I wrote the following article when I was in Class XI for publication in DIPS DIARY. I handed over a copy to one of my friends, who said he will submit it to the then eleventh class representative of the Edboard. Later I was told by my friend, that this person (I don’t want to take any names!) read my article and then tore it to pieces. Fortunately I saved a copy for myself. :))

It might be so, that my article is poor at content, language or both of them. But it is highly unprofessional of an editor to ‘tear’ an article. Incase, he didn’t find the article upto the mark, he could have gracefully returned back my copy. The impulsive action he took seems to be due to incompatible personal views. In such a case, as the editor of hindi section of INSITE (NSIT mag), I would have talked to the author and tried to come to a compromise where the article can be printed or returned it back in a dignified manner.

I write this in hope, that may be, someday ‘this person’ shall read this and send me an apology or justification.

The article is present underneath. It contains my views as in eleventh standard, the things in brackets have been added later.

Do send me honest views whether the article is really all that bad.


Taking may be its last few breaths, at the hands of West… will India die? The western culture is engulfing the heartfelt emotions and traditions of India. The pioneer in moral sciences, philosophy and spirituality is forgotten by its very own people, leaving it to strive and die.

Starting from the very school I study in, I can site examples to the so-called elegant classes of India. I was startled to see the cupid stalls at the winter carnival, (looked like the college culture being introduced in the school itself)! Things have changed, entertainment is merely jumping like monkies, talking about girls, discussing films, destroying (Remember, priya march!) and (literally) fighting.

Certainly, there is a downfall in ethics and morality. The school comprises of nothing but two things: cut throat competition and the want for limitless entertainment. These two are indeed selfish. Yah, talking about enetertainment, fighting is one (remember PM!). It is because the norm of ‘Survival of All’ has been replaced by ‘Survival of Fittest’.

The cinema and the hollow love films have transformed the minds of students to superficial inelastic surfaces (well, conservation of momentum was one of my favourites!!). A pure relation has been tarnished by the effect of circumstances and the immature mind believes what it sees. Much not has to be said about this, because the readers know what I am talking about….

With masks of hypocrisy on faces, society maintains double standards. The delicate relation between the teacher and student, student and student has snapped off and feelings are burnt to ashes. The Student has become a client, the school a company and teacher an employee, well, that’s all. There is politics, dramas and many unusual things in school. Is this a gurukul?

Who today thinks about the unfortunates? One can only debate, discuss, CRITICISE and do nothing!! With aims of becoming Bill Gates, Shabeer Bhatia, Tatas and Birlas, clearing JEE, AIIMS, the chances for future Vivekanands and Mother Teresas are little.

Be not Salman Khan of today, but the Manoj Kumar of past (you may find it funny, but I enjoy this analogy, actually cinema and society complement each other). Realize now, that more than half of the Indian population is under poverty line and the days of entertainment are over.

Conclusively, I again come to the fundamental question. Will my India die… pump it’s heart hard, there might be some breaths left. There is still a mild ray of hope: ISOLATED HelpAge India stalls in the Winter Carnival, ex-dipsites like Anuj Behl, and more…

Have a look at the following words of Vivekanand.

I vote for the ancient superstitious undignified Indian than the European gentleman because the Indian man was atleast a HUMAN….

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