About Us

Children learn through playing. Different toys help our children explore their world in different ways through different senses. As parents, we want the best for our child. Therefore, we buy all kinds of toys. Until we realize that our child grows tired of her toys very easily and our house is soon filled with her toys. These toys cost us a fortune and take up space in our house.
That’s when we come up with the idea of renting out the excess toys.
Browse through our collection of toys now.
Happy Renting!
Another thing that we realise, as new parents, is that she outgrows her clothes very fast. The third thing that we realise is that children clothes, like toys, are expensive. So, we practise prudent financial measures by (i) selling her worn clothings that are in superb condition here; and (ii) buying in bulk from suppliers to lower the cost and share the cost savings with other parents here.

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