Things I gain





Work like you don't need the money...

Love like you've never been hurt...

Dance like no one is watching...

Sing like no one is listening...

Live like it's heaven on earth!!!





World- Links helps me a lot in my career as a teacher.

It helps me to work  in groups and to have new efficient

Ways to achieve the required objectives that we seek for

in the process of teaching. The most important element

in education system is the students, so, we as teachers

should pay special attention to them, by meeting

their interests and mentalities.

My students were so excited when my methodology

Was changed to something they like and enjoy.

They can search and surf through the internet to have extra

Information about their lesson. And they can

Use the internet to exchange their experiences with other

     students in other schools .

Nothing to add  to express my satisfaction for gaining

This type of training that is based on

Technology Integration    







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