Prologue and Episode 1

Dave: The evil one-eyed 70-year-old ferret is still sitting on my shoulder whispering obscenities at me I really wish I had that fairy toad on my other should to help me fight against it. I'm not sure I can hold out much longer \-: F.I....GH.... T TH.... E F...E...R...R.... E.T: -/ ugh it has me now

Ferret: War haw haw haw haw haw, now I can begin my plan to.... TAKE OVER THE WORLD hahahahaha.

Igor: Use CREPE THE PANCAKE...he is mighty strong and can flatten any ferret. I guess that is
one step towards destroying its evil grip on the world. We must fight the
oppressive ferret to the end it must die so we live on. Death to the ferret it
must be stopped, we have to do it, our survival depends on it

Episode 1:

During our previous episode the evil one-eyed ferret defeated the goodly toad, rendering Dave�s defences useless, what happens next????
The ferret is using Dave�s body to consume vast amounts of cottage cheese, by consuming the entire worlds storage of cottage cheese, Dave�s body will theoretically bloat until it is the size of a small Caribbean island. Whilst using the surprise of a world cottage cheese shortage the evil ferret will sneak this small Caribbean island sized Dave into major cities across the globe starting with Paris, where the ferret will order Dave to, jump on every park bench in sight. Haw haw haw haw haw. Only you Igor the Umlaut, with the help of Crepe the pancake can save the world from mass destruction of park benches and a shortage of cottage cheese. You have three choices. Do you

A) Sit, watch, laugh and then die

B) Sit, watch, masturbate, laugh and then die
C) Jump to your knees, equip yourself with the cape of SUPER IGOR THE UMLAUT with his faithful sidekick Crepe the Pancake, and fly to the evil ferret and destroy his evil ways.

May the force be with you IGOR THE UMLAUT, only your choice can save the world.

Tune in next time folks, same BSP time, same BSP channel
Episodes 2 and 3
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