Merits and Precepts
Maulana Justice Muhammad Taqi Usmani
The 2nd Day, The 9th ZilHijja The Day Of Arafat

Today you are to perform the most important fundamental of Hajj, without which Hajj does not stand performed. Today, when the sun rises a bit high you are to set out for Arafat from Mina. Outside the precincts of Haram and at a distance of 9 miles from Mecca, Arafat is that great open field where the Holy Prophet Hazrat Adam and Hazrat Hawwa were mutually acquainted and met together after their separation. This very acquaintance (ma'rifa or t'aruf) is said to be the root of the name of Arafat.

The boundaries of this open field are fixed on all four sides. The Saudi Arabian Government has now marked these boundaries prominently so that the " Stay at Arafat", which is the most essential fundamental of Hajj, is not erroneously performed out side the precincts of Arafat. On the side from which the pilgrims enter this open field there is a big mosque called Masjid-e-Namira, which was built by the Holy Prophet Hazrat Ibrahim Khalil-ul-Lah (Peace be upon him). This mosque is just at the edge of the open-field of Arafat. The piece of land below the western wall of this Mosque is out of Arafat and is called Batn-e-Urana. It is not within the boundaries of Arafat. A stay here is not valid.

Now-a-days, it is observed that many tents are pitched in this very place, Batn-e-Urana. If these people leave their tents at the time of waqof (stay) and enter the boundaries of Arafat their Hajj will however stand discharged, otherwise it will stand null and void. This should be carefully understood. Mu'allims should not be relied upon in this respect. The stay can be held anywhere within the surrounding of Arafat but a stay near Jabal-e-Rahmat (A hill in Arafat) is preferable.

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