7 years old
12 years old
17 years old
Mummy, mummy, play with me :-)
Not now hon, mummy's busy :-)
Mummy, mummy, play with me?
Mummy's sleeping, can't you see?
Mummy, mummy, play with me!
Not again! Please let me be!
3 years old
Mummy, mummy, read with me :-)
Not now hon, mummy's busy :-)
Mummy, mummy, read with me?
Mummy's cooking, can't you see?
Mummy, mummy, read with me!
Not again! Please let me be!
Mummy, mummy, talk to me :-)
Not now hon, mummy's busy :-)
Mummy, mummy, talk to me?
Mummy's reading, can't you see?
Mummy, mummy, talk to me!
Not again! Please let me be!
Honey, come and sit with me :-)
Not now mummy! I'm busy :-)
Honey, won't you sit with me?
I'm going out mummy, can't you see?
Honey, please sit with me!
Not again! Please let me be!
Moral of the verse: Play, read and talk to your children TODAY while they still want you to!
Credit and copyright: Me, I, Myself on this fine sunny morning
Source and Inspiration: My two lovely children
Playing Theme from "Forest Gump"
Mummy Play With Me
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