Merits and Precepts
Maulana Justice Muhammad Taqi Usmani
The 2nd Wajib Of 10th ZilHijja

The Rami At Jamrat-Ul-Aqaba
Today on reaching Mina, the first thing to do is the Rami at Jamarat-ul-Aqaba which is Wajib on this very day. It may please be noted that there are three such places in Mina which are called as Jamarat. Seven pebbles are pelted on each of these Jamarat. The first Jamra is near the mosque of Mina i.e. Masjid-e-Khaif. It is called Jamrat-ul-'Ola. The 2nd Jamra is next to the first and is called Jamrat-ul-Aqaba is situated at the end of Mina. Today on the 10th Zilhijja, you are to perform Rami with seven pebbles on Jamrat-ul-Aqaba only. Rami literally means pelting of stones or pebbles. This Rami is observed as a memorial of that approved action of Hazrat Ibrahim (Abraham) which he did at the time he took his son Hazrat Isma'il (Ishamel) for offering him as sacrifice and the satan tried to mislead him. At that time Hazrat Ibrahim repelled the satan by throwing pebbles at him.

Rule Of Action
For the Rami of the First day at Jamrat-ul-Aqaba, it is Mustahab to bring seven pebbles from Muzdalifa; Yet collecting them from anywhere else is also permissible. But they should not be collected from the neighbourhood of Jamarat, because the pebbles lying near Jamarat are reprobated in the eyes of Allah as clearly stated in Hadith. The pebbles thrown by those pilgrims whose Hajj has been approved by Allah are lifted up. For the Rami to be done at Jamarat in the coming days, It is not Sunnat to bring pebbles from Muzdalifa. They should be collected from somewhere else but not from the neighbourhood of Jamarat (Zubda).

Rule Of Action
The pebbles should be of the size of big grams. It is permissible even if they are equal to date-stones in size. It is Makroh to perform Rami with big stones (zubda).

How To Perform Rami At Jamrat-Ul-Aqaba
The Masnon time for the Rami performed at Jamrat-ul-Aqaba on the 10th Zilhijja is from sunrise till moon. It is also permissible from noon to sunset but after sunset it is Makroh. This, however, excludes the old aged and ailing persons as well as the women for whom this Rami is not Makroh even after sunset (Zubda.) Nowadays the concourse of people becomes so intense that some causalties have even occurred in the attempt to perform Rami before noon. Therefore the permissibility to perform Rami upto sunset should be availed of. If women do not find it convenient before sunset, they should perform Rami after sunset. Likewise ailing and weak male persons may also perform Rami after Maghrib, and they should not miss it.

Rule Of Action
It is Makroh to perform Rami with impure pebbles, it is therefore advisable to wash them before Rami though there is no Harm in using them unwashed unless their impurity becomes certain.

Rule Of Action
You are to stay at five arms length at least from Jamrat-ul-Aqaba though harmless to stand at a farther distance. You should then pelt the pebbles one by one at the Jamra with your right hand while pronouncing "Bismillah hi Allah-o-Akbar" with the throw of every pebble. This invocation should also be repeated if safe in memory :-

"(I throw this pebble) in order to debase the satan and to please the most Gracious Allah;
O Allah : Render my Hajj approved and accord Thy approbation to my effort and forgive my sins."

Rule Of Action
If you pelt all the seven pebbles with one throw, they will be treated as one and you will have to complete the number of seven.

Rule Of Action
Talbiya is to be discontinued as soon as you start Rami at Jamrat-ul-Aqaba.

Rule Of Action
On this date having a further stay after Rami at Jamrat-ul-Aqaba for the purpose of offering invocations is not Sunnat. The Pilgrim should return to his abode after Rami. To perform Rami at other Jamarat on this vary date is merely out of ignorance.

Necessary Rules Of Action Pertaining To Rami
Though the observance of Rami after Maghrib on the 10th Zilhijja is Makroh for all persons with the exception of ailing persons and women, yet this Wajib stands discharged on observing Rami within the time before appearance of Fajr.

Rule Of Action
In case the night after the 10th Zilhijja passedaway and the Rami remained unperformed, its accomplishment after this due time would stand Wajib and at the same time you would be bound to offer a Dam i.e. sacrifice on account of the Rami being delayed.

Rule Of Action
Males, females, ailing persons and old aged people, all are required to perform Rami by themselves. To get the Rami performed through an agent is not permissible without any lawful excuse. And the admitted lawful excuse is only that sort of illness or weakness on account of which you may be allowed to offer your prayers while sitting. That person is also lawfully excused who is put to hard troubles for reaching Jamarat even in a carriage ; or he is unable to walk on foot and no conveyance is available to him. Such a person may get the Rami performed through and agent on his behalf. (Lubab-166-Ghunya, Page 100).

Rule Of Action
The person, who is to fulfill Rami on some other's behalf, should preferably observe his own Rami first and then he may represent others. On the days when Rami is performed on all the three Jamarat and should thereafter perform Rami on the three Jamarat on other's behalf, It is also, however, permissible that on the first Jamra he throws his own seven pebbles immediately followed by another seven on other's behalf and completes the observance of Rami on the 2nd and the 3rd Jamra in the same way. Nowadays, due to intense rush of people this very mode of performing Rami is convenient. But he must not perform Rami in the way that his own solitary pebble is thrown followed by another solitary pebble on other's behalf, because it stands Makroh. First he should finish his own seven pebbles and then start throwing other seven on other's behalf (Ghunya,P.100).

Rule Of Action
The validity of the Rami performed by some agent on behalf of an excused person is subject to the condition that the excused person deputes him as his agent by himself. A Rami performed without deputation by the excused person does not stand valid. Anyhow, on behalf of little children and insane or senseless persons, their guardians are lawfully allowed to perform Rami of their own (Zubda with reference to Lubad).

Rule Of Action
It is not necessary for the pebble to touch the Jamra. If it fells down in the neighbouring surrounding of the Jamra, it also stand lawful. The neighbouring surrounding is within that boundary fence which has been constructed in the shape of a wall around every Jamra. In case a pebble does not fall in this particular compound another fresh pebble should be thrown to replace it.

Rule Of Action
The pebbles should be thrown at the base of the Jamra yet there is no harm if the pebble touches the Jamra a little higher.

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