt it" crepe says. Suddenly Kemosan reappears and Igor asks him why he brought them into 93 territory. Kemosan simply replies "You have to fight in them in the present, or face them in the future". Having no fucking idea what Kemosan means Igor and crepe, now having attained "amazing power status", ripped off their clothes, well Igor did crepe is always in the nude, telepathically made a tv appear and undertook a massive cumming spree....shooting the racaille with massive spurts that not even fat cottage cheese ass Dave could survive. The racaille fall to the ground and Igor and crepe set off to find Dave. But what they found when they saw Dave was more than horrific it was just plain saddism. Dave had abandoned by ferret and had been strapped in a leather G-string with a huge thing sticking out of his butt. Igor and crepe still horrified ripped it out and put him in decent clothes. They pumped out the cheese and revived him. This experience allowed Dave to attain super power status too. There was one set back......the cheese he had eaten was partly digested and all the fat had gone to his ass. The three had now attained super power status and were ready to fight ferret. Now they just have to find him. 3 years pass with the three super heroes looking for ferret one day Dave takes a shit and finds ferret bones in it. "That�s where he was" Dave thinks to himself Igor and crepe hear Dave through their telepathic link and start laughing. That was the end of ferret..........Or was it?
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