Merits and Precepts
Maulana Justice Muhammad Taqi Usmani

The Most Important Pracitce Of The 10th ZilHijja

Other than Ihram there are only two fundamentals and Fardh obligations of Hajj. The First is Waqof-e-Arafat and the 2nd is Tawaf-e-Ziyarat of 10th Zilhijja. According to Sunnat this Tawaf is to be performed after your being free from Rami, sacrifice and Halq ; but the Fardh stands discharged even if Tawaf-e-Ziyarat is performed prior to all these practices.

Rule Of Action
The preferable time for Tawaf-e-Ziyarat is the 10th Zilhijja, but it is permissible upto the 12th Zilhijja before sunset. In case of delay beyond the 12th Zilhijja a Dam will stand obligatory and even then the Tawaf obligation will remain undischarged. This Tawaf can neither be nullfied in any case nor it can be discharged by any substitution. In deed, it remains obligatory throughout your life and until it is rendered discharged your enjoying a sexual intercourse or kissing and embracing with your wife will remain unlawful and forbidden (Haram) (Ghunya).

Rule Of Action
On your being free from Tawaf-e-Ziyarat all the abstinances of your Ihram are rendered lawful (Halal). Having a sexual intercourse with your wife is also rendered lawful.

Rule Of Action
For a woman who is with menses or a blood discharge of a child birth, Tawaf is not permissible. If the menses or blood discharge of child birth commences on the 10th Zilhijja and she does not attain to cleanliness till the 12th Zilhijja, she will have to postpone Tawaf-e-Ziyarat and no Dam will be obligatory for her on this postponement. Tawaf-e-Ziyarat is not possible until she attains to cleanliness and without Tawaf-e-Ziyarat she cannot go back to her homeland. In case she returns home, even then this obligation will stand undischarged throughout her life and at last she will have to be present again in Mecca and perform Tawaf. It is therefore necessary to wait till she attains to cleanliness from menses and birth-blood discharge.

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