Merits and Precepts
Maulana Justice Muhammad Taqi Usmani
Proceeding From Arafat To Muzalifa

Muzdalifa is situated within the boundaries of Haram at a distance of 3 miles towards the east from Mina. You are to reach Muzdalifa on the night of the 10th Zilhijja after being free from the Waqof in Arafat. Maghrib and Isha prayers are to be said togather in the time of Isha. The name of Allah and Talbia should be continuously repeated throughout the way. On this day, it is not permissible for the Hajj Pilgrims to say their Maghrib prayers in Arafat or on the way to Muzdalifa. It is Wajib to delay their Maghrib prayers and to say it is Muzdalifa alongwith Isha prayers. The Waqof Fardh prayers of Isha should be said imm-
ediately after the Fardh prayers of Maghrib. Sunnat prayers of Maghrib as well as Sunnat and Witr prayers of Isha should be said afterwards (Zubda).

Rule Of Action
In Muzdalifa both the prayers of Maghrib and Isha are to be performed with one solitary Azan (call to prayers) and one Iqamat.

Rule Of Action
It is Wajib to combine togather Maghrib and Isha prayers at the time of Isha in Muzdalifa and a congregation is not a precondition there for (Hayat-ul-Qulob).

Rule Of Action
Maghrib prayers, if said in Arafat or on the way to Muzdalifa, will have to be revised on reaching Muzdalifa.

Rule Of Action
If a person reaches Muzdalifa before the time of Isha, he should wait and postpone his Maghrib prayers upto the time of Isha when both these prayers, Maghrib and Isha should be added together (Zubda).

Rule Of Action
In Muzdalifa, it is Mustahab to wake at night and remain busy in adoration to Allah. In the opinion of some Ulama this night is more excellent than Lailat-ul-Qadr even (Zubda).

Rule Of Action
It is Sunnat-e-Mu'kkada (emphasised Sunnat) to stay at Muzdalifa on the night of 10th Zilhijja i.e. the night of Id-ul-Adhha (Hayat-ul-Qulob).

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