<BGSOUND SRC="http://www.geocities.com/munchkinland19/We%20Go%20Together%20Grease%20Soundtrack" LOOP=INFINITE>
The Patton/Schmidt Family Site!
BY: Chelsea + Rhiannon
We Love Our Family, but at times they can be a bit, well, strange.
This wonderful site will keep you updated on all their strange activities. From the Dancing Aunts to the Proper Ladies Club, we've
got it. We love you guys!

-Chelsea and Rhiannon
    FUN STUFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Hypersite] [History]
[Trivia] [Ask Earl]
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Chelsea's IM is munchkinland19.
Rhiannon doesn't have one yet.
Now For Some...

Glamorous Girls!

Old and Behold!
(No Offense)
More Soon to come!

Love- Chelsea and Rhiannon.
Proper Ladies Club!
Bad Boys!
Dancing Aunts!
The Poor People that Married into this Family!
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws