Born from an austrian customs officer, which devised for him also a future as public employed, he strongly refused this conventional path and after the death of his father (1903), was failed the secondary school's final exhaminations and never got his diploma.

At eigtheen, free to follow his personal aspirations went to Vienna to enter the Academy of Fine Arts, where was rejected. Was also rejected - for lack of diploma - in the School of Architecture and started a period of extreme poorness, which he reported afterwards as the best of his life. Refusing any conventional employment, survived with the money sent from his mother - which died in 1907 - and selling his paintings.

In this time of his life he enforced his already settled ultra nationalist beliefs and his hatred for races different from the arian one, expecially of course the Jews.

In spring of 1912 went to Munich, leading also the same style of exhistence of the Vienna period, till the turning point of his life which took place at the outbreak of the First World War.

On the 3rd of August 1914, indeed enlisted in the Bavarian Army (List Regiment).

Fought bravely during all the conflict deserving a Second and a First Class Iron Cross, among other honours.

After the war went back to Munich, where after the communist riots of 1919 entered the investigation commission of the army, becoming afterwards political officer.

In 1919 met Anton Drexler, founder of the DAP (German Workers Party), of which reunions started to take part..

Very active and persuasive, showed a natural talent for speeches and a blooming magnetism to control the mind of people. Recruited many members for the party, including Ernst Roehm, an officer of the Army that ended to be the the chief of the SA.

In 1920, put out Drexler, reorganized the DAP in the National Socialist Party of German Workers (NSDAP).

The 8th of november 1923 tryed a coup d'etat to overthrow the bavarian govenment of Von Kahr.
The 'Putsch' failed and Hitler was put under arrest, tryed and convicted, but with a light sentence.

While in jail wrote 'Mein Kampf', the book devising principles and intentions of his policy.

In 1925 met Josef Goebbles.

In 1928 appeared to be politically ruined, after the extremely bad result in the national elections; nevertheless,  taking advantage of the crisis of 1929, got a strong revenge in the 1930 elections, when the NSDAP raised to second major party.

Designed by Hindembur took office as Chancellor the 30 january 1933. 
The 23 March of the same year proclaimed the Reich and turned his goverment to a dictatorship.

Since the very first days turned economy to war; while starting toward foreign countries a policy of expansion unprejudiced and aggressive.

In 1934 occupies back the Ruhr.

In 1937 sent to Spain a Corp of alleged volunteers, called Kondor Legio.

In 1938 gained to Germany Austria and the Czech region of Sudeten, this last after the Munich Conference.
The same year opens with Poland the quarrel for the Danzig Corridor.

In 1939 sized the rest of Czech territory and signed the Nazi Soviet Pact (Ribbentrop - Molotov).

The 1st of September 1939 invaded Poland determining the outbreak of II World War.

After an initial period of brilliant victories, which lead him to control most of Europe, the tide flew back.

Committed suicide the 28th of aprile 1945, in his last shelter in Berlin, to avoid beeing captured by Russians.
Adolf Hitler
Braunau am Inn 1889- Berlin 1945
F�hrer of Nazist Germany.

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