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Welcome to Mum Writes, a site developed by a stay@home mom writing from her small home office. If you like what you see at Mum Writes, do drop me a line. If you think my writings meet your requirements, really feel free to drop me some lines.

I started contributing articles to magazines and web sites on freelance basis since 2001 and still considered a novice in this area. However, rest assured that I'm a dedicated person working in a professional way, backed with a teaching experience for 10 over years.

Mum Writes Thoughts

Mum Writes Thoughts contains excerpts from my writings. It will be updated periodically.

'Welcome Home, Mum' (Final Part)

At the end of December 2000, I bid farewell to my friends and colleagues. I was entering the world of the unemployed, a statistic not welcomed by any economist. Little did I imagine that within the next year, I would be entering the market again but from a different angle. I left my paying job to assume a new non-paying role, with a mixed feeling. A tinge of sadness mixed with feelings of uncertainty. A tinge of fears mixed with feelings of insecurity. Those feelings evaporated soon when I reached home to whispers and murmurs coming from the four walls of my abode, the shouts and laughter from my three children and the best of all the warm, glowing feeling coming from within my own self as I heard a soft voice saying, �Welcome home, Mum�.

  Dare to dream, everyone!

         Copyright 2002 Haniza Md Ramli 


Want to have the  full story  on your site or mag? E-mail me.


Entry 31 : 03/10/2002

The best food for a baby is of course mother�s milk for it meets the needs of an infant. Breast milk contains adequate supply and the right balance of nutrients for a growing baby of this age. If, however, the mother is not breastfeeding, �the other best food� for a baby is the infant formula.

Entry 32 : 04/10/2002

It has been hazy for the past few days in Malaysia. Thank God it rained yesterday evening and also at night at my place. At least it will drive away those small particles floating in the air for a few hours at least. So mothers, do make sure your children, especially those who are allergic or asthmatic, are looked after accordingly during this period. Guess an outing to the beach will not be a good idea after all.

Entry 33 : 02/12/2002

Another thing that I observed while surfing the sites was the association of SAHM with working at home. I had come across the word SOHO (small office home office) before but I relate it only to professionals who telecommute. They are those who were given special permission to work at home while having a permanent, full-time job. This working at home idea must have been around for quite some time judging from the number of information I found. Guess, I was not aware of it then.

Entry 34 : 13/12/2002

During one of the shopping trips that we had, I stopped at a newsstand and treated myself to a baby�s magazine. When my first was born, I subscribed to a monthly parenting magazine and found it to be informative and thoroughly enjoyed reading the articles. This time around I bought the magazine, which I had never set eyes before in the market, just to keep abreast with any useful local content. Flicking through the pages, I found one small section inviting mothers who had any previous experience on pregnancy, motherhood or parenting to write in and share them with the other readers.

Entry 35 : 03/01/2003

Future efforts to encourage more people working at home should also come with the warnings of not to think it as the only solution that one has. Working at home is just another alternative to own a business and a different lifestyle, and it may not be ideal for some. We have to check and recheck from various angles before making the commitment. If all aspects have been considered and you have passed all the criteria, then nobody is going to stop you. You have made your choice and you are going to make it happen.

Entry 36 : 07/01/2003

By staying at home, I am always there when the children need me. Taking care of the children -- no matter how old they are; they need you rather badly at times -- and seeing them grow right in front of your eyes are the two mostly-cited reasons by mothers who opt to stay at home. Being able to fully breastfeed my baby daughter is another experience that I think many mothers would dream of. Yes, having more time with the family is an opportunity not to be missed.


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Copyright 2002 - 2003  Haniza Md Ramli

Last Updated 26/05/2003


CONGRATULATIONS!! Thank you for submitting your site to AllFreelanceWork.com for an AFWork award. We have decided that your site is amazing, and we feel you deserve the AFWork Award. We will be placing a link to your site on AFWork soon and in our newsletter to 35000 subscribers.
Thanks. Rachel

Best of AFWORK award

Mon, 23 Sep 2002 

�The tip of a pen is mightier than the tip of a sword'

Living in a tropical country with the sun shining all year round - for a good part of my life -  didn't prepare myself much for the harsh winter conditions in Canada. Here are some of the memories.

What my first winter experience taught me....

That the first white flakes of snow that fell were like �ais kepal� (shredded ice)

That the first (and the last) skiing trip at Toronto Metro Zoo was not as enjoyable and glamorous as it looks (at least for me)

That your clothes hardened when you hung them outside in the balcony of #2208

That your body lotion and lip balm were your best buddies

That it was painful to have your head knocked on the ice when you lost your balance and slipped while walking on the icy pavement

That it was tiring to pull your food trolley which was filled with No Name brand items in the snow after shopping at Loblaws 

That you gained weight easily because of all the bagels and chocolates you had

That you wore more than one layer of clothes (long johns!) just to keep warm

That some people looked funny with their coloured earmuffs on

That some people�s noses looked like ripe tomatoes

That my apartment mates regretted buying the brown �sotong� (squid) coats

That my vocabulary was increased by new words: blizzard, snowstorm and Wayne Gretzky

That the trees were there in the park but the leaves were not

That the sun was there in the big sky but the warmth was not

That Allah The Almighty has made the world an interesting place for us to live in






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