Bilder fra VM 2003 - Lillehammer!
                        Pictures from the WC 2003 - Lillehammer!
                                          Fotos von der WM 2003 - Lillehammer!
The Norwegian team:
Christiane, Tor Olav, Hildegunn, Nora, Lin-Veronia, Lena, Karen, Trude, Grethe, Niclas, Jan.
Helga, Solveig, Lene, Charlotte, Lise, Cecilie.
The Norwegian juniors:
Lise, (Statue), Lene, Cecilie, (Statue), Charlotte, Solveig, (Statue), Helga
The team finals.
2. Norway, 1. Germany, 3. Japan
Anne and Charlotte with their nice yellow tags.
... and the mascots: the rats, Tarani and Scorpus!
The cheerleaders: Lene, Anne and Charlotte!
(GO Norway! gogoGOOO!)
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