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The meeting place for writers and readers

Wanna know how to spend time in Port Dickson with your family? Read an article penned by yours truly. The six-page article is up for sale at www.mowalis.com.my



If you like what you see at Mum Writes, do drop me a line. If you think my writings meet your requirements, really feel free to drop me some lines.

Mum Writes' Q and A

Here's a question that I got recently regarding my writing.

Question : It is interesting that you are writing these articles. Can you tell me how you do it. Well it beats rushing around town and coming home late. It's nice to be able to stay home, read and write.

Asmah Aziz, Selangor

Answer : At present, I'm writing freelance from home. I started contributing articles to a magazine after I submitted a personal story and it was published by the mag. Besides the magazine, I'm also trying my luck at other publications, online and in print. For online articles, I surf the Net and also subscribe to some writers' newsletters to find out about the market. While for the traditional print, I'm always on the look out for any 'invitation' by the newspaper or magazines asking readers to send in their articles. Alternatively one can always send a query letter to the editors suggesting article ideas.

Mails from Friends and Guests

Hi,  Just to drop a line and congratulate you on your fantastic websites and writings. After reading your various articles on various issues, I can perceive that you are a skilled and talented writer; besides being a very dedicated and loving mother. Keep up the good job! Thanks & Wassalam.   ~~ Latifah Idris, Malaysia
I just went to your website... it's great! Will definitely go back to your site regularly, even though I'm just a wish i can stay at home mom! I'm curious abt all your articles cited under Entry#... How do I read more about "Once I had a Son"?  ~~Marlin A Nordin, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
I'm a great fan of Mother & Baby magazine!:) read your articles!:)
~~ Noraida Hayati Abu Bakar, Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia
I went thru your website. Very impressive! ~~Mohan Das, Kuala Lumpur

Writing Market / Contest


1. Mother & Baby magazine (Malaysia) -- Write in your personal experience (eg miscarriage, postpartum depression) to It Happened To Me section. If your story is published, you will win a RM100, Boots hamper. Send it to : [email protected] or [email protected]

2. New Straits Times (Office Hours in Life and Times Section every Wednesday) -- Write in about your work-related environment for Tales From The Trenches in 100 words or less. The catch : RM50 and have it sent to : Office Hours/Life and Times, New Straits Times, 31, Jalan Riong, 59100 Kuala Lumpur.

3. Women's Weekly (Malaysia) -- Send in your best snapshot together with your holiday story in not more than 200 words. Published story will win a prize courtesy of the mag (eg RM100 for publication in February 2003 issue). Send it to : Snapshot/MWW, Unit 1104, Level 11, Uptown 1, 1 Jalan SS21/58, Damansara Uptown, 47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.


1. OICExchange --  Check out the link. Your published article will get you USD50.

2. Interested in writing travel articles? Then head to marimari.com for its submission guidelines. Please note that this is a non-paying market.

3. Contest -- National Fire Prevention Essay and Photography Competition 2002 (Malaysia). Closing date : 11th November 2002. To know more, head to this site.

4. Is scuba diving your favourite pastime? You've been to exotic diving spots to unwind? Then you may be the person needed by a Singapore-based scuba diving magazine - Asian Diver.

Note : All stories sent must be accompanied with your personal details -- name, address, IC number, telephone numbers or e-mail address (optional to some). Please regularly check the publications and websites to check on their guidelines and styles of writing.  Mum Writes will not be held responsible for any changes in the above market. This only serves as a guideline.

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Copyright 2002- 2003 Haniza Md Ramli


‘The tip of a pen is mightier than the tip of a sword'



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