After I WW Germany signed - despite many internal conflicts - Versailles Treaty.
The aftermath of the treaty were never well accepted by german public opinion nor by conservative milieu, nor by the Army - traditionally influential towards government.
Public Opinion held the newborn Weimar Republic and his leaders as responsibles of the signature of the treaty.

Under military point of view Germany resulted strongly limited for soldiers and divisions number, as for quality and power of weapons; strategically was surrounded and balanced for power, through a complex system of alliances, by countries more or less hostil.

Position of Czechoslovakia in this "domino" was very important: among countries formed after Paris Conference was certainly the nearest, for inclination and government form to western democracies - Poland for example was wavering between dictatorship and a military regime - and in the Sudeten area, where was rich of natural resources and infrastructures, disposed of a strong system of fortresses garrisoned by thirtyfive first class mountain divisions, something near to French Maginot Line.

In the I WW aftermath many dramatic facts took place, which weakened German Weimar Republic and also distracted attention of winner countries from Germany. Among those the Mark crisis of 1922, wich led the French to military occupation of Rein area; the big depression of 1929. It is likely that the general situation along with the problems to face and the worry for totalitarism, had diminished the commitment and the right consideration regard of the potential threaten of Germany.
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